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Profligacy RPG 0.88

Map Info:

Profligacy is an ORPG in which you can become almost any enemy you face. Adventure through the city of Solace completing quests, earning loot, gaining reputation and clearing dungeons with your friends. You begin your journey as the Malefic Experiment, consuming the dead to fuel your unnatural form. Occasionally enemies will drop a Morph Stone, a rare artifact allowing the experiment to morph into a new form. Should you favour a form and you can evolve to a second tier morph with the help of your favourite faction.


    • Codeless Save/Load (thanks to TriggerHappy)
    • Dynamic tooltips using the new natives from 1.29/1.30
    • 40+ Heroes (morphs) + evolutions
    • Almost every unit drops a morph stone allowing you to take on their appearance and abilities
    • Custom Equipment System
    • Hundreds of handcrafted items with random stat ranges
    • Dozens of quests
    • Several Bosses
Change Log:

See Discord for change logs after 0.75

  • - Fixed Drossbolt
  • Fixed Criticism Cannon
  • Made certain text tags visible to everyone
  • Symbiote necklace's chance multiplier 3 > 2.5. Added max chance of 30%
  • Set Prince's movement to zero properly
  • Prince is now immune to the Ghost rare spawn spell
  • Increased Fin Stone drop rate from 5% to 6%
  • Increased minimum power of rare stats from 5 to 15
  • Lava burst now stops when the rare casting it dies
  • Crit and % damage don't multiply off each other anymore
  • Craven 4pc 1% hp regen changed to 30 hp regen
  • Fixed greater horror ability
  • See Discord for change logs between 0.26 and 0.75

  • Mortality tooltip corrected
  • Mortality Bloodback health and damage per level increased
  • Marked Vigor movement speed buff corrected
  • Czarrouschzavexcul should no longer be able to be accessed from the Dusk Dream
  • Boarshek should no longer be able to be accessed from the Leviathan Dungeon
  • During formatting errors were introduced into this tooltip
  • While fixing the tooltip some values were also adjusted to tune up the warlock a bit more
  • These vendors could sometimes be accessed from dungeons due to the vendor having moved. They should no longer be able to move.
    To Do:
  • Adjust all hotkeys to QWE instead of QEW
  • Create new morphs for the 2 remaining enemies (outside of the nightmare fight)
  • Change Mawguard Faction Item bonus damage to +10 per nearby ally
  • A surprise
  • Fix Hyphae Horticulturalist's E
  • Change Low Cunning, Virulent Expulsion, and Recycle Beam to damage system abilities

  • New Morph: Fungal Florist/Hyphae Horticulturalist - An Agility to Intelligence morph with supportive abilities.
  • New Morph: Odius Wraith/Omnicidal Wraith - A heavy aoe nuker with high mana costs.
  • Blizzard Lizards now require and consume mana to cast their blizzards.
  • Susie now requires mana to cast her spell fire shield and flame breath
  • Wild Mage now requires mana to cast his wild magic
  • Selemnia now requires mana to cast life drain
  • Primordial Pound base mana cost from 0 to 10
  • Primordial Pound mana cost per level from 18 -> 8
  • Duplicitous Bribe success rate per level from 0 -> 2%
  • Duplicitous Bribe base success rate from 30% -> 38%
  • Scorched Machinist BAT from 0.8 -> 0.85
  • Steamrunner BAT from 0.8 -> 0.83
  • Wellsprite Turret aims 50% faster
  • Mercenary Goddess Strength per level from 1.0 -> 1.1
  • Mercenary Goddess Intelligence per level from 1.20 -> 1.25
  • Mercenary Goddess Agility per level from 1.8 ->1.85
  • Mercenary Goddess BAT from 2.0 -> 1.8
  • Prismatic Fletching elemental arrows chance from flat 3% -> 1.5% each level
  • Marked gold gain per level from 4 -> 8
  • Marked base gold gain from 0 -> 10
  • Marked Vigor movement speed increase from 0% -> 10%
  • Selemnia drain duration from 4 -> 6
  • Selemnia's heal when a target dies during draining increased
  • It is now possible to skill Pure Mana
  • Low Cunning is now integrated into the damage system
  • Daughter of Chaos/Queen of Bedlam hotkeys corrected, spell placement corrected, armor type changed to demonic
  • Lightning Surge no longer gives flying vision
  • Blood Suck base damage per second from 3% -> 1%
  • Blood Suck damage per second each level from 0.5% -> 0.3%
  • Utility leveling fixed
  • Nightmare boss fight units are now Neutral Hostile
  • Corruptor level from 1 -> 40
  • Dryad is still missing her third ability due to bugs, but I hope you enjoy these new morphs from the Misanthropic Wraith and Shroom Gardener!
  • These changes make feedback/mana burn more useful and makes these enemies more consistent with other spellcasters.
  • These changes are to make leveling up skills more appealing
  • Steamrunner/Machinist was slightly too powerful after gaining Efficient Fuel lines
  • The turret in the Toxic Wellsprite fight felt very underwhelming to use previously
  • Mercenary Goddess was somewhat undertuned, even after gaining Marked
  • Selemnia felt a little undertuned after her recent changes
  • Oops
  • This should cause it to function better with the other systems in the game, though its unlikely you will notice any difference
  • Double Oops.
  • Damage was far too high for a pure damage ability that heals and disables
  • Oooops
  • This should make it work correctly for numerous mechanics, including experience gain
  • Corruptor should give experience, like any other boss
    To Do:
  • Adjust all hotkeys to QWE instead of QEW
  • Create new morphs for the 2 remaining enemies (outside of the nightmare fight)
  • Change Mawguard Faction Item bonus damage to +10 per nearby ally
  • A surprise
  • Fix Hyphae Horticulturalist's E
  • Change Low Cunning, Virulent Expulsion, and Recycle Beam to damage system abilities

