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Rise of Anger RPG v.1.8 b

Darkshadow95 Presents

Rise of Anger RPG v.1.8 b
Created by Darkshadow95/SadCyclops

Map Info:


At first you have to choose either a male villager or a female villager, which can learn from 16 different classes if you reach level 10 (split in male and female classes). Each class can rank up twice, giving new heroes with better and new abilities.


-maximum level: 100
-ultimate spell for each class on level 75 (rank 3)
-1 to 6 players
-huge map
-a lot of dungeons
-multiplayer makes it much easier
-save load system
-needs a couple of hours to play through it


-custom XP gain system
-saving the save code directly in the WC3 file
-a lot of Easter Eggs
-an optional story
-all units, abilities and items are unique and custom
-integrated minigame "Greedisgood"
-each class has got an ultimate spell on rank 3 and level 75
-a lot of different molded quests
-detailed description of every enemy
-automatically saves your hero progress
-works with WC3 Reforged

Some other stuff about the map:

You should check out the QUESTS in the left upper corner to learn how to play this game, because it is a little different to similar games in WC3.

I also recommend to spend time to check out what you can do in which region of the map (questgivers, shops, class teachers and so on).


Detailed World:
Play in a detailed world, where war hides everywhere.


Explore hidden places and enter new regions.


You do not have to fight all the time, just enjoy the peaceful places ...


... or the not so peaceful places.


Depending if male or female, you can choose between 16 different classes if you have reached level 10 with your Villager.


Doing Quests:
Complete a lot quest of different styles. You can decide which ones you do and which not. It is about delivering, collecting, killing, defending and many other types.


Crossing Rivers:
Walking around all day is too boring. In this game you need to enter a ship to discover new areas.


Heal at statues:
You can heal your hero at Sacred Statues very fast.


To make the game balanced, it is allowed to have each class ONCE a match. Therefore I have created a system, which makes it impossible to have twice the same class in one match (even with save-load you are not able to have the same class as another player).


Even when you have a rest from fighting, you can spend your time with funny things, like having a drink at the bar.


You can also gamble if you rushed far enough. There is also a minigame added.


Ranking up:
You are able to rank up each class twice with finding your class teacher.


Interactive enemies:
Fight against enemies, which use both, passive and active abilities against you.


Dungeons and bosses:
Enter a lot of totally different dungeons and fight powerful bosses to gain loot.



Version 1.1:

-Fixed a bug with leveling up the Wizard or Footman Class
-Fixed a bug so you were not able to load these classes
-Fixed a bug that you always gained the reward for a quest after finishing it once
-Hiding some units on the map (especially Easter Eggs)
-Changed unit description of Giant Spider at the shrine
-minor bug fixes
-Fixed a bug when respawning removed your hero
-minor bug fixes

Version 1.2:

-Fixed the Save-Load-System, so it is working fine now
-Fixed some spells which did not appear after loading a class between two games
-Added two units to list the spells of each class, so you do not have to pick a class until you like its spells.
-minor changes on the terrain
-shows current version ingame
-changed some descriptions
-if the CAS (Class Abuse System) blocks your loading, you can now pick a villager instead and start from the beginning if you want

Version 1.3:

-Reduced the size of the Item Boxes, so it is easier to select them
-Clears the Quests after accepting, preventing the game from leaking
-Clears dead creeps, preventing the game from leaking
-Changed the terrain a little, preventing a bug
-Fixed a bug when ranking up to Spirit
-Changes some pictures
-Fixed the "Tidy Cellar", "Murloc Rabble" and "Werewolf" Quests, so you can no longer get rewards multiplie times by fulfilling it once
-Fixed a critical error, when using "Battle Technique" in fog
-"Battle Technique" can now affect units in fog (but still the same range)
-All quests will tell you the name of the quest you just fulfilled
-You can no longer attack or cast spells in the Class House (Class picking area)
-Reduced the cost of all Potions by 75%!
-Destroyes Sounds after usage, reducing leaks
-Removed some looping sounds on the map
-Changed some descriptions and texts
-Minor changes
-Added the new Quest "Pull Up Weeds"
-Save-load-system works, but only for single player mode
-Fixed some leaking triggers

Version 1.4

-Added a multiplayer save load system
-Changed some things with the old save system
-Fixed a bug, which made it impossible to accept quests

Version 1.5:

