Questions About Campaign Development

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Level 5
Aug 12, 2010
Campaign File Size

Does WC3 impose a hard maximum to the size of the campaign file or number of imports? Also, what size should I try to keep it to for the sake of the people who would play it? A 100+ MB file size wouldn't deter me from downloading a campaign, but what about other people? Any rules of thumb?

I currently have 65 MB of files in the campaign import manager. I have about 50 MB of music that I ultimately want to add as well. My main problem comes from maps.

I've done several terrains already and I just realized that the Ultimate Terraining Map will increase the size of the campaign by several MB per map. This could easily double the size of my campaign unless I re-import everything for the Ultimate Terraining Map as a campaign import. That would be an incredible pain in the ass. Is it an incredibly necessary pain in the ass?

Credits and Resources

Two questions: the first is how to do it. The second concerns non-Hive-approved resources.

I've been trying to take notes of the sources for the models, skins, icons, and map templates I've used as I've been going, and I've kept them in a spreadsheet. Is it cool to just distribute that with the campaign?

I have quite a few of Black_Stan's models and a few other models that aren't uploaded here. I know that uploading Black_Stan material is taboo since he took all of his work down, but is it still OK to use that sort of stuff for campaigns if I have the material?


I've read the FAQ's and tutorials, but I'd like to hear from people. If there is something that is really irritating that I should definitely avoid, what would it be?
Level 7
Dec 26, 2010
Campaign File Size

Does WC3 impose a hard maximum to the size of the campaign file or number of imports? Also, what size should I try to keep it to for the sake of the people who would play it? A 100+ MB file size wouldn't deter me from downloading a campaign, but what about other people? Any rules of thumb?

I currently have 65 MB of files in the campaign import manager. I have about 50 MB of music that I ultimately want to add as well. My main problem comes from maps.

I've done several terrains already and I just realized that the Ultimate Terraining Map will increase the size of the campaign by several MB per map. This could easily double the size of my campaign unless I re-import everything for the Ultimate Terraining Map as a campaign import. That would be an incredible pain in the ass. Is it an incredibly necessary pain in the ass?

Credits and Resources

Two questions: the first is how to do it. The second concerns non-Hive-approved resources.

I've been trying to take notes of the sources for the models, skins, icons, and map templates I've used as I've been going, and I've kept them in a spreadsheet. Is it cool to just distribute that with the campaign?

I have quite a few of Black_Stan's models and a few other models that aren't uploaded here. I know that uploading Black_Stan material is taboo since he took all of his work down, but is it still OK to use that sort of stuff for campaigns if I have the material?


I've read the FAQ's and tutorials, but I'd like to hear from people. If there is something that is really irritating that I should definitely avoid, what would it be?

I haven't heard of any limit for a campaign, and for the UTM, you could just always export all of it into one folder, using the "Export Files" then click "Import Files" and select your folder and it will import everything at once.

As far as the credits, I do believe if when you post your campaign in the maps section, that if you put them in the description, that will be acceptable.

Irritating would be lack of information/description about your campaign, as said above, in the description if you include the key points of what the campaign is about, the major changes from a regular campaign (like instead of the standard attributes you are using a much wider variety of attributes), and maybe game play, something that would probably be close to a good description might be like what's listed in my signature, but always be sure that you give credit where it's due.

Edit: I started importing music to my campaign, since I have over 1 GB of music, I've passed 200 MB and it saved just fine, so I don't think you'll have a problem with a cap.

Edit: Also I do think you can set the units to the material you want and delete the model from the import editor after it loads and it will keep the model to the unit so that way the model/texture will stay in the game but won't be accessable by others. (Not sure about this one, haven't tried it.)
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