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Scaling custom Models?

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Level 2
Aug 23, 2004
Hi, is there a way to scale models without using WE?

Im not using it for any custom maps. Im using custom models to replace the default WC3 models using mpq extractor...

I tried 3dmax but when it imports the models it kinda gives errors and messes things up

I tried magnos model editor, but to change every node to the corresponding XYZ coordinates for so many bones is quite hard...

I am quite proficient in creating models in Max 4 but that is creating models from scratch and thus you can scale it then export, however in this case is there a way to scale?

For example after i converted WOW models can i scale them?

I guess not but if anyone knoes it will be great!

Level 2
Aug 23, 2004
Gosh how could I have missed that! I vist his site regularly! "slaps myself"

Whn I tested the model there seems to be problems with the animations ie the feet not anchored properly to the ground, a little floating here and there... any ideas?
Level 2
Aug 23, 2004
Thing is, the legs are at 0,0,0. not only the legs are weird the whole body is kinda moving in a floating way

Hmmm I tried removing the anims using anim remover then scaling then merging the anims again...

It just doesnt move...method works for default wc3 models tho... I opened the .mdl file and the anim data is not there... manually cutting and paste stills the same floating anims

maybe doesnt work for wow or other custom models... anyone had this problem? thoughts?
Level 25
Mar 31, 2004
Odd... Must be a problem with the animations if they're floating

Geosettranslater normally scales the entire model, including the bones and points, down depending on what you've put as the variables

Can't say I've heard of this happaning before

Which WoW model by the way? I know a few of them are bugged, and the converter tends to make a few animations at odd angles. Convert over the dragon to see what I mean
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