  • Dabbus Quest corrected to properly progress
  • Selemnia now only drains for a maximum of 4 seconds on a single target
  • Selemnia now recieves a burst heal if the target dies during the drains
  • Selemnia now regains slightly less health per tick of her drain
  • Blunderbuss Operator/Inconsiderate Gunslinger new ability: Dragonfire Rounds - Toggleable attack modifier that causes nearby targets to burn.
  • Pirate/Rumguard new ability: Utility Belt - Pull useful items out of your utility belt, including the infamous pirate net
  • Raging Sneeze/Whirling Breath new ability: Pure Mana - Restore mana to nearby allies passively, deal damage in an aoe when attacked
  • Immaterial Resounder/Psychic Distorter new ability: Mental Mutilation - Weaken the target enemy additionally passively gain a significant chance to dodge attacks.
  • Conniving Pixie/Curious Sprite new ability: Invisibility - Make the target unit invisible for the duration, fades again if duration remains after breaking
  • Flagitious Beastie/Serrated Horror new ability: Greater Mana Burn - Mana burn dealing high aoe damage, silencing the target and stunning if it has no mana
  • Ashland Barbarian/Ragaxe Barbarian new ability: Whirlwind Attack - Activate to hit all nearby enemies with next attack. Passively gives a chance to hit perform a whirlwind attack when attacking.
  • Simple bugfix
  • Selemnia was almost unbeatable without abusing -suicide. These changes should help change that strategy
  • This is analogous to the ability the enemy gunslingers use and gives some good use for agi on the gunslingers
  • These items add a ton of utility to the pirate, giving some agi scaling damage, healing and supporting while remaining thematic
  • This increases the wisps offensive, defensive and supportive roles in an interesting way
  • This fits within the themes and role of the morph, while allowing it to survive with its low strength
  • An interesting rounding out of the pixie's kit.
  • Mana burn is a standby for Felhounds and this gives the Beastie much better damage/sustain against bosses with large mana pools. It also retains some utility agains manaless foes.

  • To Do:
  • Change Mawguard Faction Item bonus damage to +10 per nearby ally
  • A surprise
  • Change Low Cunning, Virulent Expulsion, and Recycle Beam to damage system abilities

