Hello there. I have problems regarding with one of the abilities of Sange, which is Lesser Maim where you gets 15% chance on attack to slow the enemy's movement speed and attack speed by 20% for 4 seconds.
I believe the ability of Maim cames from the Slow Poison ability. All I need to do is just adjust their attack speed and movement speed factor to 0.2. Then as for chance, I use an orb, which I copy-paste the Orb Lightning and replace the Data - Effect Ability as that custom Slow Poison (Maim) ability, and I set all the orb's three chances to hit units to 15.00%.
However, this is not the case where everytime when I hit a unit, the enemy will just getting strike by my Slow Poison (Maim) ability as if the probability of the enemy getting the negative spell will be 100%. How to make it such that it will be a genuine 15% chance of probability?
I believe the ability of Maim cames from the Slow Poison ability. All I need to do is just adjust their attack speed and movement speed factor to 0.2. Then as for chance, I use an orb, which I copy-paste the Orb Lightning and replace the Data - Effect Ability as that custom Slow Poison (Maim) ability, and I set all the orb's three chances to hit units to 15.00%.
However, this is not the case where everytime when I hit a unit, the enemy will just getting strike by my Slow Poison (Maim) ability as if the probability of the enemy getting the negative spell will be 100%. How to make it such that it will be a genuine 15% chance of probability?