-Fixed a bug where you lost your last bought item, when accepting "Trio of Terror" quest.
-Fixed some quests
-Fixed a bug, which made the main quest unable to play though it
-Made the Sea Turtle able to revive after death
-Made the Mojo of Immortal item able to being saved
-Fixed a bug, which didn't count killed units correctly, made it able to fulfill a quest multiple times by killing one creep instead of many
-Some items and quests are more balanced now
-Created a new quest: "Giant Leather"
-Potions are now stackable
-You can no longer save Bottles, Dimensional Stones or Magical Glasses
-Added bonus armor for Frigates after reaching the top Shipyard
-Some animations and texts have been changed
-Ultimate abilities on level 80 for the 3rd rank class instead of level 100!
-Added a new command to show which day it is (-time).
-Increased the chance of passing a gate at the Black Citadel to 70% instead of 33%. With a key you still have 100%.
-Reworked a few spells, including a buggy ultimate spell.
-Made it able to pick a Villager after failing loading.
-minor text changes
-Improved all units, who are stronger than the skeletons. Improved experience gain for those units.
-Added new items: Kobold Mask, Kobold Sword, Kobold Heart, Kobold Shoes, Full Body Kobold.
-Replaced Wooden Armor with Kobold Armor.
-Quest items like the bottle cannot be sold anymore
-Fixed a bug with Aura of Satisfaction
-Changed some item costs
-Re-added the item Mithril Sword
-increased the health when entering the Shipyard
-Reinforcement illusions can now trigger Spiritual Support
-You gain rewards for every 25 (in game) days played in one match
-Removed Iron Sword and Blades of Attack from the shops
-Fixed a bug with the Get Water quest
-Kobold Sword costs no more Coins but gold instead
-Some quests give more gold and/or experience.
-Added new item: Mirror of the Illusionist
-You can combine some items now for a better endgame.
-Reworked the Harpy Class, so it has one more active ability, making it feel more like the carry it should.
-Added a new upgradable item: Double Edge.
-Added a new item: Cross of the Martyr.
-Added a new active ability to the Storm class
-Some visual improvements
-Now autosaves when your hero levels up!

Version 1.6:

-Changed some item abilities and costs!
-Fixed some texts and animations
-Bug fixes and small adjustments like mana cost
-Magic Immunity on most creeps was replaced with Magic Resistance
-Added some more Sacred Statues
-Increased the gold and experience gained from most quests, so afk farming is much slower than actually playing the game and fulfilling quests
-Added 30 new items which drop when you kill dungeon bosses!
-Created a new starting system, so new players know what to do when they start
-Created a table for active quests, which require multiple kills of the same unit type to clear the screen
-Clawslippers can now be saved and loaded
-Added a discord server: discord.gg/EmUwsvNsrE

Version 1.7:

-Added a command to zoom out and in (-cam xxxx)
-Corrected some spelling mistakes
-Improved the Ultimate Spell of the Gladiator by increasing the chance by 25%
-Reworked Harpy Strike passive and active
-Harpy Bloodseeker's ultimate reward doubled
-Fixed an issue where you could not enter the next stage after the Demon of Delusion
-Changed the spawn position after killing the final boss to the starting location
-Fixed a bug with the Ghost class, where you could exploit her level 10 ability and in some cases lose all skill points
-Reworked some models into their Reforged Models

Version 1.8:

-Reworked some models into their Reforged Models
-Fixed a bug with the Pokeflute
-Urn of the King and all potions can be saved now
-Fixed a bug, where you couldnt load you hero in multiplayer sometimes
-Removed most orb-effects (besides lifesteal and critical strike)
-Replaced some abilities which had orb-effects with other skills
-All Dimensional Gates (except one) are open when the game starts, making fast-travel easier for experienced players
-Heroes in Astral Form can be saved now (previously saved heroes in Astral Form (Spirit, Ghost, Spectre) could not be saved properly sometimes
-Most heroes have at least one scaling ability now (except for some tanks / damage dealers who scale by stats anyway)
-Every player can repick a maximum of 1 time per game.
-Every player can load a maximum of 1 time per game (if your hero gets removed due to the Class-Abuse-System you can load multiple times)
-Players who already have loaded a hero cannot repick anymore
-The autosave now saves your progress when your hero levels up but only once every 10 minutes!
-Reduced the level requirement for the "ultimate spells", so you can level them up every 7 levels instead of 10.
-Reduced the level requirement for the rank 3 ultimates from level 80 to level 75, so your hero has maxed out abilities at lvl 75 but can still gain stats from leveling up afterwards.

Version 1.8 b:

-Fixed that Fallen Paladin and Spectre had their ultimates on level 80 (is 75 now)
-Every player can enable and disable the tips now for themselves (-tipsoff and - tipson)
-Balanced the Demons (last dungeon) a bit
-Made TM16 and Urn of the King stackable in inventory
-Added a description to all boss items while on the ground
-Fixed a bug where stackable items wouldnt stack if picked up from the ground or traded
-Made Full Body Kobold droppable but limited the number a hero can carry to 1

Author's notes:

Greetings to all who tested this map with me.

Special thanks to Dat-C3, who created the save load system for my map :)

This map has been tested and works fine.
My new battlenet account is SadCyclops if you have any questions or would like to play the map with me!

The World Editor crashed my data, so if any problems occur, post it here!

If you find any bugs post it below this map at Hiveworkshop.com

RPG, Role playing game, Role play game, Rise of Anger, Anger, Medivial, long, huge, save, load, Darkshadow95, SadCyclops

Rise of Anger RPG v1.8 b (Map)

14:11, 28th Oct 2015 Orcnet: Map Approved with adding the said changes
Level 1
Feb 22, 2015
There is a bug with "Static Charge" on Storm. When you level up the skill it doesn't gain any damage at all until u die.
Level 1
Jan 28, 2013

Ok so are there any item drops?
I have killed quite a few different bosses, multiple times (10-20) and nothing....
No items except for a gate stone....
Whats the point of dungeons if you aren't rewarded lol.
Maybe its a bug?
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
There are no dropping items, but stones. You have to play further to reach more powerful shops\items.

The reason for dungeons is easy, its for the quests. Its funnier to complete dungeons than walking around in ahuge map all the time.
And, yes, you have to buy all the items you want to have at shops
Hello, i like the game bit i'm having problems first taking quest from the quest givers i just click on the quest icon and nothing happen, i tried taken them in single and multiplayer and nothing. Second with the option save/load, nothing happen when i put load except that problema with the food. Any idea with At least the first thing?

