Requesting some spell suggestions.

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Requesting some spell suggestions for my map.
C2-48 Suon said:
Hey guys, im just thinking, What type of spells can there be for my heroes? I didn't finish adding them all.
Finished Heroes
Crystal Inferno
Drake Warrior
Unfinished Heroes
Heroes that i might add
Tank Commander
Gun Specialist
What type of spells can i do for those?
Thanks for helping me. I will credit you in the quests.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647


Feast - Feasts on a unit's living flesh. Stuns the unit for duration, dealing damage and healing the zombie. The spell is channeled and interruptible.

Dead Man Walking - The zombie is already dead, and as such he can take more damage than the usual mortal. Reduces physical damage increasingly with level.


Spook - Scares a unit speachless. Silences the target unit.

Boo! - This is a bit tricky. You activate a state where you are visible, but when faced by an enemy hero you become invisible, but are stuck in place until the hero faces away from you again. If you manage to sneak up behind a unit while visible, you deal critical damage, silence the unit, and stun for a duration.

This is supposed to be an ultimate ability.
Good Suggestions. If only i had my computer at my 2nd house i would make it right away. I have an idea on what the spells are based on.
Spells based on:
Self Destruct - Kaboom!(goblin sapper)
Dead Man Walking - Spiked Carapace(the beetle hero on the undead)
Feast - Cannible(ghoul)
Spook - Silence
Boo - UNKNOWN! This spell is not based on anything. Impossible to make.
Artillery Strike - Based on that missile spell...
Snipe - Thinking on what spell its based on..
Chop - Not sure
Tune - Sleep(change radius of effect)
The ones i dont know is probably not added in the game.
I just need some more and the ultimates.
Don't forget about the spells for alien, predator, trooper, marine, and drake warrior.

Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Boo - UNKNOWN! This spell is not based on anything. Impossible to make.
Bullshit, I'm sure something like it could be made using triggers and JASS. It's not impossible, only for a lazy person.
Ghost:Fear, Turns the target unit to the Neutral Hostile Team (Or some team with no friends) and it will attack ALL units it can until it changes back in X seconds.

I think thats too retarded. Let me change that.
Ghost: Fear - When cast upon unit, the unit is afraid and moves 50% faster, but can miss easily.
Think i have some more ideas:
Creep Scream - The ghost moans, spawning a few ghostlings.
Cktauri[ULTIMATE] - The ghost becomes lighter, faster, and much more invisible and hard to hit.
Rockitack - Swarm of Rockets dealing damage to units in range.
Trooper's Regenisence[ULTIMATE] - The trooper remembers his past life, a terrible life, he becomes stronger and faster, but can miss sometimes because of anger.
Gears - Throws gears at targeted unit.
Markful Strength - The robot becomes intact with more gears, giving him more life, and strength. But agility is decreased.
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Level 6
Feb 10, 2007
Yagyu Ryu form: Defensive form fro the samurai. Makes the samurai almost impregnable but decreases his attack speed and dmg
might use it as an ultimate
For the crystal inferno
Crystal skin (passive): Any units that come in X range of the inferno get damaged by his armor piercing crystals
Level 3
Jan 20, 2007
Final Ray - Unleashes intensely powerful energy beam attack that implodes upon impact transforming into a black hole, pulling nearby units into it and killing them instantly. Final Ray cannot be used on Heroes

This ability has the use of the ability transmute and use of triggers.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005

Tosses a gernade at target area. The gernade will fly "realisticly" through the air and then explode 2 seconds after hitting the ground. Purpose is to take out foes who stand still, the damage it deals is PHYSICAL (not magic damage so armor reduces damage). The damage is based on spell level, hero stats and items (some items up its damage). The damage is balenced by the armor reduction penalty.


Tosses a gernade at target area. The gernade will fly "realisticly" through the air and then explode 2 seconds after hitting the ground. Purpose is to take out foes who stand still, the damage it deals is PHYSICAL (not magic damage so armor reduces damage). The damage is based on spell level, hero stats and items (some items up its damage). The damage is balenced by the armor reduction penalty.


Yeah... Good idea. You can make it with a dummy unit.
Yeah... Good idea. You can make it with a dummy unit.


