Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer v1.4

Command the Horde in their war against Cho'gall and Twilight's Hammer.

Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer (aka Dawn of the Twilight's Hammer) is a custom campaign that follows the story of the Horde in the events of World of Warcraft: Catalycsm as they wage war against the corrupted ogre mage Cho'gall and his Twilight's Hammer cult.

- 12 playable maps, 4 submaps and 3 interludes.
- Custom music and voices.
- Variable difficulty.

Known Issues:
- Gazlowe's talents will reset after every mission due to an issue with Engineering Upgrade.

Patch 1.29.2

v1.0 - 24/11/2022
  • Released.
v1.1 - 29/11/2022
  • Merged the audio files into the campaign. You may now play without having to download the external files and enabling local files.
  • The fleshy corpses will now show up in Chapter 1.
  • Decreased the intial attack wave size in Chapter 3.
  • Added upgrades to the enemies in Chapter 6.
  • Anachronos will now be visible if you skip his cinematic.
  • Fixed lightning lord obelisks in Chapter 7.
  • Fixed Cho'gall's boss fight.
  • Made the 2nd part of Chapter 12 visible in the campaign menu.
v1.2 - 08/02/2023
  • Fireball tootip now shows how much damage it does.
  • Changed the Tauren Wyvern's projectile missile.
  • Renamed the Brave's Berzerker to Enrage and made it autocastable.
  • The Peons in Chapter 1 no longer cut trees fast.
  • Overseer Tregg and his guards now attack together.
  • Removed Bloodlust from Centaur Sorcerers.
  • Removed Endurance Aura, War Stomp, and Reincarnation from Centaur Khan.
  • The AI now longer attack at the same time.
  • Maraudon - Replaced the rock chunks with cages.
  • Removed Spell Immunity from elementals.
  • Removed Charm from Silithid Queen.
  • Removed Sleep from Silithid.
  • Removed Shockwave from Silithid Lord.
  • Removed Silence from Silithid Seer.
  • Removed Animate Dead from Silithid Emperor.
  • Removed flying units in Chapter 6.
  • Added upgrades to ogres in Chapter 8.
  • Changed Bloodaxe Legion color to Brown.
  • Gemstones in Chapter 10 are now undroppable.
  • Changed orc units models to blackrock units in Chapter 11.
  • Fixed the player AI in Chapter 12.
  • Removed Mana Burn and Sleep from Cho'gall.
  • Cho'gall's minions now drop rune of healing.
  • Fixed Sinestra quest description.
  • Changed the owner of spirit of fire to neutral passive.
  • Fixed Garrosh's Command Aura level requirement.
  • Fixed Toradin Greybeard's dialogue.
  • Fixed Eye of Oblivion that prevents Cho'gall from sending the next attack batch.
  • Heroes are no longer hostile when closing the gates in Chapter 12.
v1.3 - 16/08/2023
  • Fixed the difficulty.
  • Added two difficulties: Insane and Nightmare.
v1.4 - 24/11/2023
  • Fixed Garrosh's tooltip.
  • Replaced Garrosh's Charge with Battle Shout (Roar)
  • Replaced Garrosh's Command Aura with Cleaving Attack.
  • Garrosh's Berserker Rage no longer causes him to take more damage.
  • Fixed Brave's tooltip.
  • Replaced Brave's Enrage with Berserker Strength upgrade.
  • Renamed Defender to Watcher.
  • Renamed Seer to Druid.
  • Replaced Warlock' Soul Burn with Unholy Frenzy.
  • Renamed Gunner to Sharpshooter.
  • Removed the defeat cheat on insane and nightmare difficulty.
  • Difficulty can now be changed in-game (Requires Game Restart)
  • Fixed Gazlowe's skill points.
  • Added a path to the Hydralik island in Chapter 3.
  • Fixed Allies AI in Chapter 12.
  • Replaced Alchemist's Frenzy with Banish.
  • Renamed Conjurer to Shadow Priest and replaced his abilities.
  • Tauren and Trolls units can now be trained in orc buildings in Chapter 6.

