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Shiny Model Color Change

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Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Hey there,

I'm currently working on an interface for my map, and I got this 'selecter' model.
It's shining light green, and I'd like to get a couple of different colors for it. I'm not sure how easy this is, but I hoped someone would be able to help me out on this.

Colors I'd like to have are:
- Light Blue (A bit like the color of the Blink animation)
- White (A bit like the Invisibility effect. Just very bright)
- Purple (A bit like the 'Orb of Annihiliation' missile)

Once again; I'm not sure how difficult this is. If I'm asking something tricky, just let me know and I'll try to get around it some other way.

The base model is attached here.
Here you go, sir :) finish up this map already! Check it out in game yourself, screenshot isn't that reliable since it all matters on when a certain particle is being emitted :p

Level 19
Oct 12, 2007
Here you go, sir :) finish up this map already! Check it out in game yourself, screenshot isn't that reliable since it all matters on when a certain particle is being emitted :p


Thanks again! :D
I'm working hard on the map! Finishing might still take some time, but like this it's going pretty fast!
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