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Ranger Tournament v7b

Ranger Tournament: Deathmatch

Map Info:

Map type: Multiplayer, Singleplayer (with bots)
Gameplay: FPS, Shooting, Arena, Deathmatch
Player races: Human, Orc, Undead, Night Elf

You play as Ranger in deadly tournament. The goal is to be the first who make 25 kills.
The basic attack ability is Arrow Fire that fly directly to target location. Most of your kills and deaths coming from your playing skills.
You can pick up special Orbs that upgrades your attack. The Orbs are spawned in different places around arena. Every orb has different speed, graphics, damage a range. Some Orbs are special, makes you resistant to damage or heal you.
The secondary skill is Jump. You can jump whenever you like and wherever you want. Over the cliffs too. Some Orbs are hidden on cliffs.
The jump ability is also good for avoiding enemy attacks. The fired orbs must touch your body to hurt you. (you can jump over them without taking any damage)
Anyway, some orbs are very strong, you can kill an enemy with one touch.
When you are killed, you can instantly spawn by pressing ESC, dont waste your time throught :)
Announcer comments the gameplay too. (First blood, double kill)
Lot of sounds are added from game Unreal Tournament, specially the game music. The gameplay is very similar too. Enjoy the play :)


Gameplay features

- fast, dynamic, reflex checking gameplay
- no limits in gameplay, you can avoid any of flying projectiles, jump over cliffs, water, rivers, and even shot over cliffs
- destructibles are blocking your attacks and your movoment
- you can pick up to 10 different orbs to increase your attack statistic or
to project yourself when hitted
- you can instantly respawn when you press esc, no limits, no waiting,
all depends on your play and play of your oppoments
- you can pretent to be dead so enemyes will see you as no harm,
then you can suprise them from behind
- you can hide behind tree, or camp on cliff and wait
- you can play singleplayer with AI Bots - Insane difficulty is
really challenge
- day/night cycle changes vision see and atmosphere
- you can use dead bodies as shield
- awesome music playing in background :)
AI Bots:
Computer players are next chapter of this game. You can play against 3 difficulties of Bots: Easy, Normal and Insane.
Insane bots are smart, fast and aggressive. Most of the time they avoiding your arrows and attacks you as hard and as fast as they can. They jumping over cliffs and for items too. Lot of their avoid is because of jumping. They stealing orbs from you and uses them against you. You can predict their next move just very hardly.






Change Log:

- added some new sounds
- updated terrain
- fixed camera issues

- map is now smaller
- added some chat messages
- fixed another camera bug
- added fruit (add hp, healing)

- fixed multiplayer bug
- cleared some addition map effects

- updated terrain and graphics
- increased Fire and Jump playability
- improved normal arrow
- added ambient sounds
- improved game texts
- fixed spree bug
- fixed some detail issues
- added some sounds (chat dialogs, hit sound)
- and more

- added AI bots (Easy, Normal, Insane)
- basic arrow shoot reworked
- updated graphics

- you can now play as: Human, Orc, Undead or Night Elf
- fixed winner camera bug

- fixed esc bug
- fixed winner bug
- added two new orbs
- upgraded graphics
- updated some issues
- added ability Pretent to be Dead

- improved jump controll
- edited orb stats
- added torchs
- item respawn period is faster
- day/night cycle period is faster
- improved destruction orb
- improved game cameras
- added knockback on death


First Upload, allready tested 1v1.


Thanks to Epic Games for their sounds, music and original preview image.
Also thanks to model and skin creators.

arena, tournament, ranger, archer, orb, orbs, rangers, archers, ashenvale, nature, gore, blood, unreal, sound, music, sounds, deathmatch, instant, spa

Ranger Tournament v7b (Map)

10:54, 23rd Apr 2014 Orcnet: Map approved
Hi, I've tested your map. You need to take a serious look a the details of your map before you post something like this.

  • In the pre-game lobby I changed team to 'announcer' - this team does nothing. The game started and I couldn't do anything but look at the map. I found a burning archer walking off the map during this time.
  • When you select the map in the game list, the map description doesn't fit in the space provided.
  • The game interface says ashenvale archers but the game is called rangers. Which is it?
  • Using the jump ability you can leave map boundaries (and the AI even does this)
  • After dying I found a leaked unit (and I could click it!) http://i.imgur.com/Qd949HO.jpg
  • After dying and respawning my camera wasn't properly reset to the initial angle

Overall your map has some potential but you'll need to really improve all the bugs and start implementing the features I can see you were thinking about. Your ideas need to be perfected and polished if you want this map to have a chance in the genre.

Good luck.
This is really well made. I had no bugs. There were some rough edges but for a game this cool, I'm not complaining. Things I noticed: On death, camera dropped below terrain sometimes. Jumping seemed sticky. Like it either went straight up or in the direction of the move order. It would be nice if it could change mid-flight, but hey - I couldn't do this - so... nice work!

Well, that's it. I know the jump system might have been tricky to trigger so I think it worked really well.

Suggested improvements: wider camera might be nice - or adjustable.

For everyone else thinking of downloading a game - STOP - download this now. It's pretty much awesome and it attains a level of perfection we should all strive towards. Fast action, easy to learn - all around sweet game.

5/5 +rep
Level 7
Jun 28, 2017
Downloaded, tried the map, played it with 1 bot on singleplayer-to-solo (bot named Malakai), died several times, it looks cool and awesome while i got a win on beating him/her.

Still: this map... gives me love! Way to go. 5/5 +rep

edit2 = no double-post, just like deepstrasz's rule about it. ^^
Is there a capture the flag version, or domination, or assault version or any versions of this map?

I'm feeling like a Unreal-to-UT game-playing lover, just like the one map i want to play on solo/single-player (without MP, idk) which is this apparently-but-boredly. :cconf: :infl_thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up::infl_thumbs_up:
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