Random Question

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Level 7
Nov 19, 2007
Hello everyone!

I wanted to ask a question. Whould this trigger detect healing?
  • Untitled Trigger
    • Events
      • Unit - Some Unit Takes damage
    • Conditions
      • (Damage taken) Less than 0.00
    • Actions
      • Set damage = (Damage taken)
Logicly thinking it should detect healing, atleast from spells like holy light, healing wave...
You can detect 'healing' with 'event - life of unit becomes greater than' - although it gonna fire with normal unit's regeneration too. Thats why refering to spells which cause unit to be healed is better option.

Your trigger could detect healing only if you use this little trick:
  • Unit - Cause (Triggering unit) to damage (Triggering unit), dealing [b]-500.00[/b] damage of attack type Spells and damage type Normal
Usually healing isn't done that way, but via SetUnitLife - what doesn't fire DamageEvent.
Level 9
Nov 19, 2011
I have Polish version of editor, so...
Can anyone tell what it is? Is it the same trigger like mine "Unit is the target of attack"? I realy can't find unit takes damage. It would be also nice if somone know how I can change language of editor to English. It would be easier to make anything, rather than changeing even custom unit descreptions to English.
Level 9
Nov 19, 2011
Why not this way?

Hello everyone!

I wanted to ask a question. Whould this trigger detect healing?
  • Untitled Trigger
    • Events
      • Unit - Some Unit Takes damage
    • Conditions
      • (Damage taken) Less than 0.00
    • Actions
      • Set damage = (Damage taken)
Logicly thinking it should detect healing, atleast from spells like holy light, healing wave...

  • Untitled Trigger
    • Events
      • Unit - Some Unit Takes damage
    • Conditions
      • (Damage taken) Less than 0.00
    • Actions
      • Quest message - send tip to all players "Healing spell detected!"
This way you will know for sure! :D
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