First of all, this bug happened due to the newest update and it will be fixed in 1.4
Saving works only in singe player mode yet. With the new update it will also work in multiplayer and there will be no more food bugs, too.

I think the new map will be on hive in about one or two weeks, maybe earlier.

Thanks for your comments ;)
Level 3
Apr 2, 2015
Quests work now, so I've managed to play for quite a while. Found a bunch of bugs:

- The rat killing quest gives 1000 gold instead of 200.
- The "Desert Beast" quest is broken. I found the beast, but no matter what I do I can't get the quest to update that I found him so I can't turn it in.
- When I accepted the "Trio of Terror" quest, the 4th item in my full inventory disappeared (it was my level 3 Tempo Boots). Rather nasty surprise.
- The "Empathy" quest is broken. The Mayor of Necropolis killed me, there was a quest update telling me to return to the Mayor after resurrection, but nothing happened when I returned to the Mayor.
- The "Demonic Visitors" quest broke when I failed it. I have no way of taking it off my quest log, so I can't retry it.
- The Main Quest breaks after beating the Lord of Skeletons. I'm supposed to continue it by going to the Mayor, but nothing happens when I do so.
- "The Oppressor" quest doesn't take itself off the quest log after completion.
- The Sea Turtle seems to never respawn, so the "Master Training" quest is impossible to complete if you already killed it beforehand.
- The "Double Tap" quest worked fine for a while, but then I later found that I can constantly complete it without even taking the quest. Killing a single Undead Citizen will give the quest completion prompt, and then you can turn it in and repeat the process. No idea how it bugged out like that.
- The Mojo item that costs 100 chips doesn't save. If that's on purpose, you really should throw up a warning for that.

Now for some general criticism/suggestions:

- The Nesting Egg can spawn inside trees and is also spell immune, which isn't very nice for melee heroes...
- There are many quests that just take so long for so little reward that they're not worth doing. For example, ALL the centaur quests are vastly less efficient than the murloc quest. 80 axes is way too much compared to 10 murlocs, and the centaur chief takes forever to walk to. I really would suggest cutting down the requirements and/or increasing the rewards.
- The map design around the river is little...unintuitive. The higher level area (the meadows and human town) is closer than the lower level one (undead area). On top of that, the green Dimensional Gate AND a healing statue are right next to the shipyard, which draws people there especially since at that point you would have gotten the first Dimension Stone. It's also actually easier to reach the the meadows shipyard than the undead one, since there are less enemies in the way. In the end, this all resulted in me overtraining/overgearing in the human town before I decided to check out the undead area.
- The east side of the map with the giants seems very pointless. There are no questgivers there.
- The bonus stats that you can buy are priced weirdly. 1 chip for one stat, or 1 chip for one in every stat. I think I know which one is the better deal.

The map is quite fun, but with the Main Quest broken I decided to stop there.
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Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Haha, sorry for the item bugs, i will have a look at all the things you mentioned, but there will be no update the next few days ;) btw the area with the giants is good for an easter egg later on :p

Thank you for your rating :)
If you want, i would play the new version with you next weekend, before i update it on hive
Just leave another commend if you wand
Level 3
Apr 2, 2015
Haha, sorry for the item bugs, i will have a look at all the things you mentioned, but there will be no update the next few days ;) btw the area with the giants is good for an easter egg later on :p

Thank you for your rating :)
If you want, i would play the new version with you next weekend, before i update it on hive
Just leave another commend if you wand

Thanks very much for the offer, but my weekends tend to be unpredictable. I will settle for waiting for the new update :smile:
Level 3
Feb 25, 2011
the bug with "double tap" being tagged as completed all the time and prompting the completion message with a single kill even without aquiring the quest again is a bug which happens with all kill quests, atleast will all quests which require a fixed amount of kills.
could it be that the counter for the kills doesnt get removed or reset as soon as the quest officially completed?
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
The counters should be reset. I dont know why it works so fine when testing and no more after upload xD does it really happen with all counter based killing quests? So are the quests right after start also buggy, like all the spider quests?
I will fix all these bugs asap if i have eonugh time ;)

The new and hopefully final version will be uploaded about xmas time.
I will play through the updated version first, before uploading it, if its ready.

If anybody wants, he can test it with me, just write me a message on hive or leave a commend :)
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Level 6
Aug 29, 2011
4 Pages and nobody noticed that somewhere in the screenshots, Gameplay screenshots, is hiding a wrongly spelled word, "Heared".
Located at Bar screenshot. As far as my knowledge is, the proper shiiet should be "heard".

5/5 :D


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
This is like some sort of simplified WoW. The sad part is that it's very repetitive and the progress is awfully slow.

-the woman does not have an attack animation
-rats come at an infinite rate. Only exiting the cellar the quest will complete
-what's up with people in the woods that the creeps don't attack
-make a command to see what day it is
-units spawn too quickly and it's annoying to get to finish a quest
-spells are unbalanced. Some heroes have more powerful spells
-gold does not spread among players
-the map has no black mask
-rank 2 Paladin has the same spells.... so does the Dark Ranger
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
This is like some sort of simplified WoW. The sad part is that it's very repetitive and the progress is awfully slow.