  • Storage Barrel added
  • Self Destruct no longer targets undead, should be more consistent in dealing damage
  • Seven Sea's Blessing more consistently bounces now
  • Seven Sea's Blessing hotkey corrected
  • Galaxy Painter now correctly burns mana and improves sight range
  • Quest Dialogue overhall finished, also fixed a bugged reputation reward
  • Sadism now deals spell damage
  • Mortality recoded
  • Efficient Fuel Lines tooltip adjusted to be more accurate
  • Transfusion can now target heroes
  • Malefic Experiment base damage from 1-4 to 2-5
  • Raging Sneeze/Whirling Breath is now able to hurt passive units
  • Dank key has been added
  • Crystalized damage multiplier from 5 -> 2
  • Selemnia now heals based on her damage dealt
  • New Dabbus quest
  • As requested numerous times the storage barrel has been added, be warned it does not save your items.
  • Self destruct targetting was due to technical limitations with Death Pact, it is now based on channel
  • Seven Sea's still had a few lingering issues
  • Feedback was accidentally overwritten during
  • KingProoks has finished writing and I've once again edited it.
  • Sadism should more effectively itemize now
  • Mortality had some issues with not going off if its damage component killed the target, it should always go off now
  • No change to the ability, just tooltip updates
  • Should make the early game go a little more smoothly
  • It was annoying not being able to hurt anything but enemies and destructibles.
  • Praise be the Dank Key!
  • This damage was way out of line with other rare spawns
  • Selemnia was almost unbeatable without abusing the -suicide command, this is the first of the changes to combat that
    To Do:
  • Change Mawguard Faction Item bonus damage to +10 per nearby ally
  • New skills for remaining Pirate & Leviathan units
  • Storage barrels
  • A surprise
  • Change Low Cunning, Virulent Expulsion, and Recycle Beam to damage system abilities

  • New morph stone drop with tier 2 and all 3 skills, first player to provide a replay obtaining it gets a special prize
  • New and Edited dialogue thanks to KingProoks
  • All tooltips should be accurate now, some specific tooltips mentioned below
  • Inspect now has infinite range
  • Heroes now load into the Tavern
  • Lava Burst damage from unitlevel*5 -> unitlevel*3
  • Sadism now deals bonus pure damage when it triggers
  • Twistclaw strength damage from 7% -> 8%
  • Twistclaw agility armour from 1% -> 2%
  • Twistclaw intelligence health from 90% -> 100%
  • Mortality now additionally summons a Bloodback if cast on a target with Boiling Blood
  • Alert Reserves intelligence health from 150%*Ability Level -> 150%+10*Ability Level
  • Alert Reserves tooltip adjusted to show actual Damage and Armour bonus
  • Burrow now costs less mana per second
  • Burrow damage from 10+30% of Strength -> 10*Ability Level + 40% of Strength
  • Burrow spines now count as attacks for on hit effects
  • Burrow spine base cooldown from 3.5 -> 3.0
  • Burrow spine cooldown per level reduction from 0.25 ->0.17
  • Burrow animation method changed (Should be more consistent)
  • Cutter Ring tooltip adjusted to show true values
  • Minedub Shot renamed to Torpedo Spreadgun
  • Primordial Pound damage aoe adjusted to match tooltip
  • Pugilism count increased
  • Pyrosmith base cooldown reduced by 1 second
  • Rip Rend Riot cooldown reduction per level from 0 -> 0.5
  • Riving Bite total Agility damage from 75% to 105%
    The dialogue although flavourful has had numerous problems with that. KingProoks has graciously offered to look over some of it. I hope you'll enjoy our work.
    The tooltips have been wrong for several versions. A couple original skills, notably the summon skills, had incorrect values or misleading phrasing. Most of the new skills also had placeholder tooltips. They have all been updated.
    Inspect never needed to be melee range, this is a quality of life change.
    Rare units, other than doom, should not be killing appropriately leveled and geared characters instantly.
    Sadism was a rather boring ability, now it should at least be more fun as well as give Susie a small buff.
    Multiple nerfs over multiple patches have added up for the Warlock, this should hopefully return him to viable status without making him too powerful.
    Alert Reserves was spared the nerfs to summons that other morphs had, however at high levels it was far too effective a tanking tool. Now players should have to rely more on changing aggro and utilizing Shield Wall to get the same tanking out of them at later levels. At early levels they should remain effective.
    Burrow was not an effective healing abiltiy, or an effective damaging ability. It should be more effective at both now.
    Every summon ability actually showed incorrect values for their scaling.
    Minedub no longer floats midair, so it made much less sense to call it a mine.
    Pugilism required slight uptuning.
    Pyrosmith has been adjusted to be cast more frequently. This allows Susie to take better advantage of mana itemization and Sadism. This also allows her to more effectively play as a spell caster at all levels.
    Rip Rend Riot is a good skill, it could use some more uptime however to allow faster re-engagements and better boss fighting.
    Flagitious Beastie could use a slight uptuning to be more inline with other damage dealers, especially considering how late the morph is obtained.
    To Do:
  • Change Mawguard Faction Item bonus damage to +10 per nearby ally
  • New skills for remaining Pirate & Leviathan units
  • Storage barrels
  • A surprise
  • Change Low Cunning, Virulent Expulsion, and Recycle Beam to damage system abilities

