If you have both installed and can run both editors:
Open the reforged map with the world editor use the export Trigger function inside Trigger Editor
Now you open a new map in V1.31 world editor and use import triggers onto the exported triggers, this will replace the current triggers hence the new map.
Select the triggers you wana copy and put them into clipboard using crtl + c
Open the target map with world editor
Then you can paste the triggers from the clipboard into your map.
If you can't run the reforged world editor, then you need to get some mpq editor.
download mpq editor
Ladik's MPQ Editor
open mpq editor
open the map inside mpq Editor
extract war3map.wtg
extract war3map.wct, next to the one above
open world editor
Create a new map
open trigger editor
Import Triggers using the menu-File(inside trigger editor) with the extracted war3map.wtg
Create a new folder and drag& drop the Libraries & Cooldown Reduction Folder into it.
Select the Folder inside Trigger editor
Load it into clipboard using ctrl + c
find your wanted map in explorer drag&drop it into world editor
open trigger editor
click ctrl + v
use the system