-the woman does not have an attack animation
-rats come at an infinite rate. Only exiting the cellar the quest will complete
-what's up with people in the woods that the creeps don't attack
-make a command to see what day it is
-units spawn too quickly and it's annoying to get to finish a quest
-spells are unbalanced. Some heroes have more powerful spells
-gold does not spread among players
-the map has no black mask
-rank 2 Paladin has the same spells.... so does the Dark Ranger

To the rat quest, read it with attention please, the cellar should be empty at one time to fulfil the quest, so you have to kill all the spiders within the respawn time. Thats on purpose, because the gold you get is very much.

Please read the description (quests ingame) before complaining and giving a rating, there is everything explained, like the guys in the forest as well...

A command for the days will be added, gold sharing is not needed, quests are shared and killgold gives some ppl a little bonus who need it (damage dealers) .

As the description says, its easier with more ppl, so the respawn time is really okay, so are the spells if you play in team. But ofc its hard to solo play through the game with a healer like "good paladin" class

There is a bug in the late game which makes it too hard to play through it, so anew update is coming soon.

I hope you give a new rating after reading the texts you need and testing the new version (you can load heroes of lower versions in the next one ofc ;) )


Map Reviewer
Level 72
Jun 4, 2009
I hope you give a new rating after reading the texts you need and testing the new version (you can load heroes of lower versions in the next one ofc ;) )
I did not rate it so because of some description, man.... I rated it such because of the gameplay that is pretty boring/monotonous and slow paced....

And I don't see why I should be forced to play with other players either. If I want to play Paladin, then the Paladin should be able to handle things by himself too. Anyways I've played it with a friend. I was the Paladin and he was the Dark Ranger and this Dark Ranger has a rain of arrows spell that decimates a big deal of enemy clustered units while the Paladin can mostly heal himself and others a few times before his mana fails. The result between the two, if they were to be fighting alone against the same amount of troops, would not even be at least approximate to the same.

I'm not saying it should be the same but at least decently approached. Of course, I understand the reason for spells that are supposed to deal damage to only one unit and other spells that deal damage to units in an area. However balancing between heroes should be put forth in case team play is not available. If not, at least make this map not to be able to be solo played.
Level 3
Apr 2, 2015
I did not rate it so because of some description, man.... I rated it such because of the gameplay that is pretty boring/monotonous and slow paced....

And I don't see why I should be forced to play with other players either. If I want to play Paladin, then the Paladin should be able to handle things by himself too. Anyways I've played it with a friend. I was the Paladin and he was the Dark Ranger and this Dark Ranger has a rain of arrows spell that decimates a big deal of enemy clustered units while the Paladin can mostly heal himself and others a few times before his mana fails. The result between the two, if they were to be fighting alone against the same amount of troops, would not even be at least approximate to the same.

I'm not saying it should be the same but at least decently approached. Of course, I understand the reason for spells that are supposed to deal damage to only one unit and other spells that deal damage to units in an area. However balancing between heroes should be put forth in case team play is not available. If not, at least make this map not to be able to be solo played.

You seem to be very unfamiliar with RPG gameplay and design. You're NOT forced to play with other players, some heroes simply fight better than others. Complaining that the healer can't fight is like complaining that salt isn't sweet; healers are not supposed to be good at fighting. Your desire for all heroes to be equalised would make the game MORE monotonous, as it would result in similar play styles for every hero. Also, with all heroes equal, multiplayer would no longer be about co-operation and teamwork, instead becoming multiple individuals wandering around doing their own thing. A good multiplayer experience shouldn't just be a faster and more crowded version of single player.

The suggestion in your final sentence is, in my opinion, flat-out ridiculous. Just because some heroes have a harder time by themselves, you don't want anyone to be able to solo the game? The whole idea behind team games that allow single player is to make it easier with teammates, but still accessible to solo players. Denying the solo players would mean rejecting more plays and feedback. The solo player will inevitably have a much harder time, but that's the compromise. (maps that are programmed to instantly lose when solo playing are a pet peeve of mine...:thumbs_down:)
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
You seem to be very unfamiliar with RPG gameplay and design. You're NOT forced to play with other players, some heroes simply fight better than others. Complaining that the healer can't fight is like complaining that salt isn't sweet; healers are not supposed to be good at fighting. Your desire for all heroes to be equalised would make the game MORE monotonous, as it would result in similar play styles for every hero. Also, with all heroes equal, multiplayer would no longer be about co-operation and teamwork, instead becoming multiple individuals wandering around doing their own thing. A good multiplayer experience shouldn't just be a faster and more crowded version of single player.

The suggestion in your final sentence is, in my opinion, flat-out ridiculous. Just because some heroes have a harder time by themselves, you don't want anyone to be able to solo the game? The whole idea behind team games that allow single player is to make it easier with teammates, but still accessible to solo players. Denying the solo players would mean rejecting more plays and feedback. The solo player will inevitably have a much harder time, but that's the compromise. (maps that are programmed to instantly lose when solo playing are a pet peeve of mine...:thumbs_down:)

Thanks, i share your opinion and btw, there are many creeps which are immune to spells, making it hard to kill them with group damaged based spells for example, and as you say ever hero has got some advantages in some points and disadvantages in other points...
You CAN play this game solo, but even the der scription says its lot easier in a team. Its just monotonous at the beginning, as you maybe noticed by playing further.

