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Questions about Model Editing

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Level 31
Jun 27, 2008

I am totally green at modeling, but I would like to learn some minor things so I wouldn't have to make many requests for simple problems. I have already downloaded Model Editor, but I have no clue how to use it for any editing.

1. There are models that are not affected by fog. Fog is ON, rest of area is covered with it, yet some models are not at all. How to make model to be affected by fog?

2. Increasing size of a doodad with certain model, perhaps rotating a bit, and when dragging camera sideways, model disappears before it is no longer in screen. How to extent models' visiblity so that it would not disappear / pop-in at sides of screen?

Help would be appreciated. Feel free to ask me if I wasn't so clear about it.

Level 52
Dec 8, 2008


Go to windows, material manager, select the right material (you can find out by CTRL-Clicking on the part of the model that is effected, it will go black and normal again, meaning you selected the geoset and material of it). Then see if the unshaded and unfogged-flags are checked, if so, uncheck them.


Go to Edit - Recalculate extends. That should do the trick.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
Thanks, PROXY, first one works just fine. :) Yet second one do not. Model is visible when in the middle of camera, when I drag camera to side / up / down, when model is at edge of camera line of sight, but still visible half of it, it disappears without fully fading away by camera bounds. I think someone called it Bound Radius, but I am not sure what it is nor how to edit it. Here are few pictures, hope it gets more clear.


Did you use it as a walkable destructable? I experienced the same problem before, even though I recalculated the extents.

The fix I chose was to make one model (for the walkable destructable) that is invisible and the other model (visible) as a doodad in the same position. That way you don't experience that model-disappearing-issue.

Although, I'd love to know if there is a different way to solve this, since the method I described is pretty tedious and requires you to import 2 models.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
No, it was a doodad.

This model is scaled to bigger one and rotated by adjusting Max Pitch and Roll angles so that model is up side down. Yes, some of them are set with PgUp/Down. I also use invisible tile so that I can see models beneath ground texture deep below ground and so this cause this problem when drgging camera away.

You can see this model rotated and set on ground so it looks like a support, but it disappears without fully being hiden by the edge of camera and it is annoying when being appraoched / left.

I adjusted these values, yet it still keeps popping in / out, not more or less getting hiden, it disappears at the same points. Far Z is really far so it is not hiden by that.

Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
Try making the models bigger in the magos editor, just open the model editor select all vertices and scale them using the centre of the mass as the pivot point by the same scale you assigned it in the WE.
Then click calculate extents and save it. Import and see what happens.

Only problem is that the pivot point will end up in a different spot, resulting in your platforms not being in the right vertical place (pg up). You should memorize where the original pivot was then select all the vertices again and go to translation and mess with the Z value to raise it back to its original vertical position and THEN calculate extents.
Level 31
Jun 27, 2008
It have been solved by Anvil.
Thanks for your time anyway, I'll make sure to rep you. :)

Originally posted by Anvil

Anyway, I made a cross model, (bigger than the model to be fixed) centered on x/y 0. I merged the cross model with the other, and set a transparent material for hide it. In geoset properties, set the cross to unselectable. Then, you only need to recalculate the extents.
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