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Quake II v1.1

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Welcome to Quake II


Quake II is a Shooter Map which requires some Skill to get trough. Lots of different Enemies to kill with a Hand full of Weapons.


There are 8 Levels seperated into 2 Parts each, here are some Infos:

Level1- 1-1Outer Base/Installation
- 1-2Comm Center/Lost Station
Level2- 2-1Ammo Depot/Supply Station
- 2-2Warehouse
Level3- 3-1Maingate/Detention Center/Security Complex
- 3-2Guard House/Torture Chambers
Level4- 4-1Mine Entrance/Upper Mines
- 4-2Borehole/Drilling Area
Level5 - 5-1Receiving Center
- 5-2Processing Plant
Level6 - 6-1Power Plant/Reactor
- 6-2Cooling-Facility/Toxic Waste Dump/Puming Station
Level7- 7-1Outer Hanger/Comm Satellite/Inner Hanger/ Launch Command
-7-2Research Lab/Badlands
Level8 - 8-1Outer Courts/Lower Palace/Upper Palace
- 8-2 Final Showdown

Each Level can take you from 10 to 30 Minutes. This depends also if you play alone or multiplayer.


There are 3 main Difficultys:

-Easy: You have 100% Health, The Enemies have 100% and
normal Damage.

-Normal: You have 100% Health, The Enemies have 140% and +5

-Hard: You have 100% Health, The Enemies have 190% and +20

If you play with Mutilple Players the Game gets hard too. For each Player
the Health of the Monsters will rise +8%.


There are 11 different Weapons in the Game, each one is for different Situations or some ones are stronger upgrades for other ones:

Damage: 10
Included ammo: Unlimited
Max ammo: Unlimited
Ammo type: Cells
Details: Energy (recharges automatically)
This is the standard issue rechargeable energy side-arm. It does not require ammunition. Useful for taking down Guards. Special only on this weapon: The Ability "Charged Blast" shoots a bigger Blast of Energy on the target which deals more Damage. But half your Energy of the Weapon will be used and the Weapon must regenerate before it can be
used again.

Damage: 20
Included ammo: 12
Max ammo: 100
Ammo type: Shells
Details: This mighty sprayer carries a lot of ammo but is virtually useless at a distance. If possible, get in nice and close to use it.

Super Shotgun
Damage: 60
Included ammo: 16
Max ammo: 100
Ammo type: Shells
Details: This is the uncompromising big brother to the Shotgun, intended for a close encounter of the dangerous kind. This one drains 2 Shells whit each Shot instead of 1.

Damage: 4
Included ammo: 30
Max ammo: 200
Ammo type: Bullets
Details: This is likely the first rapid-fire weapon you will pick up. It is most effective at close to medium range. This Weapon shoots as fast as you can push the Fire Button.

Damage: 23
Included ammo: 50
Max ammo: 200
Ammo type: Bullets
Details: This is the weapon of choice for taking on big boys such as the tank, brain, and gladiator. This on drains 3! Bullets per shot so it is very Ammo hungry but with very good Damage.

Grenade Launcher
Damage: 23
Included ammo: 50
Max ammo: 200
Ammo type: Grenades
Details: The grenade launcher is useful for delivering firepower into hard to reach in close combat. But beware the Grenades scatter, they don't always go straight.

Rocket Launcher
Damage: 100
Included ammo: 6
Max ammo: 50
Ammo type: Rockets
Details: The rocket launcher delivers heavy fire power to your target. Be not careful not to use this weapon in close combat, there is no self Damage. It can be used good when Escaping the Enemy to shoot in front of you and let him run in the Rocket.

Damage: 18
Included ammo: 25
Max ammo: 200
Ammo type: Cells
Details: The hyper blaster is an energy chain gun with no spin up delay. Its high rate of fire is incredibly effective at destroying the enemy and depleting your energy cells. It drains 2 Cells per shot so it is not as Ammo hungry as the Chaingun but also fewer a bit fewer Damage.

Lightning Gun
Damage: 35
Included ammo: 21
Max ammo: 260
Ammo type: Energy Cores
Details: This Baby shoots Lightnings which bounce up to 3 Times on 3 different Targets dealing massive Damage. You always need to select the target with this Weapon, not like the other weapons. Best used if multiple Enemies stand next to eachother.

Damage: 150
Included ammo: 5
Max ammo: 50
Ammo type: Slugs
Details: The railgun fires depleted uranium slugs at super high velocities. Take note of the distinctive blue corkscrew trail of smoke caused by the projectile. Can take down multiple Enemies in a Line with one Shot.

