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Showing a variable's content into quest tab?

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Level 4
May 17, 2011
Is that even possible?

I'm doing a quest where people have to kill a certain amount of units (20 trolls, 20 satyrs, etc.) and I want it to be shown in the quests tab. For each kill, it would show the number of units killed in the description.

Now all I want to do is show the content of my unit's variable into that description, is this possible without doing a quest update each time?


Edit: It has to show the variable's content and when it reaches 20 unit kills, it would show something like: Kill 20 trolls - Completed.
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
Not possible without changing the quest description, luckily that's easy to do:

  • Untitled Trigger 113
    • Events
      • Unit - A unit Dies
    • Conditions
      • Some condition to check that the dying unit is a quest unit
    • Actions
      • Quest - Change the description of *quest*to *description*
Turn this trigger on when you get the quest, turn it off when the quest is completed. For the description, use concatenate strings and then integer to string conversion.
Level 4
May 17, 2011
Yeah the problem is that I have multiple conditions for my quests so that's not going to be possible at all since I don't know what kind of units people are going to kill first... Okay well thanks anyway I guess this thread can be closed.
Level 4
May 17, 2011
Okay here's an example

For my quest, people have to kill trolls, furbolgs and satyrs.

If I make an update for my quest, it's gonna be something like

(troll's variable) trolls killed.
(furbolg's variable) furbolgs killed.
(satyr's variable) satyrs killed.

Lets say this. There are 4/20 trolls killed, 7/20 furbolgs and 2/20 satyrs.

How is the trigger supposed to know how many furbolgs and satyrs are dead when it adds +1 to the trolls? I can't just add the variable as text and hope it turns into a number to show the quester how many kills he got for each type of unit. Understood?

Just to make sure you understand, I want this to be shown in the quest tab ( F9 ), not on the screen.

Edit: I feel like I'm missing something but at the same time I feel like I can't do it... am I right? or do I really miss something here? oO
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