please explain. i dont know everything about the system yet. i just started using rpg maker 2003 this year.
Oh, ok.
What I meant was, you change your music event(MusicPlayer) on the world map to parallel instead of autostart.
then it saves the coordinates of the player to to variables (lets call them X and Y) and the map id into a third (MapID).
Then you have to make a new common event (MusicFinder) that checks if X and Y are withing certain boundaries (so you need some conditions). So you have to look up in yout mapeditor, which coordinates the topleft and the bottom right corner of your area have. (I hope you are good enough at math to know how to see it a (X/Y) is inside a area)
Then it sets a Variable (NewMusicID) to a certain value that represents the music (not the area!) that we want in the area.
Then our MusicPlayer has to start the MusicFinder.
Now the MusicPlayer checks, if NewMusicID is tha same as OldMusic ID, if yes, nothing happens, if no, stops the current music, plays the new one and sets OldMusic ID to NewMusicID.
Then the MusicPlayer waits 1.7 seconds. (If you have multiple events that are exectuted at the same time, the game tends to lag, especially when using "pictures", so we use a number that doesn't cause many interferences)
Now we have a little bug tha we have to fix. When you leave the worldmap within a certain reagion and then enter it again, the music won't play, so, we need a autostart event (let's call it EnterMusic) on our worldmap that does the same as our event above, but it doesn't check if both IDs are the same. It just plays the music. We also don't need the wait at the end of the event, instead we have to put a "Erease Event" there. This little function will remove the event entirely from the game, but when you enter the map again, it will be there again.
If you want to extend this system, you can put the MusicPlayer and the EnterMusic on all your maps and then check the MapID in the MusicFinder before checking the area.
If you want to be able to turn off the MusicPlayer for only one visit of the map, you can add a second page to it. This page needs a switch (MusicOFF) and is executed on autostart. it has only two operations:
Erease Event
Set MusicOFF off
If you want to switch off the event for ever or just a bit longer, you can add a third page with the switch MusicVeryOFF.
If you have any questions, ask