Remove Active Use Effect

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Level 4
Dec 15, 2007
hi, i dont know really if iam right here,
but every time a unit uses a item which is "active used" (my wc3 is german, so sorry if this isn't the right description, i mean the thing u have to set true if u want the item to be used right as soon as the hero acquires it) there's this effect created 'ToonBoom'... and i don't want it
how may i remove the effect? :confused:
The ToonBoom only shows up with these book models.
If you want to remove it you either have to edit the model or change the model of the item.

The model you must in this case overwrite is:
Just overwrite it with an empty .mdx and it shouldn't show up anymore.
However, by doing that you won't be able to use the ToonBoom effect at all.

Tested and works.
Level 4
Dec 15, 2007
german post: also ich hab nen backpack wenn das ein item nutzt zb heiltrank dann soll der held es auch nehmen das ist nen dummy trank der einfach das gleiche hat nur halt werte automatisch verwenden - true und dadurch kommt wenn das backpack es nimmt diese dumme animation und die will ich weg haben^^ aber die animation ist durch dieses auto verwenden weil die vom trank kommt auch noma
we are suppose to speak english here(is in the ***** rules :( ), you only had to post the field in german. Anyways, about the hero using the item as a reserve and the animation; I'm not sure, you should ask that at the WE Help forum, it may require some jassing or it may be possible within the editor. For the toon animation, if there's actually no field in the editor. Then there are 2 solutions, you must edit the SLK's and change it up, there/ or edit the model so it does not appear, but this may also affect other items in which you may want the effect.

Go to the WE help forums try getting some help, if they say that it's something related to the model, then post back here.
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