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Setting unit max life

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Level 1
Oct 9, 2011
sooooooooooo.. i need help.
Can anyone tell me how to change a units max life with GUI?
Level 37
Mar 6, 2006
You need to use Item life bonus ability.

Give it two levels

Set level 1 data to 0. Set level 2 data to -50. Use shift + enter to open the filed to be able to enter negative values. File -> prefereces -> allow negativev values must also be checked.

Add the ability to a unit, set level to 2, remove ability. +50 hp gained. To lose 50 hp, set the value to 50.

You can give different levels different values.
Or you can use upgrades, but in this case you won't be able to reverse process.
If you want to have ability or whatever that will increase hp or reduce it when you pick or drop item, kill unit, cast spell I suggest Maker solution. (Single unit)
But if you need it for some defense like map or map where you increase unit's hp permanently, I suggest player upgrade (it will increase hp for whole class of units, for example all player owned footmains). (Group of units)
Also if you want to increase hp of all units owned by some player, use handicap option, it's value is set to 100% by default, so changing it to 200% will double units max hp and so on. (All player owned units)



Level 1
Oct 9, 2011
its an rpg system kinda thing.. i already set up the custom stats and their modifiers except for stamina and intelligence which are supposed to add life and mana
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