I thought it was all working fine, but it seems that it just seemed to work on the outside. I would like to give both morphs a different build sets. Yet with the current triggers it works like this:
Start - Obsidian Statue: Building structures works
1st Morph - Destroyer: Building structures does not work
2nd Morph - Obsidian Statue: Building Structures does now work
3rd Morph - Destroyer: Building structures work
The problem is with the morph ability, since if I place builders of both types on the map, building stuctures works, yet morphing them ends in failure.
Now I tried to replace the units with triggers when the ability is used. Yet I fail to get the trigger to work properly. The main issue is that the ability it's gonna be based on has to show no effect, is activatable and activatable through triggers.
I already tried the summon a dummy unit using a water elemental spell, but this one didn't quite work out.
I once again sincerely apologize for bumping this thread, but I didn't wish to create another thread and mess uop the board.
[edit]I would show you the triggers if I had been smart enough to save them[/edit]