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problem with color

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Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
well in this game im making u can mount a horse and all of the guys have certian color and when u mount the horse the color changes to the team color

What the hell are you even talking about.

Edit: I MEAN.. What do you want help with?
Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
im saying that that u no the mount hipogrify spell i used it for a horse and a musketman and they should both be blue but if ur red or another color and u mount the horse it chnages back to the orinagl color and not blue
edit: another question also say u have a rilfeman and u want it to have both the color light blue and gray but pick it rambomly whyen they are trained
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
it seems possible

Unit Spell Effect
if Ability is Mount
if Target type is Horse
Remove (Casting Unit)
Remove (Target of ability beign cast)
Create 1 (Knight) at (Position of (Casting Unit)) for (Owner of (Casting Unit)) (I know it leaks)


Unit Spell Effect
if Ability is Unmount
Remove (Casting Unit)
Create 1 (Footman) at (Position of (Casting Unit)) for (Owner of (Casting Unit)) (I know it leaks)
Create 1 (Horse) at (Position of (Casting Unit)) for (Neutral Passive) (I know it leaks)
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
I'm pretty sure there's a way to change team color.

I'm at work though, so I can't find it for you.
Level 12
Mar 16, 2006
Well, err.. umm... what the hell IS the question then?

Take deep breaths. Don't type it out like it's a race. Make real sentences and be descriptive. Use punctuation and for gods sakes make some sense, man!
Level 13
Sep 24, 2007
OK Well i am making a spell where u can dismount mount a horse. OMG I USED A PERIOD. Well the people that mount should have teamcolor blue even if you are player red. wehn u mount the horse even tho the rideless horse + the mounted horses team color is blue it still comes out red when u mount it. i chnaged the teamcolor in the object editor. Also if i just place a mounted horse is world edit its blue like it sohuld be. but when u unmount it the guys is red and the horse is red. is this good????? LOOK MORE PUNCUATION !?.,;!??????
Level 19
Aug 24, 2007
make owner of horse owner of casting unit then
or just change color after unmounting
(just add color triggers to my trigger)
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