Tosses a gernade at target area. The gernade will fly "realisticly" through the air and then explode 2 seconds after hitting the ground. Purpose is to take out foes who stand still, the damage it deals is PHYSICAL (not magic damage so armor reduces damage). The damage is based on spell level, hero stats and items (some items up its damage). The damage is balenced by the armor reduction penalty.


i agree with you. Grenades dont blow when they are already thrown(unless held for 2 seconds)
Changed mind about robot hero becuz....... the cool model i downloaded for him = not working at all.
Ok, The heroes that have their spells done are:
Drake Warrior
The ones that are ALMOST done:
Jim Raynor
The rest are incomplete. But ninja has some spells, as so does predator and crystal inferno.
Hmmm i need a crystal icon.
Level 6
Mar 12, 2007
Ninja: [ultimate] he turns invisable and sneaks up on an enemy and attacks him a lot. all u have to do is use channel to taget an enemy then triggers to give him permanent invisability then make him walk to enemy then make him to show attack anim at 200% about 15 times then make him visable agian. :infl_thumbs_up:
Ninja: sword throw--fire ball with a sword instead of fireball

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Drake Warrior
This might be a missunderstanding but im taking it for some kind of warrior that is drake based, possiably involved with drakes.

Drake ally
Summons a second hero (Drake) to air the Warrior in combat. The hero is auto summoned once spell is learned and will be revived like a normal hero in your map is. The drake's stats are linked to that of the warrior and so will power as he does, but the base stats, abilities and stat multiplyer are spell level based. For balence reasons the drake is eithor very week at the start or the spell is not available at the start inorder to stop overpowering. The entire power of max level drake + drake spells can only be a bit stronger than the average spell in the same conditions, so that the game remains balenced and you do not get a player with 2 uber heroes. Also the functinality of the drake being able to lvl up for additions +1 stat odd in combat might be a good idea since it would encourage the owner to keep it fighting to make it stronger, if you use this, keep in mind that the stats have to be balenced as not to too overpower the drake.

MISC SPELL (no catorgy)
Tri phase shift.
The user phases into 3 copies of 1/3 if his power. Each illusion is a duplicate of the hero and all SHARE the same spell cooldown. They all have the same armor as the orignal and same attackrate and range BUT only have 1/3 of the orignals hp and damage. Mana is shared, like cooldown. If the illusions are far appart from each other, any spells cast will be cast by all illusions for the same price at a simlar cordinate to where the ordered one cast. This would mean that having the illusions close together will result in still only being able to single cast spells, to stop cheap hero kills, but if the illusions are far appart you can tri cast spells for great efficency of mana. If a phase of the hero dies, the other phases get their stats so if 1 died it will mean there would be 2 phases with 1/2 power of orignal. If 2 phases dies the hero is reverted automaticly to orignal form. Current HP for a phase will not increas if another phase dies, only max hp will inorder to make it balenced. This spell is good for running and handling 3 borders, and still does not allow the user to become a hero dominator.

Need any more ideas???
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Crystal Inferno
Voley of crystal - Fan of knive (Ice bolt missile art)
(Ultimate) Diamond Blast - A War Stomp. But instead of making a stun art effect over the head of victims, make the units frozen in ice and reduce damage but increase a lot the stun time.
Agility - A passive ability that boost agility.
Dark strike - A melee strike that deals the (((agility + streght) / 2) * ability level)
Drake Warrior
Burning blood - (Passive) The blood of the drake warrior become burning. Any unit that melee attack the Drake Warrior and make it bleed will be burned. (Thorn Aura)
Vitality Strike - A melee strike that damage the ennemy with ((Curent HP of the drake warrior)/2)
Aimed shoot - A casting ability, (10 second) that will give a 100% of critical *3 on the next attack only.
i agree with you. Grenades dont blow when they are already thrown(unless held for 2 seconds)
Changed mind about robot hero becuz....... the cool model i downloaded for him = not working at all.
Ok, The heroes that have their spells done are:
Drake Warrior
The ones that are ALMOST done:
Jim Raynor
The rest are incomplete. But ninja has some spells, as so does predator and crystal inferno.
Hmmm i need a crystal icon.

I dont need spells for the drake warrior and samurai. And mebe the ninja also. Just give me more spell ideas for the rest of the units.
Oh and metal warrior, the spell Aimed Shot is out of my league as any other Trigger Enhanced Spells. And i dunno jass. so in later versions i might need people to make the spells look much MUCH better.
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
Oh and metal warrior, the spell Aimed Shot is out of my league as any other Trigger Enhanced Spells. And i dunno jass. so in later versions i might need people to make the spells look much MUCH better.

