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Request : Hover Chairs and Cats and Hero Suggestion

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Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
Greetings fair fellows of Hive Workshop, I come to you with a model request.
I would LOVE a cat on a hover-chair. I would prefer this cat to have a tuxedo and top hat on, maybe a monacle. (For teh evilz!) I would also love this model to have a keyboard/piano built into the Hover Chair, so the cat is playing it. I would like for there to be a hero-glow on the Hover Chair, and the cat's tuxedo to have either a team-coloured tie or a team-coloured flower.

Stand: The Hover chair would slightly move back and forth and the cat would NOT be touching the keyboard. Perhaps fixing his hat, and monacle.

Attack: The Cat would slam his paws onto the keyboard.

Spell: The cat would slide his paws down the keyboard and the Hover Chair-thing would glow a bit.

Channel: The Cat would play the piano and the Hover-chair would glow a bit.

Death: The piano would explode, and the hover chair would fall.

<-- The hoverchair from this would work nicely.

I also have a hero-layout ready to match this model.

The Micetro
Proper Names: Audikitty, Compawser, Felivory
Main Stat: Intelligence
Base Stats: STR 11, AGI 13, INT 17
Tooltip: A once good pussy-cat drove mad by being forced to play the Piano. People laughed at his playing, but now they shall cry as he only uses his skills for EVILLLL! *Dramatic Lightning* With Technological abilities, The Micetro now arrives into battle with the very thing that drove him mad, a Piano.

(Darkfang's Dark Note) Sound Wave: Sends out a wave of extremely loud music, dealing X damage to any units that come in contact with it.
Level 1: 150
Level 2: 225
Level 3: 300

(Technomancer's Masks) Artistic Aura: The Micetro gives off an aura using his Piano. This Aura gives all enemy units that attack a nearby allied unit a chance to be silenced from attacking or casting spells, being entranced by the music.
Level 1: 15% Chance
Level 2: 30% Chance
Level 3: 45% Chance

(PeeKay's Mental Strength) Final Note: The Micetro plays a certain note on his keyboard, causing a large explosion in the target area.
Level 1: 185 Damage
Level 2: 235 Damage
Level 3: 310 Damage

(Viiva's Unholy Resurrection) Death Waltz (Ultimate): The Micetro plays his favourite piece, which causes nearby units to be slowed and take damage overtime. If they die under the effect of Death Waltz, they become a Greater Dark Minion. Reduces movement speed by 75% and does 20 DPS.
Level 2
Aug 30, 2011
Yessir! I was actually thinking something like this...

...With a little of this...
And please don't forget the piano :D Thank you good sir.
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