Ok, just tested it.
No ingame description on loading screen.
It uses sounds and music from the stalker game with english voices. That's probably why the filesize is 41 mb.
Hero has the default string name, no spells and no attack.
There is a fade-out-fade-in every ~5 seconds.
Suddenly people started dying to monsters who sat next to them, and then disappeared.
I started walking through the corridor, saw a monster and was then instantly defeated, probably due to my character dying.
I walked next to a monster and was instantly defeated.
So... The models and the music imported look good, the map itself is bloody terrible.
I vote 0.3/5.
Tested it again, gameplay seems to be that you're running in corridors with a fade-out-fade-in on repeat and avoiding monsters who stand still. The doodads still have their wc3 name, I used iseedeadpeople and saw a bunch of units placed on the map, Arthas is in the map and the Big Daddy from Bioshock.