Please await the next update to check it out and play through it.
I offer to play with you online, if any1 wants ;)
Level 8
Jun 13, 2010
The idea of the map is great. Lots of different heroes with lots of potential and builds.
However, I played Accursed Witch and the last ability does not seem to damage no matter how many stacks you use. Still it stuns, but is infinite. You must have selected 0 seconds for stun duration.
As addition to the idea of an ability at level 100, we managed to use 2-3 hours of Team-Up stragedy to reach level 100 from 70. 1 afk patrolling at the Mayor to return quest, and 2 to kill Zombie Civilians. We abused the bug that makes you able to return the quest with only 1 kill - and still it took us 3 hours! Rly, you gotta fix the experience.
Also, the end ability for Fire (Hero) seems a bit of a joke.

As a comment to the map, I feel that you have used up 90% of the map for leveling and the remaining 10% for the actual top level. There seems to be nothing to do but running from the Red Portal to the First Gate entrance, which sends you back to the portal 90% of the times. There is really no clues given for where the key may be and so you with giving up trying to see wth actually lies beyond these gates.
It needs more end gameplay!
Also there were many areas we never even used. Like the Satyr (assassin) area. We wen't to check it out, but discovered yet another low level quest area with low experience.

I would also suggest you to make it more obvious of how the portals work and where we actually get those stones to activate them..

To items, as many already told you, the Mojo Item will not be saved, which is a huge problem since it is the most expensive item...
Talking of items.. I must say I am missing some sort of boss loot. My friends and I were playing for hours and it hit us all of a sudden that we had never gotten an item from anything... Which is fine if you have a system going on - but tell me, what is the big deal with having item shops (say we've bought everything from it, which we had) and you are geared and ready for the last boss (dungeon) but he grant you anything anyway. Then I rly don't see a point in playing it.

Last but not least I'd like to comment the Heroes.
The Witch I played had the same abilities through the whole game. I find that a bit boring, since the leveling process is so long. I had no suprises or anything to look forward to.
In addition I find it very disturbing with the flat ability damage. If the damage was hightened and mana cost high, which needed a greater mana pool from items, I'd see the drill. But since you have infinite mana and spells still deal low dmg lategame, they seem worthless. So my point, make sure spell casters' abilities won't drop out. I'd suggest making them scale with intelligence. Otherwise it just seems plain.

I hope you can use this feedback to something. We enjoyed the map very much indeed, but tbh after reaching level 60-70, everything seemed pointless and boring. We really couldn't find the meaning with this rpg. :/

Best regards for developing.
Level 12
Jan 13, 2008
You should add more description. What's the story? Why would I play your RPG - what makes it special? What classes are available? The screenshots don't reveal much. What kind of quests?

I need more information before I play your map man :)

/edit. I was bored and checked the map out anyway and I realised I tested your map already once but didn't play long and I immediately realised why: I didn't like it at all.

-You can choose between male or female - that's nice. I dont see this often but when I see it it's either the female villager or male villager model. The ugliest models in the game. The woman looks like she is about to cook something and not fight. And they only have 1 ability? really? the first 10 levels only 1 ability and its rage? If you copy something from an RPG (as you did here..twilight eve *cough*) then at least copy the good things and not the bad ones.

-I remember when I played i tried to kill spiders for over 5min because i am freaking weak...1 spell and they were too strong. Then i stopped playing.
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Level 2
Apr 4, 2015
Here are my issues with the map. Which is a shame as we had really enjoyed this as a lan party co-op.

- The Mojo item that costs 100 chips doesn't save. This is a game killer for me. Spent a ton of time getting everyone in the party to have 2 of these, came back to play the next day and the items were gone! After spending the time to get those items it killed any chance of playing the map again.

-Randomly disappearing items. We had to save often as items just randomly disappeared from the inventory. The item was always in spot 1 or 2 and it seems to happen in the undead area or the thunderlizard/dragon area.

-Empathy quest doesn't seem to work at all.

-Sea turtle doesn't respawn so you can't complete one of the quests.

-Quests with multiple tasks (like killing different critters/bosses) doesn't update when you kill something on the list. A minor annoyance, but makes it quicker and easier to complete lengthy quests.

-Ending is confusing. We attempted to beat the final temple and getting through the gates is random. There is mention of a keyring which I'm guessing allows you through without the randomness of getting through the gates, but no hint on where to get it and we had completed all of the non-broken quests. Eventually gave up because the randomness of getting through the gate was too annoying.

2/5 - Major lost points for not saving the Mojo item or warning it won't be saved. This is the big reason we will not replay. Minor lost points for broken quests and the confusing random gates for the demon temple.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Here are my issues with the map. Which is a shame as we had really enjoyed this as a lan party co-op.

- The Mojo item that costs 100 chips doesn't save. This is a game killer for me. Spent a ton of time getting everyone in the party to have 2 of these, came back to play the next day and the items were gone! After spending the time to get those items it killed any chance of playing the map again.

-Randomly disappearing items. We had to save often as items just randomly disappeared from the inventory. The item was always in spot 1 or 2 and it seems to happen in the undead area or the thunderlizard/dragon area.

-Empathy quest doesn't seem to work at all.

-Sea turtle doesn't respawn so you can't complete one of the quests.

-Quests with multiple tasks (like killing different critters/bosses) doesn't update when you kill something on the list. A minor annoyance, but makes it quicker and easier to complete lengthy quests.

