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[Reguest!] Chance on Hit abilities.

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Level 4
Feb 9, 2006
The things that are marked as X could be easily modified in object editor.

Touch of the Nightmare

With every attack, gives XX% chance to put target to sleep. Sleeps lasts XX seconds.
Hand of the Vampire

With every attack, gives XX% chance to steal XXX hit points from the enemy.
Mana Stealing

With every attack, gives XX% chance to steal XXX mana from the target.
Mana Eat

With every attack, gives XX% chance to burn XXX of targets mana.

With every attack, gives XX% chance to push enemy unit XXX units away.
Banshee Strike

With every attack, gives XX% chance to gain control of enemy target.
Fist of Thor

With every attack, gives XX% chance to release chain lightning that deals XX damage and bounces XX times.
Breath of the Druid

With every attack, gives XX% chance to cyclone enemy target for XX seconds.

With every attack, gives XX% chance to release Shockwave that deals XX damage to everyone on its path.
Roots of Forest

With every attack, gives XX% chance to entagle target enemy for XX seconds. Roots also deal XX damage per second.

I hope someone can do these ones...
Level 4
Feb 9, 2006
PurplePoot said:
before i do them, should windstrike be instant? ( in that case its real ez )

You mean should it instantly teleport it or should id slide? I think it should slide with something like 300 ms, and units should be stunned when its being pushed back.

And thank you already =)
Level 4
Feb 9, 2006
PurplePoot said:
2 more things

1 - how long should it take for windstrike? ( i can make this a variable if u want )

2 - do you want it to slow down as it slides?

Well, maybe you should make it variable. And no need for slow down.

Also, i forgot one spell...


With every attack, you have XX% chance to stun everyone in XXX AoE for XX seconds.
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005

i know they're ez, but im helping someone out :), and i have nothing to do in GTW atm.

anyways, plz dont talk about WeU in front of JASSers, WeU is a piece of S***

(its brilliantly coded, but its big and bloated, and useless, and adds too much stuff to ur map xD)

EDIT: done, but for some odd reason, multibash doesnt hit more than one guy =(

oh, and u cant detect when a pass % spell like bash activates... xD
Level 4
Feb 9, 2006
PurplePoot said:

i know they're ez, but im helping someone out :), and i have nothing to do in GTW atm.

anyways, plz dont talk about WeU in front of JASSers, WeU is a piece of S***

(its brilliantly coded, but its big and bloated, and useless, and adds too much stuff to ur map xD)

EDIT: done, but for some odd reason, multibash doesnt hit more than one guy =(

oh, and u cant detect when a pass % spell like bash activates... xD

Well, they work good, but i can't modify chances and damage bonuses and so? I was going to make them hero abilities.

Edit: Ok, i got it how i can modify damage and chances, but how can I make different damages and chances to different levels of that ability?
Level 40
Dec 14, 2005
they automatically level up the dummy ability to the level of the hero ability, exept for a few ( will be fixed later, when i get multibash working xD )

the ones that dont do that are

-Windstrike ( REALLY hard for u to fix, but ez for me )

-Hand of the Vampire ( just multiply the damage and life gain by Level of ability for Uit )

-Mana Stealing ( see Hand of the Vampire )
Level 1
Jun 3, 2005
:roll: Actually, you need no jass, nor triggers to accomplish most of them (once again, the windsomething might get tricky and is an exception).

You can just create a "vessel" or "triggering skil" from either the orb of slow iten ability or the orb of lightning iten ability. The reason I won't call them "dummies" is because they're not "pretending" to activate as dummies are supposed to; they, instead, actually use in-game mechanics to trigger secondary abilities.

Thus, you can create "effect abilities" (you want them to have no cooldown or mana cost) that are triggered by the "vessel abilities".

Btw, you'll have to fuss a little to make a working life drain; you can use "steal" (which works pretty well for mana drain) but you'll probably have a few side effects.

On a final note, I really hate jass or triggers; they surely get the work done, but (unless one is really careful) you end up with a lot of mess; furthermore, it's easier to export and set abilities (heck, you can use campaign settings) than do the same to triggers and jass.
Level 2
Jul 22, 2006
Unit - A unit Is attacked

((Attacked unit) belongs to an enemy of (Owner of (Attacking unit))) Equal to True

Set Change = (Random integer number between 1 and 10)
If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
If - Conditions
Change Equal to 1
Then - Actions
Unit - Create 1 Mountain King for (Owner of (Attacking unit)) at (Position of (Attacking unit)) facing Default building facing degrees
Unit - Order (Last created unit) to Human Mountain King - Storm Bolt (Attacked unit)
Unit - Add a 2.00 second Generic expiration timer to (Last created unit)
Else - Actions
Do nothing

This is a sample of when a unit attack a unit, give a 10% change to do a addition storm bolt and stun the target for xx seconds...
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