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Rapid custom firing, spelling and death sounds

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Level 4
May 1, 2011
I'm editing most of the Warcraft III unit into Starcraft unit. Most of the characters I imported like (Medic, Vulture, Siege Tank, Goliath etc.) don't have its own firing and death sound. So I import from the BroodWar sound utility (That's a long story). Anyway, so I use this Death sound trigger:

Unit - A unit dies

(Unit-type of (Dying Unit)) Equal to SCV

Sound - Play SCVDEATH <gen> at 100% volume, attached to (Dying Unit)

Then it works..... for ONE SCV only. While the SCV dying sound was playing the second one dies, but it will never stack the first SCV dying sound. It was like, the first sound played need to finish its length before starting the second SCV dying sound.

Most of the default unit's dying sound will stack together when they happen to die at the same time, or playing the second one while the first one is dying, but this is not the case when adding custom sounds.

This goes to rapid firing sound. one shot of Goliath's machine gun works; but if you fire rapidly it only plays the sound for the first shot, then seems to wait until the entire shot is finished, then plays another one.

So my summary question is, how to make the sound play rapidly? Any help will greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately wc3 is pretty limited sound-wise.
The reason it won't play many sounds at once over itself is because it has a limited number of channels, and on each it can only have so many sounds playing at once on it (I'm not sure if I remember correctly, but I believe it's only one at a time when triggered and in a certain area when it's a 3d sound). If it's only playing once, I'm guessing you also have the gun sounds playing at the same time. One thing you can do is change the channel in which the sound plays via the sound editor and vary it up between a few on different channels, but other then that there's not much you can do with triggers.

If you want it to work like the sounds of death animations on units (where they can all die at once and play the sounds right), you could manually attach the sound to the model, though you're going to want to ask a modeler about how to do that.
Level 4
May 1, 2011
Oh never mind. I finally found the solution already. Like you said, attach the sound to the model, I got the WC3ModelEditor program.

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