-Ending is confusing. We attempted to beat the final temple and getting through the gates is random. There is mention of a keyring which I'm guessing allows you through without the randomness of getting through the gates, but no hint on where to get it and we had completed all of the non-broken quests. Eventually gave up because the randomness of getting through the gate was too annoying.

2/5 - Major lost points for not saving the Mojo item or warning it won't be saved. This is the big reason we will not replay. Minor lost points for broken quests and the confusing random gates for the demon temple.

Sorry for the bug with the mojo, but the new update includes the fix for this bug.
The explanation with the keys is mentioned in the quests, the clou is to fulfill the mail quest. Just read the Information for the Black Citadel for this.
I hope you rise your voting after the new update, cause one broken item for the majority of the vote seems not fair to me. And as you notice hopefully, the key thing is in the quests. But a better description of the Gates will follow. Though your harsh rating, i hope you will replay the updated version and give another rating, based on the new gaming experience.

Update is coming soon :)
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Level 2
Apr 4, 2015
Just wanted to update my rating. I generally reserve 3+ for maps that I want to play again. If I don't want to play again I give it a 2 or lower. I realized that if the Mojo thing was fixed I would play this again so I came back to bump this up to a 3.

I think this map has a lot of promise and want to give this a go again when everyone I'm playing with isn't grumpy about spending hours grinding for nothing. There are a lot of things I like about this so take my 3 and I look forward to bumping this up after the glitches are fixed.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Just wanted to update my rating. I generally reserve 3+ for maps that I want to play again. If I don't want to play again I give it a 2 or lower. I realized that if the Mojo thing was fixed I would play this again so I came back to bump this up to a 3.

I think this map has a lot of promise and want to give this a go again when everyone I'm playing with isn't grumpy about spending hours grinding for nothing. There are a lot of things I like about this so take my 3 and I look forward to bumping this up after the glitches are fixed.

yeah, sorry, but the fix is coming in 2 months, im too busy at the moment with studying :D

but thanks for your honest reply, as i said, i offer to give you your mojos online, because of that bug :)
looking forward for your new reply then ;)

btw: the next version should be the final one. No major bugs have been found than the ones im about to fix at the moment.
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Level 2
Feb 24, 2012
Hy, I played the map and I cant follow the main quest. I got stuck on the "help from the mayor Albert Wesker". I searched the entire map and I cant find this person. I made all the quests from the Mayor in the middle town. Dont know what to do so I can continue my quest.
Wainting for the next version. Still trying to lvl up to 100 I'm 90 and still doing quests so I can lvl up to see the ultimate spell.
If you can help me I'll be very greatfull. Keep up the good work

PS : Another problem I dont know if was reported already but when you load your character Mojo of the Immortal doesnt load. I farmad for hours to get money for the chips and I bought 2 and when I loaded my char I had two slots empty in my inventory where that 2 items should be. Please resolve that.
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Level 2
Aug 14, 2014
^same problems here, my friend and I got stuck with help from the mayor and we need have to RNG to go into the black cit bosses, which is 33% to succeed per tries
Level 2
Aug 31, 2018

finish this map solo. Well it's pretty easy.

bad quest
bad rpg system
bad class up
bad landskype
dont usubility final spell

its first rpg where dextury dont to get atack speed.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Hey guys, I just wanted you to know that now that WC3 reforged attracted more players again I am going to upload a new version with bug fixes, more items, balance improvementsnand so on:peasant-wink:. To the latest replys I can only say that this map is not meant to be ultra hard. Its main goal is to entertain while playing by discovering new features regularly.
Thank you for all the support so far. The update will probably be released in December 2020.

:peasant-i-object:I am also working on a new solo player map where you are a suspect of a murder in the middle ages and by solving tasks and riddles you can find the true murderer. This map will have different endings, based on the decisions you make while playing.

Maybe I am also bugfixing Bayus Firestorm TD and adding new content as this game is my favourite TD in WC3 if i get the permission as some things are just unplayable in the current version.:vw_death:
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
View attachment 306742
finish this map solo. Well it's pretty easy.

bad quest
bad rpg system
bad class up
bad landskype
dont usubility final spell

its first rpg where dextury dont to get atack speed.

Ive done a lot of changes in the last update. Maybe you want to try the map again and improve your rating if you like it better. Ive noticed the Harpy was a bit boring to play, so it gained a new active spell, just like the Storm class.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Hy, I played the map and I cant follow the main quest. I got stuck on the "help from the mayor Albert Wesker". I searched the entire map and I cant find this person. I made all the quests from the Mayor in the middle town. Dont know what to do so I can continue my quest.
Wainting for the next version. Still trying to lvl up to 100 I'm 90 and still doing quests so I can lvl up to see the ultimate spell.
If you can help me I'll be very greatfull. Keep up the good work

PS : Another problem I dont know if was reported already but when you load your character Mojo of the Immortal doesnt load. I farmad for hours to get money for the chips and I bought 2 and when I loaded my char I had two slots empty in my inventory where that 2 items should be. Please resolve that.
Hey! Ive made a huge update today, where all that you said should be fixed and a lot more stuff is improved! If you want to give the new version a try, I would be happy if you could rate my map as well, so more and new players will see it on hive.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Just wanted to update my rating. I generally reserve 3+ for maps that I want to play again. If I don't want to play again I give it a 2 or lower. I realized that if the Mojo thing was fixed I would play this again so I came back to bump this up to a 3.

