I'll give you the point of the trigger. It's for my pokemon map which has the Elite Four in it. So i've placed the pokemon which will be competing in each of the reasons then saved them as a variable. Then as they are not needed in these regions i've killed them so that i can revive them when someone goes to defeat the elite four. My problem is that every time i try to revive the group it only revives 2 of the 4 from the room. I've only started making a test trigger and i've only started trying it on the first room. Even then it doesn't work. Any ideas?
Pick each group
- Time - Elapsed game time is 5.00 seconds
- Conditions
- Set Elite_Four_1_Norm = (Units in Elite Four Normal Zone <gen> owned by Player 9 (Gray))
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Elite_Four_1_Norm and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Unit - Kill (Picked unit)
Loop - Actions
- Set Elite_Four_2_Grass = (Units in Elite Four Grass Zone <gen> owned by Player 9 (Gray))
- Set Elite_Four_3_Ground = (Units in Elite Four Rock Zone <gen> owned by Player 9 (Gray))
- Set Elite_Four_4_Dark = (Units in Elite Four Dark Zone <gen> owned by Player 9 (Gray))
- Set Elite_Four_5_Champion = (Units in Elite Four Champion Zone <gen> owned by Player 9 (Gray))
- Wait 20.00 seconds
- Game - Display to (All players) the text: r
Unit Group - Pick every unit in Elite_Four_1_Norm and do (Actions)
Loop - Actions
- Hero - Instantly revive (Picked unit) at (Random point in Elite Four Normal Zone <gen>), Hide revival graphics
Loop - Actions