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[JASS] Question on CollisionMissile_Create

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I was looking through JassCraft when I found this:
function CollisionMissile_Create takes string MissileModelPath, real x, real y, real dirangle, real speed, real AngleSpeed, real MaxDist,  real height, boolean UseNewCaster, real Collision, code OnImpact returns unit
 local timer t
 local gamecache H=CSCache()
 local string k
 local integer ki
 local trigger R
 local group g
 local unit m

    if (HaveStoredInteger(H,"CasterSystem","MOVEMENT_TIMER")) then
        set g=GetTableGroup("CasterSystem","MOVEMENT_GROUP")
        set t=CreateTimer()
        set g=CreateGroup()
        call SetTableObject("CasterSystem","MOVEMENT_TIMER",t)
        call SetTableObject("CasterSystem","MOVEMENT_GROUP",g)
        call TimerStart(t,CS_Cycle(),true,function CasterSystemMovementTimer)
    set ki=NewTableIndex()
    set k=I2S(ki)

    if UseNewCaster then
        set m=AddCasterFacing(dirangle)
        call StoreBoolean(H,k,"new",true)
        set m=GetACaster()
        call SetUnitFacing(m,dirangle)
    call StoreInteger(H,"MOVEMENT_TABLES",GetAttachmentTable(m),ki)
    call StoreBoolean(H,k,"IsCollisionMissile",true)

    call SetUnitPosition(m,x,y)
    call StoreReal(H,k,"speed",speed)
    call StoreReal(H,k,"aspeed",AngleSpeed)
    call StoreReal(H,k,"F",dirangle)
    call StoreReal(H,k,"maxd",MaxDist)
    call SetUnitFlyHeight(m,height,0)

    call GroupAddUnit(g,m)

    set R=CreateTrigger()
    call AttachObject(R,"m",m)
    call StoreReal(H,k,"collision",Collision)
    call SetTableObject(k,"T",R)
    call StoreInteger(H,"MOVEMENT_TABLES",GetAttachmentTable(R),ki)
    call SetTableObject(k,"fx", AddSpecialEffectTarget(MissileModelPath,m,"origin") )
    call SetTableObject(k,"m",m)
    call SetTableObject(k,"ac",TriggerAddAction(R,OnImpact))

 set t=null
 set g=null
 set R=null
 set udg_currentcaster=m
 set m=null
 set H=null
 return udg_currentcaster
What does it do?
And if it does what I think it does how do you use it?
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