Dark Matter Cannon
Damage: 500
Included ammo: 50
Max ammo: 300
Ammo type: Energy Cores
Details: It hurtles not quite a fast yet potently effective radius of trajecting dark matter, covering a massive radius, and dealing unbelievably high damage. This one sucks Enemies immideatly close to the Core and as it moves the Enemies moves with it with no chance to Escape until it explodes with very big Damage.
Take Note that big Enemies liek the Tank or the Makron are not affected by the suck effect only by the Explosion.


Some Items, you will need urgently:

Replenishes Health by 40 Points.

Ammo Box
Adds Ammo to all Weapons you carry:
-Shotgun +4
-Super Shotgun +4
-Machinegun +10
-Chaingun +30
-Grenade Launcher +3
-Rocket Launcher +2
-Hyperblaster +24
-Lightning Gun +12
-Railgun +3
-Dark Matter Cannon +20

Flack Jacket - 50Armor
Combat Suite - 100 Armor
Body Armor - 200 Armor

Super Adrenalin
Increases Movementspeed by 200% for 25 Seconds.

Makes you invulnerable for 30 Seconds.

Super Health
Restores full Health.

Needed to open Key-Doors!

You will find them everywhere. Use the "Use" Spell to open them. They always drop either Ammo or Health items. The Number of items dropped depends of the Player Amount.


You will face 20 different Enemies in the Game, all of them
have Strenghts/Weaknesses here are the Details:

Explosive Barrel
Health: 20
Damage: 70 Blast Radius
Details: If you shoot them they Explode and damaging everything nearby even you so be carefull.

Light Guard
Health: 20
Damage: 5
Details: The weakest of Enemys. Shoots with a Blaster. Can be dodged very easy.

Shotgun Guard
Health: 30
Damage: 20-25
Details: A Litte bit stronger the the Light Guard. Equipped with a Shotgun which has close Range. Harder to dodge because he is closer to you when he attacks.

Machinegun Guard
Health: 40
Damage: 1-3
Details: The strongest of Guards, has a Machinegun which shoots very fast. Cand be dodged with some skill. Spell: Machinegun Volley - Shoots 6 shots in a wide arc which damaging you if they hit u.

Health: 100
Damage: 1-4
Details: Enemy with more Health then Guards. Shoots fast but can be dodged Spell: Chaingun Volley - Shoots 6 shots in a wide arc which damaging you if they hit u, but stronger then Machinegun Guards one.

Health: 175
Damage: 5-15
Details: Shoots with a Grenade Launcher. He also can shoot 3 Grenades at once at you, so be careful. Has bigger Health then the others. Spell: Grenade Volley - Shoots 3 Grenades at your Position with strong damage and splash area.

Health: 240
Damage: 4-9
Details: This one can only attack in meele. But he is very fast and can outrun you and he has high Health. Spell: Stun - Has a 10% chance to stun you. This can be dangerous if you are surrounded.

Health: 175
Damage: 1-3
Details: A for legged Beast which shoots with his organic Tongue at you which leaches Life from you. Not so strong but be careful, they regenerate while you loose Health. Spell: Life Leaching - Drains 3 Healthpoints per second,can be used over a big Distance so be careful.

Health: 175
Damage: 1-5
Details: Small Flying things which always attacks in small Groups. They have a very fast Blaster attack with good damage, but low Health. They can fly everywhere. Spell: Blaster Volley - Shoots up to 12 shots in a small area instantly which deal high damage.

Health: 175
Damage: 5-10
Details: This one has almost no Damage if he attacks. But what makes him dangerous is that he can resurrect dead Strogg back to Life very fast. Spells: Resurrection - Resurrects a dead Strogg Unit instantly back to life. Restoring (Aura) - All Strogg around the Medic gain +10% Movement and 2.5 Health per Second regeneration. Bes sure you always concentrate on the Medic so he can not bring back his allys.

Health: 400
Damage: 5-25
Details: Big Strogg with lots of Health. Has a heavy meele attack. Also can shoot with his Railgun at you which has high Damage. Spell: Railgun - Shoots a blue Rail that goes straight trough everything dealing big Damage.

Health: 200
Damage: 5-10
Details: Mutated beast. They only can attack in meele but with High damage and they also have good Health. They can use a Stomp attack which stuns and damages you for a few seconds. Spell: Stomp - Stuns the targets around the Mutant and damaging them. Critical Strike - Has a chance of 15% to deal 2 Times the Damage.

Health: 300
Damage: 4-8
Details: This one can fly above you and will attack with a Blaster with low Damage at very low Range. He also can use and electrical Shock on you with high Damage. They can fly everywhere so watch out, and they are very fast. Spell: Prod hit - Shoots a Electrical Strike at you dealing big Damage.

