Secondary Melee Tournament - Starcraft II key prize!

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Level 19
Nov 16, 2006
Hive Workshop presents:
Secondary Melee Tournament


Welcome to this secondary Melee Tournament of The Hive Workshop.
This tournament is only for THW users since there will be an awesome reward given by Ralle.

Because of the success and massive pm's I received for more playing I decided through Ralle's approval (giving away a key to the winner) to get up another tournament.
This is a tournament in which people participate and play 1 versus 1.

The tournament will start at 08/05/2010. Joining is possible until 07/04/2010.
Everyone has 2 to 3 days in order to meet their opponent and to play against him.

The prize of this tournament will be a stunning Starcraft II key for the winner.

To join, you'll need to make a post in this thread. Remember to first check out the rules.
If you already have a Starcraft II key, you are not allowed to join.
Also, mention your account name and on which realm you play.

  • You accepted the website rules when joining this tournament.
  • By joining you agree that your account has more than 50 posts around the website or your registration date is before the month April or your reputation is more than 30. *In the end I take the decision if you join or not depending on those factors.
  • Cheating, hacking and the use of bad third-party programs is not allowed in any way. When detected, you will be directly removed out of the tournament and reported to blizzard.
  • Observers may be included. Their state should be "observer" and not referee. Cheating through observers will permanently remove you out of the tournament.
  • The use of Teamspeak or any way to communicate with any member that has to play will instantly ban him out of the tournament, and future tournaments.
  • Nobody else can replace your playing. If we notice when someone else is playing for you then we will ban you out of each melee tournament found on THW and eventually heavily punish you.
  • Games are played on using LC, or will be played on Garena.
  • Draw is not possible.
  • Forfeits are accepted, your opponent will receive full victory.
  • Each tournament has a map pool. I decide on which map you play.
  • Insults and no respect is not tolerated and may result into punishments.
  • If your enemy drops in the 5 first minutes where nobody has the advantage a rehost with no given victory will be taken.
  • To confirm your victory one replay or multiple replays are required in this thread.
  • You are free to pick your preferred race.
  • It is on your own responsibility finding a time to play with your opponent before the given time limit. If your opponent is not replying then notify me about it.
  • If you can't agree to host your own games and if you don't have a host then please post it or PM me about it. I'll host it for you, or at least I'll get someone for you.
Tournament Style

Elimination Tournament
A tournament in which the entrants are listed by name and rank, advancement
being by means of challenging and defeating an entrant ranked beside them.
Games are played best of one in this tournament.
Map Pool - 1 versus 1

Turtle Rock
Twisted Meadows
Ancient Isle
Melting Valley
Secret Valley
Echo Isles
Terenas Stand
Level 2
Apr 7, 2008
So I assume that if we're entered in the other tournament we're not allowed to enter in this one, eh?
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