@levigeorge, @General Frank , @Ujimasa Hojo, @johnwar, @Deolrin, @Explobomb, @Just_Spectating, @Khazmo, @JetFangInferno, @Kwaliti, @handclaw, @Gluma, @Tranquil, @bakr, @GreyArchon, @IamMclovin, @Norinrad, @SuPa-, @Tauer, @Sephiroth_VII, @Burning_Dragoon5, @tillinghast, @donut3.5, @Himperion, @assasin_lord, @Tarrasque, @MatiS, @-Grendel, @Filip95, @Direfury, @jj84, @takakenji, @Kuhneghetz, @Murlocologist, @Kirym, @Mike, @PROXY, @Sellenisko, @Vendro the Wind Mage, @Taylor Mouse
@Altruistic Anduin, @viiva, @Scias, @CRAZYRUSSIAN, @Mr.Goblin, @Sin'dorei300, @NFWar, @General Frank, @Marcos DAB, @PrinceYaser, @Blizzard Entertainment, @PeeKay, @Jimmy Page, @Hellx-Magnus, @MN Lahmar, @NO_exe, @BLazeKraze, @dansaDisco, @Murlocologist, @YubelHaouJudai, @Traggey, @stonneash
@Juice_F, @Hawkwing, @Val_09, @HungaryMaster (Magyar), @mattdraw
Spells & Systems:
@PurgeandFire - Walkability Check

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Shadow of the Twilight's Hammer v1.4 (Campaign)

While my time reviewing is less than before and because I played the previous version and remember it was good, I can only Approve this. Ah, the map thread description could give some details about the gameplay/campaign since not everyone has played...
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Chapter 1 - MW says to kill Overseer Tregg when the unit is called Kag'ar
Chapter 2 - Garrosh died during a charge and now I cant revive him for whatever reason. He did kinda rag doll into a building idk if that is why
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
Dear Warseeker,
If you are going to update this campaign, the save files are going to be corrupted, and I can't use my precious save files?
You know why I'm asking you. You know very well.

Also, bugs:
Quillboar /Razormane enemies on the nearby mana fountain are not attacking, after I attacked them.
Grommash first and only ability from the beginning of the mission is containing "Crypt Lord". But Grommash is not a Crypt Lord...
Overseer Kag'ar is not Tregg (as shadowhog said).
I don't really bothered to complete the side quest about a defiled fountain, because the player has access not too many troops to complete the mission. (2 Ranged and 2 melee unit + a melee hero is not a great competitive force against harpies, oh and there is not even a net or a raider to net them down to kill them with melee units).
So, thank you for this new campaign and bringing us enjoyment for our life. Hope there is a bug fix soon.
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Level 30
May 14, 2021
chapter 1 the overseer get yeeted by grom and never comes down so he is invulnerable forever and I can't finish the level
I can't finish the first chapter and also the enemies that were at the mana source don't attack.


I guess I should do something obvious that I didn't see.
Sounds like a strange since most people didn't encounter bugs. It might be linked to the WC3 version.
If this happens, please use the version that Warseeker suggests (1.29.2).
Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Only other issue I have seen is the goblin gunner Flak Cannon spell says it deals splash to air units but it works against ground as well. Idk if thats a bug or just a spelling mistake.

Other than that its another fun campaign from Warseeker
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
chapter 1 the overseer get yeeted by grom and never comes down so he is invulnerable forever and I can't finish the level
I can't finish the first chapter and also the enemies that were at the mana source don't attack.