Health: 240
Damage: 1-6
Details: A flying Unit with high Health and high Damage from Blaster attack like the "Flyers". But they have much more Health then the Flyers so watch out. Spell: Blaster Volley - Showed above.

Barracuda Shark
Health: 50
Damage: 3-9
Details: You will meet them only in the Water. They have normal Damage with high Speed and low Health. Only dangerous if they attack in Groups. They can crouch on Land too so look out.

Iron Maiden
Health: 175
Damage: 5-15
Details: Strogg made of female Parts. She can shoot with a Rocket Launcher at you wich hurts a lot. She also attacks in meele with claws wich have high Damage, but she has low Health. Spell: Rocket Launcher - Shoots a Rocket straight at you. On Impact it deals high Splash Damage.

Health: 300
Damage: 5-20
Details: Ugly Strogg creature. Each strike it lands on you with his tentacles leaches Life to it. Also has high Health and Damage. Spell: Life Leaching (Attack) - If it hits you it drains 25% of the Damage to his Health.

Health: 750
Damage: 5-20
Details: Big and slow Machine with lots of Firepower. First his Chaingun wich shoots very fast. Second its Blaster which makes a powerful Energy blast which goes trough everything. Third his Rocket Launcher which shoots 3 Rockets at a Time on you with Splash Damage. They also have very high Health. Spells: Blaster - Shoots a energy Wave at you with high damage in its Part. Rocket Volley - Shoots 3 Rockets at a Time on your Position dealing big Splash Damage.

Tank Commander
Health: 1000
Damage: 5-20
Details: Like the normal Tanks but with a lot more Health. These are the strongest Warriors.

Pyramide Guard
Health: 2900
Damage: 25
Details: Big Warriror which guards the Pyramide. He is the first Boss in the Map. Spells: Rocket Volley, Blaster.

Health: 5600
Damage: 12
Details: The big bad Boss of the Strogg army. He is the Final Boss and very very strong with lots of spells he uses on you. Work in Team and use big Guns to defeat him. He can use many Spells: Stomp,Prod Hit,Blaster,Rocket Volley and he has a Regeneration Aura.

Your Marine has 4 different standard Spells that are
always available here the Functions are explained:

-Use [E] = You need this ability on "Levers" which opens Grey Doors,also itis used to open Supply Crates.

-Shoot [F] = Shoots the Weapon that is currently equipped.

-Armor [W] = This Spell is based on "ManaShield", if you aquire a Armor Powerup, Armor (Mana) is added to your Marine and he will use this Spell automatically. That means Armor in the Map is not temporary, its based on how much Man you have left.

-Supplie Orb [R] = Calls in a Supplie Orb which drops 4 Health and 4 Ammo Boxes. This Spell has a Cooldown of 180 Seconds!

Weapon Functions

-Your can carry up to 6 Weapons , each slot of your Marine
is used for another Weapon and you can only carry one Weapon of each Type. The Blaster is your standard Weapon and can't be dropped.
If a Weapon is dropped it will be removed instantly from the Game so don't drop it if you have no other Weapons laying around which you wanted to pick up.

-You will see on each Weapon there is a Number which represents the current
Ammo of the Weapon. If a Weapon is equiped and you shoot with it the
Number runs lower (depends on the Weapon). Some Weapons share their Ammo-
Type so watch out for that. You can fast switch between Weapons by
clicking on the Weapon Icons in your Inventory. If a Weapon has no Ammo
left there will be no Number left and your Hero won't shoot if you use the Spell.
If you die all Weapons except for Blaster will be vanish and you need to
get them all again.

-The Weapon System is not working automatically, you always need to Press
the Spellbutton and then the Target Location to Shoot. Only Lightning Gun needs to select a Target. Use Hotkey "F" to shoot fast. Some Weapons have a little Cooldown between the Shots.


-Grey Door are always opened by pulling a Lever. You will
hear a sound if the Door opens. Sometimes multiple Levers need to be
pushed before 1 Door opens!

-Key-Doors can only be opened by stepping in Front of it if you carry
the KeyCard.

-If a Player picks up a KeyCard it will move into his Keybag. If he uses the
Key on a Door it will be removed. Only one Key is available so speak up
with your Buddies who takes it. If a Player dies he will drop the Key on
its Position so another Player can take it.

Environment Hazards

-Explosive Barrels are dangerous for you and your Mates. If you
shoot on them don't stand to close to them they deal a lot of Damage, but
they can be dangerous for your Enemies too.

-Don't step on Lava Ground it will damage you instantly very hard.

