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Run for your life!v1.0b

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
This is the map "Run for your life" v1.0b!

English description:
You play a little camper and must survive in a little forest.In the beginning there are 3 Undeads which chase you.If you die,you are a undead too,but you can`t control him.
If you survive one night you have won the game!
If all players are undeads you loose!

Deutsche Beschreibung:
Du spielst als ein kleiner Camper und must in einem kleinen Wald überleben.Zunächst erscheinen 3 Untote die dich Jagen.Wenn du stirbst wirst auch ein Untoter,doch du kannst ihn nicht kontrollieren.
Wenn ihr eine ganze Nacht überlebt habt ihr gewonnen!
Wenn alle Spieler Untote sind habt ihr verloren!

Good luck & have fun!

This is the map "Run for your life" v1.0b!

English description:
You play a little camper and must survive in a little forest.In the begi

Run for your life!v1.0b (Map)

8:49, 16th June 2009 by bounty hunter2: Too simple, bad terrain, unoriginal, Rejected.




8:49, 16th June 2009 by bounty hunter2:
Too simple, bad terrain, unoriginal, Rejected.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
first reading description I thought its something like short kodo tag without building tower. and I wasn't wrong =)

Sadly map map lacks a lot of thing. 2 important would be:
-runners need abilities. I don't mind zombies moving faster than runners if they could use some abilities to defend. basic warcrat spells with stunning/slowing would be enough for start.
-map need more doodad variation and better terrain. For small maps like this its necessary to to look good
Level 18
Feb 28, 2009
The terrain is just boring. The gameplay is just unfair. What was the point of adding description in German? Generally the map was boring... There was no fun. The only plus from me is that it is playable. 1.5/5 (I won`t better vote)