I guess I should do something obvious that I didn't see.
What game version are you using? This sounds like a bug with Garrosh's Charge (Impale) ability which temporary makes impaled units invulnerable.
Chapter 2 - Garrosh died during a charge and now I cant revive him for whatever reason. He did kinda rag doll into a building idk if that is why
I'll look into it.
Dear Warseeker,
If you are going to update this campaign, the save files are going to be corrupted, and I can't use my precious save files?
You know why I'm asking you. You know very well.
Depends on what you mean by save files.
If you're referring to the Game Cache, then no it will still work even after an update (Presumably the heroes/items aren't changed)
Now if you're referring to the Game Saves (F10), then yes they will get corrupted after an update and there is nothing you can do to fix that.
Grommash first and only ability from the beginning of the mission is containing "Crypt Lord". But Grommash is not a Crypt Lord...
What does you mean?
I don't really bothered to complete the side quest about a defiled fountain, because the player has access not too many troops to complete the mission. (2 Ranged and 2 melee unit + a melee hero is not a great competitive force against harpies, oh and there is not even a net or a raider to net them down to kill them with melee units).
You get an item from the Shaman as a reward
See shadowhog reply below.
Only other issue I have seen is the goblin gunner Flak Cannon spell says it deals splash to air units but it works against ground as well. Idk if thats a bug or just a spelling mistake.
A spelling mistake.
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Level 10
Aug 25, 2018
Dear Warseeker,
If you are going to update this campaign, the save files are going to be corrupted, and I can't use my precious save files?
You know why I'm asking you. You know very well.

Also, bugs:
Quillboar /Razormane enemies on the nearby mana fountain are not attacking, after I attacked them.
Grommash first and only ability from the beginning of the mission is containing "Crypt Lord". But Grommash is not a Crypt Lord...
Overseer Kag'ar is not Tregg (as shadowhog said).
I don't really bothered to complete the side quest about a defiled fountain, because the player has access not too many troops to complete the mission. (2 Ranged and 2 melee unit + a melee hero is not a great competitive force against harpies, oh and there is not even a net or a raider to net them down to kill them with melee units).
So, thank you for this new campaign and bringing us enjoyment for our life. Hope there is a bug fix soon.
there is an item in a barrel near the harpies that helps
Level 30
May 14, 2021
My Overseer Tregg was bug too.

I belive is because he still on pause after the cinematic and the way of impale works, probably bug the unit(in my case, he become totally untargetable), after reload one save I finish the chapter.
You mean he's invulnerable after the cinematic? Probably because you used the Charge ability to stun Overseer. If you still encounter bugs, try the campaign on the version that author suggested (1.29.2).
I cannot finish six chapter. After destruction of generator lighting lord with his elementals stay invulnerable.
For this bug, it's literally connected to the WC3 version, which can broke things when you attempt to load the saves when using 1.31. Please use the recommended version (1.29.2) and reload the whole campaign.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
Does that happen with the Overseer only or with every unit? Have you tried killing him without casting the Charge ability?
My Overseer Tregg was bug too.

I belive is because he still on pause after the cinematic and the way of impale works, probably bug the unit(in my case, he become totally untargetable), after reload one save I finish the chapter.
Turns out the Overseer is still paused after the cinematic and casting Charge on him makes him invulnerable forever. Thanks for pointing that out! It's fixed now.
In the first chapter, there is a group of enemies near the mana fountain, that don't attack back, is there a reason for this?
To me, I think its suppose to be cinematic where the elementals and quilboars fighting.
They were still paused. Fixed now.
I mean this:
View attachment 413934
The whole "Charge" description is wrong.

Thank you for the tip, it worked.
Ah I see. I forgot about that. Thanks!
I cannot finish six chapter. After destruction of generator lighting lord with his elementals stay invulnerable.

Note: Since this is the early version of the campaign and to save you guys time from restarting the campaign from scratch after every minor update, I have made all the chapters buttons visible for now so you can continue directly from where you left off while still retaining the items you've obtained! :)

Sorry for causing these game breaking bugs, it's just that after running a test I make new adjustments and I forget to pay attention to the outcome.
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Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
Note: Since this is the early version of the campaign and to save you guys time from restarting the campaign from scratch after every minor update, I have made all the chapters buttons visible for now so you can continue directly from where you left off while still retaining the items you've obtained! :)
I rather start over from the beginning, than continue where I leave them. This save breaking design is only very disturbing for me, when there is no chapter selection in the campaign menu, like in the Rise of the Destroyer. There is no chapter selection. When a new map is started, there is no way to start over from the custom campaign selection menu.