Weapons/Armor respawn

-As the Map is for 8 Players the Weapons you pick up will
respawn instantly so everyone can pick them up any Time. You can drop them if you want but they will vanish instantly. You can't have the same Weapon but the same class example: Shotgun and Super Shotgun but they both uses the same Ammo.

-Same with Armors, but here it is an advantage for all of you because you
can come back everytime to replenish your Armor.

Other Stuff


-It is advised to play in Team. Each Enemy has a Chance to
drop Artifacts if he dies, so the fastest one of you can get them. But Ammo and Health can mostly only be found in Supply Crates. Only other chance is your "Supplie Orb" spell. So the Ammo and Health needs to be shared between the Players if you realy want to survive especiall on harder difficultys.
If one of you reaches the next Level (NOT Part of a Level, the Next real Level), all Players will respawn at the Door to the Level but only with their Blaster, so they need to get the Weapons again. But don't be afraid, each Map features every Weapon you found in the Map before.


-Each Time a Enemy sights you it will play a "Sighted"

-There are Sounds for Deads of Enemies and the Player, Weapon-Sounds and
other. All taken from Quake II.

-There are Sounds for Opening Door and pushing Levers too. So each Time
you hear a Door open Sounds you can expect that somewhere a Door has been

-There are a lot of Ambient Sounds too in many Regions

-Battle sounds and flying sounds

-Alarm sounds and Marine sounds

-Units: ~1400
-Size: 249x249
-Doodads: ~8000
-Rects: 248
-Cameras: 3
-Triggers: 178
-Variables: 61
-Sounds: 141

Thanks for reading this long Wall of a Text. This is all what i can say about the Map. The rest you will find out yourselves.There is no AI for Computers or anything so you need to play alone or with Human players. What i know is if you play alone even on Easy you need much Skill with "Run and Shoot" tactics to survive. How it is in Multiplayer, i don't know i haven't tested this yet. The map takes
very long to complete so take your time and enjoy. The Mapsize is about 1.6 Mb so it is ok for that size of a Map and it could be downloaded fast. All whats left to sa is Have Fun.


This is a Link to my Playtrough trough the whole Map, so you can have a look at it, feel free to make comments.

Changelog v1.1:
Some sound Problems fixed
Tortured sounds intervall is now longer
Lightning Gun now deals 70 Damage
Railgun Ammo bug fixed now it drains 1 instead of 3 Bullets per shot
Iron Maiden damage and Health imrpoved
Tank Spell fixed and attackspeed improved
Brain Spell improved and speed
Pyramid Guard Health improved
Level 8 Enemies not visible bug fixed
Rocket Launcher Range decreased from 700 to 600
Dark Matter Ball speed decreased and Range set to unlimited
Gladiator and Iron Maiden maked to Ranged with a Meele spell
Makron Health,Damage and Speed improved

Quake, Quake2, Shooter, Monster, Strogg, BFG, Marine, Marines

Quake II v1.1 (Map)

15:22, 20th Aug 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved
Level 7
Apr 11, 2011
Official Basic Review of V3H -

Terrain 10/10 - Hide the minimap so nobody sees so many blocks.
Concept & Idea 3/10 - Been based off of a video game.
Triggers 0/10 - Will require a uncorrupted version or I will rebuild the map myself to mark.
Object Data 5/10 - Can use improvement.
Overall Map Data 8/10 - Nice usage of sounds & imports.
Estimated effort spent into this 10/10 - =)
Playability & Improveable 4.5/10 - It is difficult even on easy while can be improved.

Overall Mark - 40.5/70 - It passes the basic review. =)

Any questions about the review, just ask and I will answer.

Suggestions -
Improve description here as in use hidden tags so people don't need to read through giant walls of text.
Screenshots or a video? ( oh good you did provide a video ) but you should put the video here with your description.)
Replace shockwave with a real projectile system?
Add a first person or third person shooter option?
Lock the cam better to the unit... Periodic locking otherwise Alt + C breaks it.
Lock the camera boundaries to each square of the map you are in.
Maybe find imports to replace some Wc3 models or skins?
Jumping? ( would go with projectile system )
Improve interface?
Add tips if there aren't any?
More items. ( armor & other stuff? )

A lot has been done already but so much more can be done to improve this, all I can say is good job with your map and continue to improve and make more.
How to Improve Description...

If you want an advanced review, message me.
Level 2
Aug 20, 2009
it is very close to quake 2 it's all great 9/10
my only suggest is add all of quake 2's music i have it i can give it to you
I found a little bug. When you load the game the blaster doesnt refill itself.
in the original game some weapons cause stun effect on some stroggs you can add that
it will be hard but you can add strafe left and right
and lightning is quake 3's weapon :D
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