Yo, im new here and im alsow rather new to WE but i can find my way through it ^^
I dont want this spell ready made for me, id prefer guidelines for how to make it tho.
The spell is like chain ligthning or healing wave, the function is that it damagaes some enemies and heals some friendlys too.
This is the lvl buildup on it.
lvl 1 75 dmg/heal 2 allies
lvl 2 175 dmg/heal 1 enemies and 3 allies
lvl 3 250 dmg/heal 2 enemies and 4 allies
lvl 4 300 dmg/heal 3 enemies and 5 allies
each bounce does 15% less heal/damage.
Alsow to make things easier, making it have to be targeted on enemies first.
Last thing, changing the projectile art to poison strike/shadow strike and the projectile being a little bit larger, alsow that laughing poison sound laughs each bounce ? if possible that is.
I dont want this spell ready made for me, id prefer guidelines for how to make it tho.
The spell is like chain ligthning or healing wave, the function is that it damagaes some enemies and heals some friendlys too.
This is the lvl buildup on it.
lvl 1 75 dmg/heal 2 allies
lvl 2 175 dmg/heal 1 enemies and 3 allies
lvl 3 250 dmg/heal 2 enemies and 4 allies
lvl 4 300 dmg/heal 3 enemies and 5 allies
each bounce does 15% less heal/damage.
Alsow to make things easier, making it have to be targeted on enemies first.
Last thing, changing the projectile art to poison strike/shadow strike and the projectile being a little bit larger, alsow that laughing poison sound laughs each bounce ? if possible that is.