The things that are marked as X could be easily modified in object editor.
Touch of the Nightmare
With every attack, gives XX% chance to put target to sleep. Sleeps lasts XX seconds.
Hand of the Vampire
With every attack, gives XX% chance to steal XXX hit points from the enemy.
Mana Stealing
With every attack, gives XX% chance to steal XXX mana from the target.
Mana Eat
With every attack, gives XX% chance to burn XXX of targets mana.
With every attack, gives XX% chance to push enemy unit XXX units away.
Banshee Strike
With every attack, gives XX% chance to gain control of enemy target.
Fist of Thor
With every attack, gives XX% chance to release chain lightning that deals XX damage and bounces XX times.
Breath of the Druid
With every attack, gives XX% chance to cyclone enemy target for XX seconds.
With every attack, gives XX% chance to release Shockwave that deals XX damage to everyone on its path.
Roots of Forest
With every attack, gives XX% chance to entagle target enemy for XX seconds. Roots also deal XX damage per second.
I hope someone can do these ones...
Touch of the Nightmare
With every attack, gives XX% chance to put target to sleep. Sleeps lasts XX seconds.
Hand of the Vampire
With every attack, gives XX% chance to steal XXX hit points from the enemy.
Mana Stealing
With every attack, gives XX% chance to steal XXX mana from the target.
Mana Eat
With every attack, gives XX% chance to burn XXX of targets mana.
With every attack, gives XX% chance to push enemy unit XXX units away.
Banshee Strike
With every attack, gives XX% chance to gain control of enemy target.
Fist of Thor
With every attack, gives XX% chance to release chain lightning that deals XX damage and bounces XX times.
Breath of the Druid
With every attack, gives XX% chance to cyclone enemy target for XX seconds.
With every attack, gives XX% chance to release Shockwave that deals XX damage to everyone on its path.
Roots of Forest
With every attack, gives XX% chance to entagle target enemy for XX seconds. Roots also deal XX damage per second.
I hope someone can do these ones...