I think this map has a lot of promise and want to give this a go again when everyone I'm playing with isn't grumpy about spending hours grinding for nothing. There are a lot of things I like about this so take my 3 and I look forward to bumping this up after the glitches are fixed.
I have uploaded a huge update recently, all bugs are fixed (including the one with the mojo), new content was implemented, old stuff was improved! Im sure you will like the new version!
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
The idea of the map is great. Lots of different heroes with lots of potential and builds.
However, I played Accursed Witch and the last ability does not seem to damage no matter how many stacks you use. Still it stuns, but is infinite. You must have selected 0 seconds for stun duration.
As addition to the idea of an ability at level 100, we managed to use 2-3 hours of Team-Up stragedy to reach level 100 from 70. 1 afk patrolling at the Mayor to return quest, and 2 to kill Zombie Civilians. We abused the bug that makes you able to return the quest with only 1 kill - and still it took us 3 hours! Rly, you gotta fix the experience.
Also, the end ability for Fire (Hero) seems a bit of a joke.

As a comment to the map, I feel that you have used up 90% of the map for leveling and the remaining 10% for the actual top level. There seems to be nothing to do but running from the Red Portal to the First Gate entrance, which sends you back to the portal 90% of the times. There is really no clues given for where the key may be and so you with giving up trying to see wth actually lies beyond these gates.
It needs more end gameplay!
Also there were many areas we never even used. Like the Satyr (assassin) area. We wen't to check it out, but discovered yet another low level quest area with low experience.

I would also suggest you to make it more obvious of how the portals work and where we actually get those stones to activate them..

To items, as many already told you, the Mojo Item will not be saved, which is a huge problem since it is the most expensive item...
Talking of items.. I must say I am missing some sort of boss loot. My friends and I were playing for hours and it hit us all of a sudden that we had never gotten an item from anything... Which is fine if you have a system going on - but tell me, what is the big deal with having item shops (say we've bought everything from it, which we had) and you are geared and ready for the last boss (dungeon) but he grant you anything anyway. Then I rly don't see a point in playing it.

Last but not least I'd like to comment the Heroes.
The Witch I played had the same abilities through the whole game. I find that a bit boring, since the leveling process is so long. I had no suprises or anything to look forward to.
In addition I find it very disturbing with the flat ability damage. If the damage was hightened and mana cost high, which needed a greater mana pool from items, I'd see the drill. But since you have infinite mana and spells still deal low dmg lategame, they seem worthless. So my point, make sure spell casters' abilities won't drop out. I'd suggest making them scale with intelligence. Otherwise it just seems plain.

I hope you can use this feedback to something. We enjoyed the map very much indeed, but tbh after reaching level 60-70, everything seemed pointless and boring. We really couldn't find the meaning with this rpg. :/

Best regards for developing.
Hey, I managed to update this game, recently and uploaded the new version today! One example i took from your comment that i changed is that you have your ultimate ability now on level 80. Also all items are saved now and the game even has an autosave now (because the battlenet is very unstable recently).
If you would be so kind and give the map a try again, I would be glad to receive a rating from you on this map, so other players can see it on hive and enjoy it as well. I will host it this weekend on the battlenet, so maybe we see each other ;)
Level 1
Aug 3, 2012
I am unable to load my code for my Masked Knight of any level. Lost hours of progress to get to lv60.

And items did not save properly on some levels of Masked Fighter.

Other notable thing(s):
-all loads that I have tried for Masked Knight did not load any gold, but loaded a crap ton of Chips
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
I am unable to load my code for my Masked Knight of any level. Lost hours of progress to get to lv60.

And items did not save properly on some levels of Masked Fighter.

Other notable thing(s):
-all loads that I have tried for Masked Knight did not load any gold, but loaded a crap ton of Chips
Ohh damn, Ill look at this issue soon.
As I have already said the new World Editor (thank you WC3 Reforged) crashed my data and also deleted the save/load system (which I didnt make myself as you may have seen).
The problem is the guy that made the system for me is not an active member of hive anymore and I cant fix everything that affects the save/load system myself ...
Could you please post the load code in here so I can have a look at it?
Please paste at least 3 loading codes where you have been at a different level with the Masked Fighter.
Ty for your time to make this comment
Level 8
Mar 16, 2014
Ohh damn, Ill look at this issue soon.
As I have already said the new World Editor (thank you WC3 Reforged) crashed my data and also deleted the save/load system (which I didnt make myself as you may have seen).
The problem is the guy that made the system for me is not an active member of hive anymore and I cant fix everything that affects the save/load system myself ...
Could you please post the load code in here so I can have a look at it?
Please paste at least 3 loading codes where you have been at a different level with the Masked Fighter.
Ty for your time to make this comment
can i play this map on version 1.30?
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
can i play this map on version 1.30?
Im not quiet sure what your question is but here are my answers:

-Version 1.3 is bugged but you can still play it if you prefer it and have it somewhere in your Warcraft 3 folder
-You can load heroes and everything you had from a loading code from version 1.3 in this version (so use your old codes in v.1.5)
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
i mean i have warcraft 3 version 1.30.
is this map playable on that?
i dont have reforged, i guess reforged is 1.32 and ahead.