Another missing thing is, when I lose the map, there is no way to reduce difficulty from normal to easy. Is this intentional, or just missing? After I lose the map, and I pushed to reduce difficulty, the map is restarted with the same difficulty as it's before.


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
For this bug, it's literally connected to the WC3 version, which can broke things when you attempt to load the saves when using 1.31. Please use the recommended version (1.29.2) and reload the whole campaign.
You can't simply assume every bug is 1.31 or other game version related. Are you going to answer the same thing to everyone who posts a bug report?
@Warseeker has confirmed the issues as non-patch related.
Level 30
May 14, 2021
You can't simply assume every bug is 1.31 or other game version related. Are you going to answer the same thing to everyone who posts a bug report?
@Warseeker has confirmed the issues as non-patch related.
Sorry, but I would say this map has been fixed already by the author, so if anyone experienced a problem, then this is not related to the game version.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I rather start over from the beginning, than continue where I leave them. This save breaking design is only very disturbing for me, when there is no chapter selection in the campaign menu, like in the Rise of the Destroyer. There is no chapter selection. When a new map is started, there is no way to start over from the custom campaign selection menu.
Unfortunately, yes. Campaigns like Legacy of Lordaeron, Rise of the Destroyer, Founding of Durotar, etc have no chapter selection because everything needs to be synchronized.
Another missing thing is, when I lose the map, there is no way to reduce difficulty from normal to easy. Is this intentional, or just missing? After I lose the map, and I pushed to reduce difficulty, the map is restarted with the same difficulty as it's before.
Type -difficulty in the chat to pop-up the difficulty menu. The reduce difficulty doesn't work because the difficulty is stored in the Game Cache.
You can't simply assume every bug is 1.31 or other game version related. Are you going to answer the same thing to everyone who posts a bug report?
@Warseeker has confirmed the issues as non-patch related.
Sorry, but I would say this map has been fixed already by the author, so if anyone experienced a problem, then this is not related to the game version.
This campaign is optimized to work on patch 1.31, there is little to no memory leaks and all the specific unit events have been replaced with generic ones.
Still, there might be hidden bugs in that patch that I'm not aware of.
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
Type -difficulty in the chat to pop-up the difficulty menu. The reduce difficulty doesn't work because the difficulty is stored in the Game Cache.
So, are you saying: Even if I change the difficulty of the map in the beginning, there is zero chance that the difficulty level is going to change (In the actual game or if I restart the map)?
Level 12
Mar 25, 2019
I found the second map too hard even in Easy difficulty. It's not your fault, I'm the weak player.
I managed to win after two tries. on normal

The tower spam only will save you in the first wave, but because all centaur attack you at the same time, you must defend the base with your units.

Ignore complety the demolisher and shamans, here are completly useless, focus on grunt, spear thrower, wolf raiders and warlocks. the building of the centaur are really weak, and 3 wolf raiders can destroy them very easily, the problem is there is too much centaur there and the lack of resource early plus the lack of healing.

I destroyed the base of the north thanks that I construct a few towers to pulled the centaurs of their base and destroy the base in worlf raider, I used the Warlocks (the true MVP) to focus down the heroes and khans, thanks to firebolt and soulburn, after destroy 1 base, the rest fall like dominoes.

But yeah, to be the second chapter is difficult because we are under attack by 3 separate enemies that can attack us by 3 different side at the same time and the orcs aren't know to be the most defensive race of warcraft. Maybe add time between each attack could make the chapter more "fair". I know that the true objetive is to make Garrosh go mauradon, but still you need to fight with one and in bad time you lose your base.

Something about chapter 3
-After the cinematic where Voljin speak with the Sandfury leader, for some reason, I only have 1 hut and the barracks, the worker didn;t construct the main hall, I wasted time in made and finish my base meanwhile I recieve attacks from the sandfury(and in melee chapter, time is esscential)
-The troll hut/house was too expensive to be a building with 400 hp and can only give 10 food(at least the burrow can act as a emergency tower)
-IDK if is a bug, but the enemy of this chapter has the handicap of 50-60% hp?
-The puzzle of the optional I'm don't sure that works correctly because even if one of my units touch a turn off button, they still activate.

