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[Request] Triggered Ability

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[Triggered Ability] Air Strike

I find myself in need of a triggered ability for a map project I m working on.

The ability I need should be fairly simple: an Air Strike.

Basically: The hero uses the ability, then a group of gyrocopters flies over the area dropping bombs.

But I would like the direction the copters come from to be randomised, and they drop their missiles as soon as they appear and do not stop dropping missiles until they vanish.

The copters start at a (random) point 500 distance from where the ability is cast, fly over the target location, the continue past for another 500 distance.

The ability has 10 levels.

A random ammount of copters between 5 and 10 spawn, 100 base damage per bomb, with +50 per level, bombs have 75-150 AoE

With the AoE ranges, the smallest number is the max dmg AoE, the largest number is the small damage AoE.

The map is:
Terrain - 90% (is playable, but may be dressed up/changed)
Heros: 75% (5 more required heros, and more will be added)
Towers: 2% (the towers are very sparce, but I am also making a TD and the towers from the TD will be imported & modified)
Creeps: 23% (tier 1 creep spawn is finished, tier 2 is started, not sure how many tiers, but I am guessing 5 tiers)
Triggers: 50% (we wish to have at least 1 triggered ability per hero, and some of the existing triggers are glitchy)
Balance: ~ (I dont know how much of the balancing is done, the other 2 people working on the map have made the majority of the heros, and Im a poor judge of balance)

Map Name: TULW (The Ultimate Line War)
Makers: 13.o.w.s.e.r (myself), Slauterer, NightElfRebel
Type: Line War

There are 2 sides, Heros and defenders.

The defenders summon creeps (creeps run along the blue path in the screenie), which the heros must kill or they lose lives.

When a hero kills a creep, it respawns for them, following a different path (the light green one in the screenie) to attack a structure that the defenders must protect, they lost if it dies.

I have soem attached screen shots.


  • Overall Map.jpg
    Overall Map.jpg
    90.7 KB · Views: 112
  • Heros 1.jpg
    Heros 1.jpg
    93.7 KB · Views: 97
  • Heros 2.jpg
    Heros 2.jpg
    98.8 KB · Views: 105
  • Heros 3.jpg
    Heros 3.jpg
    93.7 KB · Views: 100
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Level 9
Jul 20, 2005
If you don't get an offer in the next couple days I'd do it yourself and when you run into bugs just post.

I could probably do it but it'd have bugs and it would probably be sucky. I have decent triggering skills but abilities are not my strong spot.

Good luck! Your map looks pretty nice.

Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
I'll start you off:

Unit starts effect of spell
Spell being cast = (yourspell)
Loop X times, where X = spell ability
- Create (Gyro copters) somewhere.
- add to UnitGroup(Gyro)
Order (UnitGroup(Gyro)) to move
<however you impliment the spell>
remove all units from unitgroup
destroy unitgroup

You either give them the spell to cast + then move on, or trigger the effects as they fly overhead.

If you can't make a spell out of that, you will need to learn how.
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