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Searing Arrows based abilities

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Level 2
Jan 7, 2011
Hello guys, I've been trying to create an ability based on Searing Arrows. The problem is I want it to have a preset attack range that is a lot lower than the actual unit's range. What happens is, if I manually use the ability, the range does work properly, if I however put it on autocast the unit will benefit from the spell but still attack from its default range. Is there someway I could prevent this?
And if not, is there some way to create an autocast attack modifying ability (eg searing arrows in that case) that can NOT be set to autocast? Like having searing arrows itself but completely remove the autocast part of it.
Thank you in advance.
Level 2
Jan 7, 2011
First of all thank you for the fast responses. Now,

You cant just set unit range.

Check when unit casts Searing Arrows and if distance between target and attacker greater than X then order stop.
That's not too bad, but I was hoping that would be my last option- that would mean that if I set the ability to autocast the unit would animation cancel every time it tries to attack and its kind of a nono..

I need to know:
Actual Unit's Range Attack
Preset Unit Range
Range of Spell
Why not provide me a solution written with variables if you got one? It's not that I don't want to give you the numbers but that I might want to change them myself sometime later. Anyway, call me dumb but I do not completely understand what the difference between actual units range attack and preset unit range means..
If I got it correct; I want my hero, to have a 700 attack range. The hero is based on Blood Mage who initially has 600 range unmodified. Searing Arrows base attack range unmodified is 600/700/700 (per level) and the range of the spell I'm trying to make should have an almost melee range (lets say 200?). Hope I gave you what you needed.

Anyway thanks again.

and PS: what about the second question? Does someone know if I can create an ability based on searing arrows which would not have the autocast options/side-effects? It might not be the perfect solution but if I made something like that I suppose it would solve all the issues I have atm.
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
#1 - I'm working on it...
Also, for Animation Cancelling
Do you play DotA ?
If you try to attack an ancient named "Roshan" outside its reach, your unit will be like a "stuck animation" and forced not to attack roshan, right ?
Same principle applies

#2 - You can do this, by basing it off of Target-unit type spell such as Chain Lightning
Remove all damage from the Chain Lightning spell and give Searing Arrow ability to a Dummy unit
When you cast Chain Lightning, create 1 dummy and order it to Activate Searing Arrow
Chain Lightning is just a fake, dummy spell, nothing more or less
Since you want it not to be auto-casted, but has the same effect (damage from Searing Arrow), right ?
1 dummy per casting spell
Don't make it the same dummy for casting 2 or more times for the same dummy because every unit has about 0.5s delay after casting a spell and it is called as Spell Animation
1 cast Searing Arrow for 1 dummy
So if you do in a succession of 3 times Searing Arrow, make a continuous series of dummy creation of 3 dummy, each of them, casting only 1 Searing Arrow
Level 2
Jan 7, 2011
Not bad a solution to the 2nd question, stupid me for not thinking it yet.
But as for your answer to #1 what I said is that I do not want the unit to anim cancel everytime he autoacquires a target that's out of the SA ability range.. Mb it could move to close range so it can actually attack and use the ability aswell, or just attack without the attack modifier given by the ability.. Idk.. But just animation canceling sounds kinda buggy to me.
But worst case scenario I will just do what you said and create a dummy searing arrow..
Level 2
Jan 7, 2011
Actually I gave it a second thought and the dummy caster for searing arrow can't solve this for many reasons; first of all it cant be the target of auras and other effects (curse/commanda), secondary attack effects (bash/crit/orbs etc), also what if the target unit is up on a hill and the attack is a miss..? And besides that making the dummy arrow deal exactly as much damage as the casting unit's base damage (+modifiers) proves to be rly hard..
So best option so far is animation cancel :(
Level 33
Mar 27, 2008
Haha yes, it doesn't get any benefits from secondary item effects such as lifesteal and such LOL !
Btw, use this
button instead of double posting, okay ?
Level 2
Jan 7, 2011
yeah my bad )

Well I suppose the only possible solution is to order stop right? I've wasted enough hours trying to find smth better and since I dont seem to be missing something obvious I dont think there is something obvious to miss :)
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