You can delete it, you can also not make the map public. You could also corrupt it so that nothing can open it.How do I protect a map so people can't use MPQ editor to open it with or hide war3map.j?
You can delete it, you can also not make the map public. You could also corrupt it so that nothing can open it.
MPQ archive interface designers go through extra effort to make sure every MPQ can be opened and files read.
Your best protection from modification is to delete world edit only fata files from the MPQ and to obfuscate the JASS trigger script.
Vexorian Optimizer is the most common tool used to obfuscate the JASS script and delete World Editor only files.
Impossible. Wc3 requires war3map.j to exist in the map thus allowing MPQ editors to view it.
Recent version of MPQ libraries work even if the map is run through spazzler and similar MPQ corrupters.
Give up and focus on making your map.
So whats the best way to protect a map?
Vexorian Optimizer does all the basic protection operations that will stop newbies messing with your map, which is the only thing you really need to worry about.Vexorian Optimizer is the most common tool used to obfuscate the JASS script and delete World Editor only files.
The script should be obfuscated. This makes it very hard to understand what parts of it do. Anyone without JASS knowledge cannot make changes and even those that do have such knowledge will require a lot of time and effort to make the smallest changes.Aight, I got it and I believe I did the correct steps, but I still seem to find the .j but from a different location, but still openable with MPQ Editor. This is my biggest concern
MPQ Editor supported opening "spazzled" maps literally 1-2 months after the spazzler was created.Recent version of MPQ libraries work even if the map is run through spazzler and similar MPQ corrupters.
I'm doin a heckin concern over that.What are you afraid of anyway? ... People stealing your trade secrets?
How do I protect a map so people can't use MPQ editor to open it with or hide war3map.j?
Actually it is really easy for the ones who know how to read throughThe script should be obfuscated. This makes it very hard to understand what parts of it do. Anyone without JASS knowledge cannot make changes and even those that do have such knowledge will require a lot of time and effort to make the smallest changes.
Yes it is really easy for experienced modders. Generally such people are of little concern to mappers anyway as they cause no harm.Actually it is really easy for the ones who know how to read through
Make sure war3map.wtg is gone. It will be a pain to do any real work on the map then. Also, be a prominent member of Hive. If someone submits a fake version of your map and you have proof, we will take the fake map down. The same can be done with Epicwar with whom I am good friends with. So don't worry too much about it.
Here's something I wrote about it. Maybe it's interesting to someone: Map Protection
@Regno It will protect it from noobs. That's all. And yes it is quite sad.
Even then it is still impossible as Warcraft III must still be able to open the map.Unbreakable protection is not possible unless Blizzard switches to a new map format (they will not do this).
And still does not stop one hacking the map by allowing Warcraft III to open it and extracting the map data from Warcraft III. Until people develop tools to do that at least.Might be able to do something fancy with cryptography but that would be considerably expensive in terms of implementation time and entirely worthless.