Request an Idea for Spell

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Level 5
May 27, 2007
Im requesting an idea or whole spell for my hero. it is a Chaos Warlord (Beastmaster modell). If u can pls make a spell for me. I dont have idea what could i make as a spell for him. PLs Help
Level 8
May 13, 2007
Spell 1 : Chaos Skin
The hero has a particular skin, that creates an aura of corruption. There is a small percent that a random enemy unit attacking the hero will be corrupted and turn to your side.

Spell 2 : Chaos Explosions
Some random explosions that deal damage to nearby enemy units bring total chaos to the enemies, making them easier to attack

Spell 3 : Axe of Disruption
The Chaos Warlord throws his axe, creating a strange aura around the weapon, that deals damage to anyone near the axe in a line.

Spell 4 : Death Dimension
The Chaos Warlord teleports the hero's soul in another dimension, where souls get damaged seriously. The body of the target will still be on the actual world, while its soul gets damaged, damaging the body.

Spell 5 : Chaos Link
Links the hero's life essence with a target enemy and anytime the hero gets damaged, the damage will be linked to the target, causing nothing to the hero.

Spell 6 : Mind Leak
Deals damage equal to a percent of the life remaining.
Level 5
May 27, 2007
i like chaos link but i dont know how can i do this. Could u help me and make this spell for me ? PLS
Level 5
May 27, 2007
well i cant do this like u said because it will work in both side. i mean when my hero is attacked the targeted unit will be attacked to and when targeted unit is attack my hero will be attacked too. I think i need a trigger for this spell. But i dont know how can i set life points of my hero to "current lp + dmg taken" pls help
Level 4
Jun 5, 2007
Hm... that is hard. You would need JASS to make it easy, otherwise it would take a rather complex GUI trigger.
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