  • Fixed Hypercharge reducing strength
  • Fixed Normal Armour description
  • Fixed a number of tooltips
    To Do:
  • Fix all remaining WIP tooltips (All new skills, battervolt, virulent explosion, etc.)
  • Change Mawguard Faction Item bonus damage to +10 per nearby ally
  • New skills for remaining Pirate & Leviathan units
  • Complete tooltips (Currently all new skills always display as level 1)
  • Storage barrels
  • A surprise

  • Removed unit flying height debug messages
  • Fixed Trolls Blood to correctly reduce current mana percentage(And subsequently heal off lost mana)
  • Fixed Rocket Boost level skip
  • Fixed Rocket Boost tooltip level
  • Battervolt Shock-Slug now considered an attack
  • Blessing of the Seven Seas coming soon ability removed
  • Blessing of the Seven Seas learn tooltip adjusted
  • Mawguard now shows correct tooltip while equipped
  • Psychic Drape is now listed as part of Poltergeist's Providence while equipped

  • Secret added
  • Units now gain slightly extended vision while viewing the Rum Raider and Leviathan to prevent invisible boats
  • All floating units can now fly over water and have had their heights corrected
  • Galaxy Painter now correctly adds sight range
  • The Proprietor now sells Patched Barrels and Glazed Ham
  • Mug can no longer target self
  • Added a bandit to the storage house
  • Bane Spirits no longer give +1 armor to enemies hit
  • Bane Spirits int poison damage from 2% -> 1.5%
  • Haunting Hands hand AOE from 120 -> 180
  • Virulent Explusion bonus intelligence damage from 50% -> 100%
  • Demonic Bloodrage icon position and tooltip corrected
  • Puissant Cleft has never dealt damage in an aoe
  • Puissant Cleft no longer misses
  • Puissant Cleft no longer self stuns
  • Crystal rare spawns now correctly fire ice shards
  • Crystal ice shard damage from unitlevel*3 -> unitlevel*2
  • Frigid Vapour duration from 30 -> 60
  • Mawguard Faction Item Attackspeed from 60->15
  • Mawguard Faction Item now triggers upon hostile unit death, rather than ally death
  • Mawguard Faction Item no longer grants damage when stunned
  • Mawguard Faction Item temporarily grants 20 damage
  • Mortality summons deal less damage and have less health per level
  • Spike Assault no longer deals self damage
  • Spike Assault now heals 9% of killed units maximum health
  • Hungry Pseudopods effect rate corrected to match tooltip
  • Pepper Pop blind chance 60% -> 100%
  • Pepper Pop blind duration from 8 -> 4 (Hero duration unchanged)
  • Angel Powder stun chance from 6% -> 100%
  • Angel Powder stun duration from 2 -> 1
  • Angel Powder no longer stuns allies
  • Angel Powder now stuns enemies in its AOE
  • Minedub Shot explodes on contact
  • Distortion Rift cooldown reduction per level from 5 -> 4
  • Ripple Casting duration per level from 1 -> 0.5
  • Cyclonic Seperation now deals damage to all units
  • Averiositic Warlock/Bloodscald new skill: Transfusion - DOT on target and gain an equal amount of regeneration
  • Combat Crawler/Supreme Warmachine new skill: Rocket Boost - Knock self back and enemies away from cast
  • Rubyflower new skill: Ruby Rose - Summons a ward that attacks periodically
  • Clanktank/Clankbarge new skill: Hypercharge - increases movement speed, resets cooldowns, has a chance to explode dealing damage in an aoe to all units (including self)
  • Scorched Machinist/Steamrunner new skill: Efficient Fuel Lines - passively increase attackspeed by a percentage of agility
  • Hypercoil Mecha new skill:Self Destruct Protocols - Target summoned unit explodes dealing aoe damage
  • Congealed Reflection/Apperception Inhibitor new skill: Soul Shell - Reduce damage taken in exchange for mana
  • Oceanic Lizard/Flounder Beast new skill: Blessing of the Seven Seas - Cause target's attacks to deal spell damage and bounce.
  • Combat Crawler base damage from 8 -> 30
  • Supreme Warmachine base damage from 8 -> 40
  • Battervolt Shock-Slug damage from 65% of strength to 110% of Attack Damage
  • Battervolt Shock-Slug now counts as an attack
    To Do:
  • Change Mawguard Faction Item bonus damage to +10 per nearby ally
  • New skills for remaining Pirate & Leviathan units
  • Complete tooltips (Currently all new skills always display as level 1)
  • Storage barrels
  • A surprise

