Well i have a trigger for a certain unit to respawn in a region after gets killed...
the thing is, i have more than one unit in 2 regions..
the unit gets respawned, but a few seconds later, a second unit respawns..
so if i kill 1 unit, i get 2 respawned
this is the trigger, i hope somebody can tell me how to fix it..
the thing is, i have more than one unit in 2 regions..
the unit gets respawned, but a few seconds later, a second unit respawns..
so if i kill 1 unit, i get 2 respawned
this is the trigger, i hope somebody can tell me how to fix it..
Respawn de Medu Dmara01
- Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Hostile Dies
- (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) Equal to Medusa
Or - Any (Conditions) are true
- (MeduDMara01 <gen> contains (Dying unit)) Equal to True
- (MeduDMara02 <gen> contains (Dying unit)) Equal to True
- Set drop = (Random integer number between 1 and 1000)
- If ((drop Greater than or equal to 1) and (drop Less than or equal to 33)) then do (Item - Create Amulet of the Wild at (Position of (Dying unit))) else do (If ((drop Greater than or equal to 34) and (drop Less than or equal to 60)) then do (Item - Create Demonic Figurine at (Position of (Dying unit))) else do (If ((drop Greater than or equal to 105) and (drop Less than or equal to 200)) then do (Item - Create I
- Wait until (((Picked unit) is dead) Equal to True), checking every 1.00 seconds
- Wait 2.00 seconds
- Set MedusREsp = (Random integer number between 1 and 100)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
- MedusREsp Greater than 50
Then - Actions
- Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) for Neutral Hostile at (Random point in MeduDMara01 <gen>) facing (Random angle) degrees
Else - Actions
- Unit - Create 1 (Unit-type of (Dying unit)) for Neutral Hostile at (Random point in MeduDMara02 <gen>) facing (Random angle) degrees
If - Conditions
- Unit - Set the custom value of (Last created unit) to (Custom value of (Triggering unit))