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PTR: Patch 1.35

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Patch 1.3.5 is up!

[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]Blizzard Entertainment[/COLOR] said:
StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.3.5

To get the latest news and interact with the community, visit our StarCraft II website. Be sure to check out our Game Guide for an in-depth look at StarCraft II gameplay.
If you experience any technical issues downloading the patch, please visit the support website for more information. We wish you all the best on your journeys through the embattled Koprulu Sector!

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty - Patch 1.3.5
Table of Contents

General [US]
StarCraft II Editor Improvements [US]


  • Players from Latin America and North America, as well as players from Europe and Russia, will soon be able to play games together, add each other to their in-game friends list, and compete on the same ladder. For more information on region linking, please visit the Official Community Site([US]).

  • Several performance and memory improvements have been made.

  • "Player Left" messages will once again appear in replays.

  • The Hellion's Infernal Pre-Igniter upgrade icon has been updated(now with more blue flames!).

StarCraft II Editor Improvements

  • UI errors will now go into a newly-created Error Display Message window.

  • Cooldowns shorter than 1/4 of a second no longer display on the command card.

If you experience any technical issues downloading the patch, please visit the support website([US]) for more information. We wish you all the best on your journeys through the embattled Koprulu Sector!

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Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
The Hellion's Infernal Pre-Igniter upgrade icon has been updated (now with more blue flames!).

As if it was ever blue flame on the icon to say 'more blue flames'. In SC2Beta when I first saw the blue flames I thought it was bug, didn't know it was the upgraded flames.

Hmm, wonder what they are. Hopefully it is a better collision phsyics as even 200 zerglings going up a blocked ramp can get slow if they are squashed by large units.

In my case where I play Normal settings, I got lag when 10+ banelings splash and using Low death models fixed it. Would be nice if it were related to it but I doubt it.

The 1v1 maps are awful as many pointed out, they need to add Crevasse, Neo Enigma, Belshir Beach, Terminus Re, any of the played gsl maps.

And it's gonna happen what's gonna happen when the rus players are merged with eu players, I wonder what would happen if one has rus and EU accounts. Some GMs will be reclassified if less ladder points as the number in GM will remain 200 they won't change it.

Also from allowing PTR to other regions soon, it became Soon™ Inc. Also changes and all will be made on 26th, that's 1 week later (not 18th as first stated)... delay typical for Blizzard. Some, me included, needed league unlock sooner.
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Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
The 4vs4 map with the Monlyth tileset is pleasing, a large fortress with two ramps and, most importantly, with outer expansions, allowing for quick raids instead of being stuck on a massing or cheesing game.
On the contrary, the other one is worrying because of those three free expansions.

Similarly, the 3vs3 map with the Agria tileset also seems to favor turtling way too much, two free expansions and only a single entrance to the fort. I like the other one, though.

I'm neutral towards the 2vs2 maps, though I think I'm also going to dislike that one with a free expansion for either player.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
No I meant the actual effect blue flame, and that the current SC2 icon doesn't have any blue flame to say 'more blue flame'. And yes they didn't have colored icons. I'm glad they changed it, doing it like in SC1 plain 1 color was going to be lame for all abilities and things that exist.
Level 22
Feb 4, 2005
That's what I said -.- I know they were not in beta but now when they are colored it is not with blue flames anyway but they gotta do it, since that's the effect.

Now it looks more like frost.

StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty – Patch 1.3.4

Bug Fixes

Fixed a bug that would cause some Leagues & Ladder pages not to show correctly.

Again, replays become old version just cause of some patch with 1 fix...
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