WARNING: Unit aggro ranges have been changed as part of a bug fix, this may change the way some areas play out. Please report difficult areas.
  • Summoned units now correctly drop their items, without respawning
  • Experience Table bug fixed
  • Slimesoothe tooltip updated
  • Wellsprite doodads adjusted
  • Steamrunner Flamebubble aoe from 120->220
  • All floating/flying morphs can now fly over water
  • Imbued Breeze visual update
  • Imbued Breeze aoe from 120->180
  • Selemnia doodads adjusted
  • Marked cooldown from 12->24
  • Marked duration from 15->30
  • Marked gold per level from 10->3
  • More coming soon

Special Thanks:
  • KingProoks for writing and editing services
  • Spatulon & SocialSurgery for the Original Map
  • Megapwn, DotsTheHero/moredots. & Fernsauce/Mrzwach/Mez for help updating
  • Kaloth/cmtman & Fenix-25 for help testing versions and ideas
  • Crawler, Witchdoctor, Sylvanas, kaniff, & SomeWhiteGuy for their feedback
  • Jesus4Lyfe of thehelper.net for his many jass systems
  • Cohadar, Vexorian and everyone else involved in JassNewgen of course
  • The Hive Workshop for tons of resources, full credits coming eventually
  • Zwiebelchen for the corrupted tile data fix
  • Ujimasa Hojo for Iron Horde skins
  • Huge thanks to Daehun Kim and gadina_prokleta for fixing the desync

Author's notes:

Discord Server

Profligacy RPG 0.88 (Map)

Level 6
Jan 13, 2013
Repeating it that many times would also take about 20 hours, assuming you perform it in one minute every time. You would be much better off spending 20 hours progressing than rerolling that item in my opinion. The only solution I see to this problem is to no longer give randomized stats to shop purchased items, which is not an option I am willing to pursue. Additionally, I really don't see this as a significant problem. You would be spending 20 hours getting +10 armor, on average +5 damage bock and on average +5 spell block compared to the worst possible drop.
Level 6
Jan 13, 2013
Saint's Blessing is a 90% chance to provide a buff on the target of a heal that adds 10% of each of your stats to the targets for 30 seconds. Deliverance is currently disabled but gives a chance to deal extra damage on attack based on max health and hero level.
Apparently I was wrong about deliverance (read a < as a > with my sleepy eyes). Whenever you attack you deal bonus damage equal to 2% of all your nearby ally's health combined or 6*Herolevel, whichever is lower.
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Level 3
May 26, 2017
Saint's Blessing is a 90% chance to provide a buff on the target of a heal that adds 10% of each of your stats to the targets for 30 seconds. Deliverance is currently disabled but gives a chance to deal extra damage on attack based on max health and hero level.

Oh I see. Does the Saint's Blessing work when using potions? Or when the healing spell is an AOE that doesn't have a target?
Level 5
Apr 19, 2009
I have played as the wisp (raging sneeze) in version .25 (the one on mmh) but it does not appear to have the 3rd ability you stated it would have in the changelog. Did you forget to add it or something?
Level 3
May 26, 2017

The increased damage of the summon is 0.12 * (strength+45), instead of 0.12*strength+45. Maybe the other stats are similar. I am not sure if this is intended or not.

Edit: also, it seems I can only summon a Demon, but not a Monster.
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Level 6
Jan 13, 2013
It should be able to damage multiple clustered targets, the aoe is fairly small though.
private function Actions takes nothing returns nothing
    local unit u
    local unit hero = GetTriggerUnit()
    set P = GetOwningPlayer(hero)
    call GroupEnumUnitsInRange(G2,GetUnitX(hero),GetUnitY(hero),350,Condition(function GroupFilter))
        set u = FirstOfGroup(G2)
        exitwhen u == null
        call Damage_Physical(hero,u,GetUnitAbilityLevel(hero,ABILID)*11+GetHeroAgi(hero,true)*0.45,IMPACT,false,false)
        call AddBuffConcussion(hero,u,9,true)
        call GroupRemoveUnit(G2,u)
    call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\Thunderclap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl",GetUnitX(hero),GetUnitY(hero)))
    set hero = null
Level 6
Jan 13, 2013

The increased damage of the summon is 0.12 * (strength+45), instead of 0.12*strength+45. Maybe the other stats are similar. I am not sure if this is intended or not.

