You are complaining that your 1972 character long bank does not load..... Try creating it more efficently.
From my experience if your bank is too long, you do not load the map.
ok, your are right, my savecodes a are not the shortest, but you must keep in mind that they also save 100 quests, spells, talents and so on.
the even stranger thing is, that sc2 loads a bank with ONE STRING, that is 25000 chars long. i just tested it. it loads it without problems.
even if i dont understand why, its good news. so maybe i just need to put all data together in one string and load this. but why it cant load 4 strings with ~400 chars but one with 25000? i really dont get it. maybe a string cant store so much chars anyways and so its always cut at 600 or so? i dont know. i will test this by loading the string and displaying string length. then we will see if it loads the entire 25000 chars.
edit: ok, bad news, my theory was correct. it doesnt matter how long you make the string in the bank, the maximum chars he loads for a string is 781. that might mean that all strings together in a bank cant get more chars then 781, otherwise it wont load. that would actually mean if you got 5 charslots, you have a maximum of 781/5 chars per character. the big question is now: what happens if we have more then 1 player? will the limitiation also be effected by that? i might test this today.
edit2: this also seems not to be exactly correct. i just preloaded a bank with 5 strings each 167 chars long, whats > 781, and it worked. its really very confusing.
edit3: maybe the string variable cant store more then 781 chars and its not the bank itself. to test this i splitted the string into 4 variables.
var1 length: 750
var2 length: 31
var3 length: 0
var4 length: 0
so its really the bank file. damn it.
PS: is there an efficient method to store much booleans? at the moment i store them like this: 00110010101...
the problem is, i need to save quest progress and there are up to 100 questslots atm. so i need to save 300 booleans bacause there are 3 quest states (100 for hasquest, 100 for hasquestdone, 100 for hasquestfinished). so quests only would already be to much for the banks because if i have 5 charslots its already 1500 chars. any advice?