Retera's Orb Recolors

This bundle is marked as awaiting update. A staff member has requested changes to it before it can be approved.
These are some extra additions for the substandard section for people who need more Orb items for custom races. Most of these are really old, and just things that I had lying around on my hard drive.

Based on research into the WIPs on my old backup hard drives, all of these are verified to be my own work. However, the work spans icons made as long ago as 2007 to as recently as maybe 2017 or so.

So, because of that, you absolutely may have seen these icons somewhere else before. Also, a lot of them are somewhat uninspiring recolors. But I figured that by collecting these in a bundle, they might prove useful for people who want to make custom race maps and need a larger supply of Orb icons.

BTNBloodStone (Icon)

BTNCyanOrb (Icon)

BTNGreenTalisman (Icon)

BTNHolyStone (Icon)

BTNOrbOfDeeperDarkness (Icon)

BTNOrbOfFlegion (Icon)

BTNPeaGreenGem (Icon)

BTNRedTalisman (Icon)

BTNShadowStone (Icon)

BTNSnowball (Icon)

BTNUtilityStone (Icon)

BTNValorStone (Icon)

BTNWaterOrb (Icon)

Please change author to blizzard along side you, lastly fix th orb of water to something not so plain