Edit: also, it seems I can only summon a Demon, but not a Monster.
Thank you for the bug report, I'll look into that. I probably just messed up the tooltips for the stats. As for the monsters not spawning that is a known bug, fixed for 0.27.
Level 3
Jul 6, 2014
Hello, good map so far, happy to see someone took it and decided to update. I have a few comments, being one problably a bug.

I played with a pair of dudes who boosted me a lot by giving me items that they didn't want. Selemnia dropped them 4 times in a row the item "Demonic Crystal", that was pure bad luck or are the other drops so rare and good?.

The Evolution of the slime, Deviant Orb, has a skill which it's supposed to drain mana (angry pheusopods or something like that) and it don't, it's not because of regen because even at lvl3, low intelligence and no mana-reg equip the mana wasn't being drained.

There are some items like the "Trebuchet-go-go" and another which deals randomly 1-500 dmg to an unit that don't dissapear once they are used and others dissapear (like the multiple replenish health or mana items). It's that supposed to happen?.

BUG?: Someone had a troll morph, entered into the Leviathan boat and the neutral troops there started attacking him. It there was any reason?

Thanks for your work!
Level 6
Jan 13, 2013
Thank you for your bug reports and interest!

The Demonic Crystal is actually quite good, its just that the same boss actually drops another better item for the same slot.

The Hungry Pseudopods does drain mana, its just a miniscule amount. Even the base regen of the second form is generally enough to not notice it.

I am aware of this, its a little odd and I'll definitely be going over it once I begin the Item Update.

I am also aware of this bug, but I have yet to see it happen myself so if you have the replay of that game still I would love to get my hands on it. I've been unable to reproduce the bug on my end, so its been hard to try to fix.
Level 3
May 26, 2017
There are two problems with Czarrouschzavexcul.
1. his room is still accessible even if reputation is lower than 200. I can get into his room by clicking the real location of the room, even if I cannot see it on the map, as long as I remember where it is;

2. Sometimes, he runs outside of the room when the game starts...the towers around Madtrack has range 5000 and they hit him and he then runs away...or rather, he can "fly" away since he he seems to ignore the walls so maybe he is actually a flying unit?


Other times, when the tower hits the pig in the room next to him, he won't run.

Also, my whole map is visible because we can go to the Advanced Options-->Visibility-->Always Visible
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Level 3
May 26, 2017

I could not leave the level 45 boss area. There doesn't seem to be any exit, even after we killed the boss. Do I need to use -suicide to leave that area?
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Level 3
Jul 6, 2014
Hello again, I link a replay with a pair of possible errors.
The neutrals of the boat attacked a player.

The another it's with Selemnia death, something happened with Mr Plank summon and it bugged, there was an invisible chest there always with the maximun hp.

Thanks for your work.

Version of the map it's 0.26a and warcraft III it's the last for now (1.28.5)


  • Making bugs in profligacy.w3g
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Level 6
Jan 13, 2013
Slumberturtle: You should actually be able to path out about 10 seconds after killing the boss by clicking out of the arena, that exit was unfinished though. I'll put it on my list to finish for 0.27

Silverwolff: Thank you, that should be very helpful. I'll take a look through it when I can.
Level 2
Dec 16, 2014
Rare Mobs are broken
status affects they throw on remain after death
Ex: Crystal Mob inflicts a slow and this begins to stack and ultimately reaches a state where your stuck permanently even after death


  • WC3ScrnShot_091917_141437_02.tga
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  • WC3ScrnShot_091917_141247_01.tga
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Level 1
Jul 27, 2017
Good afternoon,

My friend and I really enjoyed this game yesterday. WE made saves and today when we tried to load our saves the game immediately went to the scorescreen. I tried restarting wc3 or launching as admin but had no success, does anybody have an idea why this is happening or how to resolve it? Thanks!
Level 3
Mar 6, 2015
Good afternoon,

My friend and I really enjoyed this game yesterday. WE made saves and today when we tried to load our saves the game immediately went to the scorescreen. I tried restarting wc3 or launching as admin but had no success, does anybody have an idea why this is happening or how to resolve it? Thanks!

I had the exact same problem. It might have something to do with latest version. It's such a shame I loved the map.
Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Not sure why but i can't read the news in the changelogs, everything is blank
It might be in another language now that i think about it, anyway i really like the map, i usually play it solo for the extra challenge and is great so far, i love all the evolutions/heroes and the bosses are difficult but not impossible, overall is pretty cool.