I will try the update verison later.

BTW, I feel that in chapter 1 a wolf raider with esnare would be more usefull than a shaman, because purge is more or less useless here and Esnare could be handy against the harpies(yes, I found the item after kill all the harpies)

Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
I managed to win after two tries. on normal

The tower spam only will save you in the first wave, but because all centaur attack you at the same time, you must defend the base with your units.

Ignore complety the demolisher and shamans, here are completly useless, focus on grunt, spear thrower, wolf raiders and warlocks. the building of the centaur are really weak, and 3 wolf raiders can destroy them very easily, the problem is there is too much centaur there and the lack of resource early plus the lack of healing.

I destroyed the base of the north thanks that I construct a few towers to pulled the centaurs of their base and destroy the base in worlf raider, I used the Warlocks (the true MVP) to focus down the heroes and khans, thanks to firebolt and soulburn, after destroy 1 base, the rest fall like dominoes.

Your tactic is good. Thank you for sharing with me. I did something similar before your answer. Sadly, after the third wave, I was in a state, where I can hardly improve anything. The Khans and Leaders are some OP units. I also noticed that the Centaurs have upgradeable armor and weapons. When you check them, they already researched steel weapons and armor. I expected them to be more like a "Creep unit" without upgradeable armor and weapons.
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I found the second map too hard even in Easy difficulty. It's not your fault, I'm the weak player.
And I thought the night elves in the old version of the campaign were more challenging than the centaurs. I personally never had to much trouble with them, sure their intial attack wave can be hard if you're not prepared, but then the AI takes about 8 minutes (7 minutes on Hard) to send the next attack wave. Normally, it should be enough to build your base and counterattack.

Well, if you think these first missions are hard for you, then wait until you see Chapter 12! :D

I'm also planning to add two difficulties (Insane and Nighmare) in the future which can be unlocked by beating the campaign on hard.

After the cinematic where Voljin speak with the Sandfury leader, for some reason, I only have 1 hut and the barracks, the worker didn;t construct the main hall, I wasted time in made and finish my base meanwhile I recieve attacks from the sandfury(and in melee chapter, time is esscential)
Must be something preventing the worker from building the townhall. I thought I fixed it last time I checked!

-IDK if is a bug, but the enemy of this chapter has the handicap of 50-60% hp?
Are you playing on easy? Because the AI is handicaped on that difficulty.

-The puzzle of the optional I'm don't sure that works correctly because even if one of my units touch a turn off button, they still activate
You are supposed to light up all the switches. I know it seems confusing but I may reverse this puzzle in the next update.
View attachment 413989
Your campaign don't work with the Xetanth87's tool.
It says invalid chapter title which is true since the submaps don't have titles in the campaign menu, perhaps @Xetanth87 could make his tool not require a map title?
This campaign is slightly optimized, while you can view the maps in the editor and the object editor data, you can't however see the triggers and preplaced units on the map, so normally the tool could split the maps and merge the data. If not then I could split them myself and upload them here.
It says invalid chapter title which is true since the submaps don't have titles in the campaign menu, perhaps @Xetanth87 could make his tool not require a map title?
This campaign is slightly optimized, while you can view the maps in the editor and the object editor data, you can't however see the triggers and preplaced units on the map, so normally the tool could split the maps and merge the data. If not then I could split them myself and upload them here.
Submaps don't work with the splitter, only campaigns that have buttons for each map work.
Level 2
Jan 25, 2019
In chapter 9 (I believe) Part one , for some reason the divine shield on the mountain king stays permanently , so he stays invulnerable and u cant finish the mission even if u use cheats and kill him before he triggers it , the game bugs out and nothing happens. So I guess he was right in the cinematic , they will stay locked up in there forever :grin:
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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
In chapter 9 (I believe) Part one , for some reason the divine shield on the mountain king stays permanently , so he stays invulnerable and u cant finish the mission even if u use cheats and kill him before he triggers it , the game bugs out and nothing happens. So I guess he was right in the cinematic , they will stay locked up in there forever :grin:
Did you destroy the Seige Golems? He is scripted to become invulnerable after he loses 20% of his hp then a seige golem will activate and you have to destroy it so the mountain king become vulnerable again.


