Cookie, don't freak out at the file size. You can EASILY remedy such maladies with this:
DL Oinerwinkles Anim Remover.
DL a File Convertor (I suggest Yogbul's File Converter)
DL a BLP to BMP and vice versa tool. (I use BLP Paletter)
Compress the textures (armorv2, RoyalGuard) to ~20% using the BLP>BMP tool.
Convert the .mdx to .mdl and remove the animations you won't be using (I removed the swim anims since I don't need 'em)
Viola, you've reduced this bad boy down to 270kb.
Optional: If you wanna lower the amount of space it'll take up in a map, you can also DL the MDX Squisher by Guesst. I recommend it, but be wary, there are a few 'made-by-scratch' models that don't Squish well.
I was gonna also say that I reskinned the Armorv2 and was gonna ask for permission to link it from here and if I could submit it.