Oki doki

Aim Aura - Exactly like the Trueshot Aura
Matrix Shield (picked from starcraft) - Mana Shield
Guard - A divine shield that work for 0.5 seconds free on mana with a 10 second cooldown that can be used to block attack.
lol. By Predator im assuming you mean the one from the movies right.
Cloak - This would be like WW, but more like ghost's cloak in starcraft - perma invis, but drains mana until deactivated (less mana/lvl)
Infared Vision - (True Sight) [Ulti]
Spear - Dmg and Stun
MediKit - Deal damage at start, but then heals (dmg down/lvl, heal up/lvl)

Alien (Again im assuming you mean the one from the movie)

Accidic Blood (Like spicked baracade) Return dmg to melee attacks (bcuz alien bleeds on them)
Infest - Infests the unit with a parasite after so many seconds the unit dies and spawns a weaker alien (Alien stronger/lvl)
Consume - (Cannabalise)
[Ulti] Morph - This morphs the Alien into a Queen - NOTE: THIS ABILITY IS PERMANENT.

Queen Alien's Abilities:

Accidic Blood (same)
Consume (same)
Crushing Strike - Queen alien's are huge so getting hit by one would hurt like a BITCH (Stun and slide back)
[Ulti] Lay Eggs - Lays 3 eggs that after 10 seconds hatch into face huggers that have the lvl 3 infest ability.
Split Acid: Same thing then the acid bomb, but has a corrosive breath projectile.

Flame Barrier: magic homming fireballs spawns to protect the caster. Make this based on locust swarm, changint the locust model to a fireball, and create a trigger that makes the fireball explode when attacks an enemy. It will deal area damage.

These ability comes from World of Ham Ham.
Level 17
Jan 21, 2007
Okay i have some ideas...

Smoke Bomb: [Triggered]
The ninja throws a smoke bomb on the ground wich causes all units inside the smoke to miss some of their attacks and allows the ninja to sneak away in the confusion.

Base spell is Wind Walk. Set movement speed bonus to 0 or less(ex: -50%).
Dummy spell is cloud. Change it so it won't only (or not at all) targets buildings.
Trigger: Create a dummy unit, add the spell to the dummy unit, set the level of cloud to level of Smoke Bomb, order dummy unit to cast cloud at position of casting unit, remove dummy unit. Simple huh? :grin:

Kage Bunshin (Shadow Clone): The ninja creates an illusion of a target unit wich deals x% of the targets base damage and takes y% more.
Base spell: Wand of illusion. Just make it a hero ability and add levels.

Combat Skills: The ninja is adept at avoiding damage and dealing critical blows to the enemy. Gives a x% chance to do y times his damage and z% chance to avoid an attack.
Base spell: Drunken Brawler.

Kawarimi no Jutsu (Replacement techniqe):(May be triggered) The ninja traps the enemy in an illusion so that he thinks he is fighting the enemy when it really is a log.
Base Spell: Reincarnation. Change the effect to a log instead of that cross.
If triggered, just base the ability on bash and remove the percent chance. Then make a trigger:

+A unit is attacked.
+Level of Kawarimi no Jutsu for Attacked unit is greater than 0.
+Random number between 1 and 100 is less than or equal to x(x= percent chance. U decide how much it will be)
+Create a Log(Like a dummy unit but with a model like the doodad log and collision size and such. BUT no movement speed or attack.
+Add a 5 seconds generic expiration timer to Last created unit.
+Move Attacked unit to (This is point with polar offset) position of Attacked unit towards 100 and angle Facing angle of Attacked unit.

And that should be it! For the ultimate i would chose the triggered one, since it will look more like a Kawarimi no Jutsu, but it's up to u :smile:


Face Hugger:(May be triggered) The Alien lays an egg wich will be hatched in 5 seconds. If not destroyed before that, a face hugger will spawn. If the face hugger kills a unit another face hugger will be created.
The only triggered part here is the part with the egg that wont create a unit if it is destroyed before 5 seconds. I'll explain: Base Spell: Feral Spirit. It creates a unit( The Egg). This unit has a spell that is based on spawn hydra(change it so it creates one face hugger, or so it lays one more per level the spell is.) When the egg dies it will create a face hugger. The face hugger shall have the ability parasite, wich is autocast when created and adds the parasite effect to the face huggers attack. Now all you have to do is to change the unit so that it spawns a face hugger( obs it shall be the same unit as the one coming out of the egg, since they shall be pretty easy to kill, but is able to create a army of face huggers.) and not a murloc :wink:

I don't have time to tip u about more spells now, but i'll come back!
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Deleted member 126647


Deleted member 126647

Don't revive a 3 month old thread. I will open this only at the request of the thread creator.

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