Restart mission

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Level 3
Mar 23, 2010
Is there a way (using triggers) to create a "restart mission" in the defeat menu.
Also, is there a way to restart a mission from last "checkpoint"

This has me buggin'...:ogre_datass:
Level 7
Dec 29, 2008
I dont mod in SC2, but the best way to go about that would be to make your own dialog box when the player is "defeated" that has all the options that would normally be there, but with the restart button also added. I dont think you can actually ADD anything to the UI itself.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Is there a way (using triggers) to create a "restart mission" in the defeat menu.
Also, is there a way to restart a mission from last "checkpoint"

Simplest solution is to not physically defeat the player. You instead make a virtual "defeat". Basically a dialog which closly emulates the defeat one but instead is just a normal dialog. If you click the leave game option, it boots you. You also add to it a "restart" button.

Restarting is an entirly different problem. It can also be substantially more complex. You, not the game, have to make a system that lets you reset large areas of your map and manage progress saving. This includes respawning units/bosses, reviving all player units and reseting quest statuses.

The concept of progress saving is that your team's status is captured roughly so it can be recreated at a later time (whether it be continuing from a previous game with state parameters in a bank or just rolling back due to a virtual defeat). Snapshot the progress of the heroes and the progress still remaining. You then make accompanying systems that allow you to respawn units and to reset quest states. Reseting quest states just requires you to clear all quest attributes (all the values the quest use get set to inital values) and reset all the trigger logic used (turning off and on appropiate triggers for the quest to be as good as never done).

Both datatables and banks can be useful when you need to save a lot of data dynamically. Do remember than persiting banks have a size restriction.
Level 7
Dec 29, 2008
Simplest solution is to not physically defeat the player. You instead make a virtual "defeat". Basically a dialog which closly emulates the defeat one but instead is just a normal dialog. If you click the leave game option, it boots you. You also add to it a "restart" button.

Restarting is an entirly different problem. It can also be substantially more complex. You, not the game, have to make a system that lets you reset large areas of your map and manage progress saving. This includes respawning units/bosses, reviving all player units and reseting quest statuses.

The concept of progress saving is that your team's status is captured roughly so it can be recreated at a later time (whether it be continuing from a previous game with state parameters in a bank or just rolling back due to a virtual defeat). Snapshot the progress of the heroes and the progress still remaining. You then make accompanying systems that allow you to respawn units and to reset quest states. Reseting quest states just requires you to clear all quest attributes (all the values the quest use get set to inital values) and reset all the trigger logic used (turning off and on appropiate triggers for the quest to be as good as never done).

Both datatables and banks can be useful when you need to save a lot of data dynamically. Do remember than persiting banks have a size restriction.


This type of thing may be a little too complex for someone like you if you are new to the editor, or dont have that much knowledge of triggering. Try and hold off on this kind of thing until you are confident of your abilities. I, myself, wouldn't even venture into this kind of thing. It would just require too much work and time for me to handle.

However, if this is a single-player map that you are making, there wouldn't be any need to make this sort of system. In warcraft 3, if you saved your progress often while playing with the basic save system already built into the game, then you would just need to go back and load where you left off.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
However, if this is a single-player map that you are making, there wouldn't be any need to make this sort of system. In warcraft 3, if you saved your progress often while playing with the basic save system already built into the game, then you would just need to go back and load where you left off.
As all singleplayer maps have to be created using the custom game interface, I am not sure this is possible. Also saving was bugged in WC3 so many common scripting practices would bug when a map was reloaded (why most custom maps defeat you if you load a save of them in WC3).
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