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[JASS] Question about S2I

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Level 10
Aug 19, 2008
StringHash takes a string and returns an integer much like S2I, however StringHash can be used on any string.

So, Karune says that it can convert ANY string to an integer.
So S2I("Epic string") will give me an integer? And will it be different from, say, S2I("Second epic string")?

(Don't bother with a long detailed information about how it works, I'm not that good at programing yet and I feel that this topic could go very deep...)
Level 6
May 7, 2009
S2I only works on strings that are a number in word form

So for example, S2I("14372") will return 14372
but you aren't allowed to do S2I("Epic")

StringHash returns a number that is basically unrelated to the actual content of the string
so for example
StringHash("14372") might return -1651642854
while StringHash("Epic") might return -989422131

At least that's what I think/ I'm not positive about this
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