Darkshadow95 Presents
Rise of Anger RPG v.1.8 b
Created by Darkshadow95/SadCyclops
Map Info:
At first you have to choose either a male villager or a female villager, which can learn from 16 different classes if you reach level 10 (split in male and female classes). Each class can rank up twice, giving new heroes with better and new abilities.
-maximum level: 100
-ultimate spell for each class on level 75 (rank 3)
-1 to 6 players
-huge map
-a lot of dungeons
-multiplayer makes it much easier
-save load system
-needs a couple of hours to play through it
-custom XP gain system
-saving the save code directly in the WC3 file
-a lot of Easter Eggs
-an optional story
-all units, abilities and items are unique and custom
-integrated minigame "Greedisgood"
-each class has got an ultimate spell on rank 3 and level 75
-a lot of different molded quests
-detailed description of every enemy
-automatically saves your hero progress
-works with WC3 Reforged
Some other stuff about the map:
You should check out the QUESTS in the left upper corner to learn how to play this game, because it is a little different to similar games in WC3.
I also recommend to spend time to check out what you can do in which region of the map (questgivers, shops, class teachers and so on).
Detailed World:
Play in a detailed world, where war hides everywhere.
Explore hidden places and enter new regions.
You do not have to fight all the time, just enjoy the peaceful places ...
... or the not so peaceful places.
Depending if male or female, you can choose between 16 different classes if you have reached level 10 with your Villager.
Doing Quests:
Complete a lot quest of different styles. You can decide which ones you do and which not. It is about delivering, collecting, killing, defending and many other types.
Crossing Rivers:
Walking around all day is too boring. In this game you need to enter a ship to discover new areas.
Heal at statues:
You can heal your hero at Sacred Statues very fast.
To make the game balanced, it is allowed to have each class ONCE a match. Therefore I have created a system, which makes it impossible to have twice the same class in one match (even with save-load you are not able to have the same class as another player).
Even when you have a rest from fighting, you can spend your time with funny things, like having a drink at the bar.
You can also gamble if you rushed far enough. There is also a minigame added.
Ranking up:
You are able to rank up each class twice with finding your class teacher.
Interactive enemies:
Fight against enemies, which use both, passive and active abilities against you.
Dungeons and bosses:
Enter a lot of totally different dungeons and fight powerful bosses to gain loot.
Version 1.1:
-Fixed a bug with leveling up the Wizard or Footman Class
-Fixed a bug so you were not able to load these classes
-Fixed a bug that you always gained the reward for a quest after finishing it once
-Hiding some units on the map (especially Easter Eggs)
-Changed unit description of Giant Spider at the shrine
-minor bug fixes
-Fixed a bug when respawning removed your hero
-minor bug fixes
Version 1.2:
-Fixed the Save-Load-System, so it is working fine now
-Fixed some spells which did not appear after loading a class between two games
-Added two units to list the spells of each class, so you do not have to pick a class until you like its spells.
-minor changes on the terrain
-shows current version ingame
-changed some descriptions
-if the CAS (Class Abuse System) blocks your loading, you can now pick a villager instead and start from the beginning if you want
Version 1.3:
-Reduced the size of the Item Boxes, so it is easier to select them
-Clears the Quests after accepting, preventing the game from leaking
-Clears dead creeps, preventing the game from leaking
-Changed the terrain a little, preventing a bug
-Fixed a bug when ranking up to Spirit
-Changes some pictures
-Fixed the "Tidy Cellar", "Murloc Rabble" and "Werewolf" Quests, so you can no longer get rewards multiplie times by fulfilling it once
-Fixed a critical error, when using "Battle Technique" in fog
-"Battle Technique" can now affect units in fog (but still the same range)
-All quests will tell you the name of the quest you just fulfilled
-You can no longer attack or cast spells in the Class House (Class picking area)
-Reduced the cost of all Potions by 75%!
-Destroyes Sounds after usage, reducing leaks
-Removed some looping sounds on the map
-Changed some descriptions and texts
-Minor changes
-Added the new Quest "Pull Up Weeds"
-Save-load-system works, but only for single player mode
-Fixed some leaking triggers
Version 1.4
-Added a multiplayer save load system
-Changed some things with the old save system
-Fixed a bug, which made it impossible to accept quests
Version 1.5:
-Fixed a bug where you lost your last bought item, when accepting "Trio of Terror" quest.
-Fixed some quests
-Fixed a bug, which made the main quest unable to play though it
-Made the Sea Turtle able to revive after death
-Made the Mojo of Immortal item able to being saved
-Fixed a bug, which didn't count killed units correctly, made it able to fulfill a quest multiple times by killing one creep instead of many
-Some items and quests are more balanced now
-Created a new quest: "Giant Leather"
-Potions are now stackable
-You can no longer save Bottles, Dimensional Stones or Magical Glasses
-Added bonus armor for Frigates after reaching the top Shipyard
-Some animations and texts have been changed
-Ultimate abilities on level 80 for the 3rd rank class instead of level 100!