  • Fixed Overseer name.
  • Fixed Garrosh's Charge description.
  • Fixed Flak Cannons description
  • Changed Spear Thrower icon.
  • Changed Troll Hut and Tauren Tent gold cost to 80 and lumber cost to 20.
  • Changed the centaur tent hp to 600, barracks to 1200, and haven to 1500.
  • Fixed Serpent Ward hotkey.
  • the Hydralisk will now join you when you find him.
  • Fixed Bristleback quest.
  • Fixed Berserker's Boots effect.
  • Fixed Rejuvenation hotkey.
  • Fixed Beal'dun Mountain King dialogue.
  • Fixed Angerforge's infinite invulnerability bug.

By the way, no one mentioned this yet but does the custom music and voiceovers work for everyone?
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Level 2
Jan 25, 2019
Did you destroy the Seige Golems? He is scripted to become invulnerable after he loses 20% of his hp then a seige golem will activate and you have to destroy it so the mountain king become vulnerable again.


  • Fixed Overseer name.
  • Fixed Garrosh's Charge description.
  • Fixed Flak Cannons description
  • Changed Spear Thrower icon.
  • Changed Troll Hut and Tauren Tent gold cost to 80 and lumber cost to 20.
  • Changed the centaur tent hp to 600, barracks to 1200, and haven to 1500.
  • Fixed Serpent Ward hotkey.
  • the Hydralisk will now join you when you find him.
  • Fixed Bristleback quest.
  • Fixed Berserker's Boots effect.
  • Fixed Rejuvenation hotkey.
  • Fixed Beal'dun Mountain King dialogue.

By the way, no one mentioned this yet but does the custom music and voiceovers work for everyone?
I did, so when u destroy the first siege golem the divine shield does go out indeed but when u destroy the second one it stays permanently
Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
I did, so when u destroy the first siege golem the divine shield does go out indeed but when u destroy the second one it stays permanently
You were right. Thanks for letting me know!
I'm having difficulty trying to put the sounds in the campaign. How about you import them into the campaign file?
What seems to be the problem?

I could do that, but that would make the campaign filesize much bigger which will cause the loading screens to take longer and make it hard for me to edit the campaign. (Each sound file takes around ~1-2mb in size) Using Local Files is much better imo.
Level 9
Oct 20, 2021
After i in chapter Gates of Anh Qiraj disabled generator lightning obelisks still attack me i dont what what the problem i playing on 1.31 version. What intersting some of them is vulnerable and some of them is not


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Level 29
Feb 18, 2014
After i in chapter Gates of Anh Qiraj disabled generator lightning obelisks still attack me i dont what what the problem i playing on 1.31 version. What intersting some of them is vulnerable and some of them is not
It was intentional. The obelisks are supposed to reactivate after the lighting lord loses some of his hp.
I have killed general Amberforge in dark iron dungeons but nothing happened game is not give me victory
Hello mon'
Chapter 2
After the second cinematic, one of the units don't disappear/teleport with the hydromancer, and stays with the player here. After cinematic too. Not a game breaking bug, but definetly a funny moment again. :) (He/she has been killed after, it's a hostile unit after all.)

View attachment 414179
Level 29
Aug 18, 2022
It was intentional. The obelisks are supposed to reactivate after the lighting lord loses some of his hp.

Plus I wanted to report, when I slay the guardians on the Cave entrance in Hooves of War, the game was not automatically continoued: I was able to unlock the entrance in the second time, because first time nothing happened, and I was unable to proceed. I don't cheated.