ShockOrb Contained

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
I needed a more "contained" version of The Pandas Shock Orb icon.

The original is a "more unleached" version made by someone how's actually good at icons.

Still pretty new to icon-making.
I think I will update this, because it's not that great... :/

I use it for an energy bomb that has 2 states, either "contained" or "unleached" and switch icon for the ability.

ShockOrb Contained (Icon)

The Panda
Useful but lacks in quality, good work.
Looks great, especially the colors :cool:2
Btw, to avoid BTN borders being visible on UPG, ATT and SSC icons, you can use Button Manager v1.8.2
If you're still having borders visible, you could try saving your icon as PAS, and then applying UPG, ATT and SSC borders to the PAS version instead
Hope this helps! :smile:
I uploaded one image to Hive and it auto-generated the different versions. Maybe my initial upload had border?
I could easily remove border and try to reupload and see what the hive auto-fixer does...