-Added a new command to show which day it is (-time).
-Increased the chance of passing a gate at the Black Citadel to 70% instead of 33%. With a key you still have 100%.
-Reworked a few spells, including a buggy ultimate spell.
-Made it able to pick a Villager after failing loading.
-minor text changes
-Improved all units, who are stronger than the skeletons. Improved experience gain for those units.
-Added new items: Kobold Mask, Kobold Sword, Kobold Heart, Kobold Shoes, Full Body Kobold.
-Replaced Wooden Armor with Kobold Armor.
-Quest items like the bottle cannot be sold anymore
-Fixed a bug with Aura of Satisfaction
-Changed some item costs
-Re-added the item Mithril Sword
-increased the health when entering the Shipyard
-Reinforcement illusions can now trigger Spiritual Support
-You gain rewards for every 25 (in game) days played in one match
-Removed Iron Sword and Blades of Attack from the shops
-Fixed a bug with the Get Water quest
-Kobold Sword costs no more Coins but gold instead
-Some quests give more gold and/or experience.
-Added new item: Mirror of the Illusionist
-You can combine some items now for a better endgame.
-Reworked the Harpy Class, so it has one more active ability, making it feel more like the carry it should.
-Added a new upgradable item: Double Edge.
-Added a new item: Cross of the Martyr.
-Added a new active ability to the Storm class
-Some visual improvements
-Now autosaves when your hero levels up!
Version 1.6:
-Changed some item abilities and costs!
-Fixed some texts and animations
-Bug fixes and small adjustments like mana cost
-Magic Immunity on most creeps was replaced with Magic Resistance
-Added some more Sacred Statues
-Increased the gold and experience gained from most quests, so afk farming is much slower than actually playing the game and fulfilling quests
-Added 30 new items which drop when you kill dungeon bosses!
-Created a new starting system, so new players know what to do when they start
-Created a table for active quests, which require multiple kills of the same unit type to clear the screen
-Clawslippers can now be saved and loaded
-Added a discord server: discord.gg/EmUwsvNsrE
Version 1.7:
-Added a command to zoom out and in (-cam xxxx)
-Corrected some spelling mistakes
-Improved the Ultimate Spell of the Gladiator by increasing the chance by 25%
-Reworked Harpy Strike passive and active
-Harpy Bloodseeker's ultimate reward doubled
-Fixed an issue where you could not enter the next stage after the Demon of Delusion
-Changed the spawn position after killing the final boss to the starting location
-Fixed a bug with the Ghost class, where you could exploit her level 10 ability and in some cases lose all skill points
-Reworked some models into their Reforged Models
Version 1.8:
-Reworked some models into their Reforged Models
-Fixed a bug with the Pokeflute
-Urn of the King and all potions can be saved now
-Fixed a bug, where you couldnt load you hero in multiplayer sometimes
-Removed most orb-effects (besides lifesteal and critical strike)
-Replaced some abilities which had orb-effects with other skills
-All Dimensional Gates (except one) are open when the game starts, making fast-travel easier for experienced players
-Heroes in Astral Form can be saved now (previously saved heroes in Astral Form (Spirit, Ghost, Spectre) could not be saved properly sometimes
-Most heroes have at least one scaling ability now (except for some tanks / damage dealers who scale by stats anyway)
-Every player can repick a maximum of 1 time per game.
-Every player can load a maximum of 1 time per game (if your hero gets removed due to the Class-Abuse-System you can load multiple times)
-Players who already have loaded a hero cannot repick anymore
-The autosave now saves your progress when your hero levels up but only once every 10 minutes!
-Reduced the level requirement for the "ultimate spells", so you can level them up every 7 levels instead of 10.
-Reduced the level requirement for the rank 3 ultimates from level 80 to level 75, so your hero has maxed out abilities at lvl 75 but can still gain stats from leveling up afterwards.
Version 1.8 b:
-Fixed that Fallen Paladin and Spectre had their ultimates on level 80 (is 75 now)
-Every player can enable and disable the tips now for themselves (-tipsoff and - tipson)
-Balanced the Demons (last dungeon) a bit
-Made TM16 and Urn of the King stackable in inventory
-Added a description to all boss items while on the ground
-Fixed a bug where stackable items wouldnt stack if picked up from the ground or traded
-Made Full Body Kobold droppable but limited the number a hero can carry to 1
Author's notes:
Greetings to all who tested this map with me.
Special thanks to Dat-C3, who created the save load system for my map
This map has been tested and works fine.
My new battlenet account is SadCyclops if you have any questions or would like to play the map with me!
The World Editor crashed my data, so if any problems occur, post it here!
If you find any bugs post it below this map at Hiveworkshop.com