It should work fine on older Warcraft 3 versions as well as long as you have The Frozen Throne.
Best would be you try it out because I have the newest version and I cant test it on an older one

But if you wait a few days more ill bring out a new version with quick bug fixes because something seems to be wrong with the latest save/load system in some cases
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Level 8
Mar 16, 2014
It should work fine on older Warcraft 3 versions as well as long as you have The Frozen Throne.
Best would be you try it out because I have the newest version and I cant test it on an older one

But if you wait a few days more ill bring out a new version with quick bug fixes because something seems to be wrong with the latest save/load system in some cases
thank you for the reply
all the best to your efforts
Level 1
Aug 3, 2012
Ohh damn, Ill look at this issue soon.
....... Could you please post the load code in here so I can have a look at it?
Please paste at least 3 loading codes where you have been at a different level with the Masked Fighter.
Ty for your time to make this comment

Darkshadow95, here are the codes in question:
Masked Fighter:
-load q69cE1vaabh48bhYrarararararararararararan8 (lv30)
-load ss9cComcq2wabh17bhWbhxara1araHarararararararan8 (lv29)
-load sF9cCkKcq2wabhY6bhTbhxara1araHarararararararan8 (lv 28)

Masked Knight:
-load pWbuWcoprabhhRbhCbhxara1araHaraQarararararan8 (lv04)
-load s2cFWUcv3Vabmubh7bmNbhxara1araHaraQarararararan8 (lv30)
-load sEdo1Duc95taboXbmGbpAbhxara8arararaHarararararan8 (lv60)

I could upload my entire code file somewhere if you'd like to verify all of them.
Level 5
May 23, 2015
Played a bit, got a Evil Paladin up to level 45, cool map, no custom models so far, but looks nice, I would prefer to have a Death Knight and a Warlock, but in a single story with no custom stuff for each class makes sense all heroes are the shining boyscout kind.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Played a bit, got a Evil Paladin up to level 45, cool map, no custom models so far, but looks nice, I would prefer to have a Death Knight and a Warlock, but in a single story with no custom stuff for each class makes sense all heroes are the shining boyscout kind.
Im not totally sure what u want to say but if you reach level 60 you can rank up the Evil Paladin to the Death Knight model (Fallen Paladin). The last part of your comment is confusing, please try to say it in other words, so i can respond.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Played a bit, got a Evil Paladin up to level 45, cool map, no custom models so far, but looks nice, I would prefer to have a Death Knight and a Warlock, but in a single story with no custom stuff for each class makes sense all heroes are the shining boyscout kind.
Ive uploaded the newest version, recently (version 1.6), including 30 boss drop items and more. If you enjoy it, I would be glad about a 5 star rating ;)
Level 5
May 23, 2015
Im not totally sure what u want to say but if you reach level 60 you can rank up the Evil Paladin to the Death Knight model (Fallen Paladin). The last part of your comment is confusing, please try to say it in other words, so i can respond.
I don't know what part of my comment you did not understand, but if it was my complain about the classes is that I dont like to play good boyscout classes, that is why I wanted to have the option of being a Warlock or a Death Knight. I supose the Fallen paladin is a DK like class.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
I don't know what part of my comment you did not understand, but if it was my complain about the classes is that I dont like to play good boyscout classes, that is why I wanted to have the option of being a Warlock or a Death Knight. I supose the Fallen paladin is a DK like class.
I dont know why you call the classes boy scout.That was the confusing part in my opinion, could you explain what u mean by that?
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Level 5
May 23, 2015
I dont know why you call the classes boy scout.That was the confusing part in my opinion, could you explain what u mean by that?
Oh, I meant the goodie kind, like Healer Paladin and of the sort, but I mean considering we are the good guys it fits, I like more when we can go more evil in the questing, but guess its a bit too much in a big map like yours.

Like in WoW I allways wanted to join the Burning Legion and the Scourge, but that would require too much customization in the game, wich makes the 2 factions (Alliance and Horde)just blant copies of each other. For instance I liked the Horde when it served the Legion, now they are boring Hippies, or dumb crazy people like Garrosh or Sylvanas.
Level 6
Oct 26, 2010
Oh, I meant the goodie kind, like Healer Paladin and of the sort, but I mean considering we are the good guys it fits, I like more when we can go more evil in the questing, but guess its a bit too much in a big map like yours.

Like in WoW I allways wanted to join the Burning Legion and the Scourge, but that would require too much customization in the game, wich makes the 2 factions (Alliance and Horde)just blant copies of each other. For instance I liked the Horde when it served the Legion, now they are boring Hippies, or dumb crazy people like Garrosh or Sylvanas.

I totally understand your POV but some of the playable characters are kind of "bad". Just try out multiple heroes, you will like some of them more than others and if you play the main quest there will also be some struggle going on between good and bad side ;)

But in the end, yes, you are the one who has to defeat the Black Citadel ofc.
Level 5
May 23, 2015
I just had a terrible surprise, the item I worked a long time to get is not loading, the one you get from merging the Double Edge and the Tempo Boots fully upgraded is not loading, and it took me hours of playing to get that

After all that I finally got the money and the chips to fully upgrade and merge the items and now when I load its just NOT THERE?!

If it is because it costs chips you deided it would not save then it should have frigging said in the item description, I would not have wasted so much time to get it!

I don't even feel like playing the map anymore, if there is no way to reverse that...