Question about death and stand animations

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How does one make it so models have a death animation that makes them disappear instantly/as fast as possible when removed and I am guessing a stand animation is needed for the effect to actually be visible so it doesn't just loop death animation. Since the default removal for effects is 5 seconds it takes a while for effects to be removed no matter what usually. Unless an animation interrupts it and shrinks the model down since I doubt it can make it disappear in any less then the default time.

Would appreciate any help, thanks for reading.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
You don't shrink anything, you simply make the visibility of the geoset/emitter 0 during your death sequence that makes it hidden instantly.
Also you simply set your death animations to not loop, if you do not have a decay animation IIRC what happens is the model will get stuck at the last frame of the death sequence and stay like that until it is removed at the standard decay time.

As for effects ? You don't need a death/stand animation for those, you simply make the entirety of the animation as Birth animation then make the effect invisible at the last frames. (if it is like an explosion for example)
If you have a projectile, you make only a birth animation that loops (which is going to be a quasi "stand" animation of the projectile) and a death animation that hides it.
Stand is only required for persistent effects like auras or buffs.
Level 17
Jan 18, 2010
You can do it in Magos under geoset animation manager.
Create a new entry there, assign the geoset you want to hide, tick the Animated under alpha click on the Alpha button underneath and specify the frames you want your geoset to be invisible at.

By default it will have something like 0:1 whereas the 0 stands for the animation frame and the 1 stands for visible.
Check your sequence in the sequence manager, let's say you have a death/birth w/e sequence that goes from 333 to 1666.
So if you want the effect to die at the end of the animation you will write something like:
1660: 0
1666: 0

With that the effect will instantly disappear at the frames 1660~1666.
If the material supports alpha (like alpha blend or add alpha filter mode) you can set its interpolation type to "Linear" and make it disappear gradually by specifying the alpha opacity further, for example:
1666: 0
This will make the effect disappear slowly at 1000 frame until it fades completely at 1666. (so by frame 1333 it will be at half the opacity)
With emitters you do the same thing, except you write those lines under Visibility in the node manager.
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