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All map information thread
This thread is for information only. If you haven't played my map, I suggest that you check it out first before coming here.

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Guides Section Page

Information updated to version v1.5a

Hunting Zones

The map consists of 5 areas where players can farm for gold. These zones are populated with neutrals, or creeps as you may call them. The creeps are differentiated in health, armor, abilities, damage and so on. Below you will find the images about the spawns with little information about them.


Top Left Corner spawn. You need some survivability before coming here, as it is a tough spawn to muster at your first levels. Consider going with a team mate, as it has: 1 Hunter, 2 Fat Swine, 3 Goons


Bottom Right Corner spawn. Same as the top spawn, only located in the opposite corner. It too has: 1 Hunter, 2 Fat Swine, 3 Goons


Middle Top spawn. This is the spawn where you will spend most of your time, as even heroes with little to no survivability will find their haven here, as the creeps are low tier and have no abilities. It has: 1 Bandit, 2 Mercenary, 1 Goon


Bottom Mid spawn. Exactly the same as the other spawn, only located in the bottom for the other team. It too has: 1 Bandit, 2 Mercenary, 1 Goon


Middle spawn. The mother of all spawns and with everything, the hardest spawn to conquer. Not only is this the main battlefield between the two staging teams, but the neutrals here will seriously challenge your survivability. It is the only spawn it has a medic, and because of that, its hardest of them all. It has: 1 Hunter, 1 Medic, 2 Bandits

Below you will find a complete neutrals list, which you can use to further know the creeps you hunt, what to be careful about and what to avoid.

-Fat Swine

The Hunter is a high end tier creep. Its the toughest neutral in the game, and one you will definately remember because of his Snare ability and Poison damage. You can find him in the three biggest spawns: Middle, Bottom Right Corner, Top Left Corner. It has 212 health, deals 25 - 30 Piercing damage and has +1 Light Class armor. It is especially weak versus Piercing damage and deals extra damage versus other Unarmored, Light Class of armor. It has Snare ability, which traps an enemy at range for 3.5 seconds. It also has Poison ability, which poisons an enemy on attack for 6 seconds, dealing 3 damage per second. Each attack refreshes the duration of the poison and it doesn't stack

The Medic is a high end tier creep. Its the only neutral in the game that will ensure you do not get an easy farm, as because it can heal. You can only find him in the Middle spawn. It has 215 health, 50 mana and deals 13 - 14 Piercing damage and has +1 Unarmored Class armor. It is especially weak versus Piercing damage and deals extra damage versus other Unarmored, Light Class of armor. It has Mend ability, which heals an ally for 12 health per cast.

The Fat Swine is a medium tier creep. Its better than the other no ability creeps, hence of its increased health, making it a durable enemy for physical attacks. You can find it in the Top Left Corner and Bottom Right Corner spawns. It has 145 health, deals 11 - 12 Piercing damage and has +1 Unarmored Class armor. It is especially weak versus Piercing damage and deals extra damage versus other Unarmored, Light Class of armor.

The Bandit is a medium tier creep. It has less health, damage than the Hunter and Soldier of Fortune ability, that has 10% on attack to deal bonus 5 damage and a 7% chance to dodge an attack. The only thing to know that it is a ranged creep. It can be found in the Middle Top, Middle Bot and Middle spawns. It has 120 health, deals 11 - 12 Piercing damage and has +1 Unarmored Class armor. It is especially weak versus Piercing damage and deals extra damage versus other Unarmored, Light Class of armor.

The Goon, Mercenary are the low tier creeps with as little as health as possible, deal little damage and are easy to kill. They can be found everywhere except in the Middle spawn. They have 65 health, deals 6 - 7 Piercing damage and have +1 Unarmored/Light Class armor. They are especially weak versus Piercing damage and deals extra damage versus other Unarmored, Light Class of armor.

A new feature has emerged in the battlefield of PRO WAR - a PvE event for the whole team to enjoy and challenge themselves with. A horrific spawn of death has reigned supreme over a small area inside the arena, where its powerful presence cannot be ignored. This however isn't the only one - there are two of them! And they are bloody overwhelming, nothing to go solo against.


The Monster is a level 10 neutral monster and has two spawns on the map.



* - 3000 Health
* - 1000 Mana
* - 12 Health per second (regeneration)
* - 8 Mana per second (regeneration)
* - 5 Fortified Armor
* - 30-66 Chaos Damage
* - 1.55x Attack Speed


(1) Sacrifice - Sacrifices the target, burning up to 80 mana from it and dealing 20% of his total health into damage

(2) Infest - infests an enemy and all enemies around him for 7 seconds. Infested enemies have 50% move and attack speed reduction, armor reduced by 5 and are being dealt 20 damage per second

(3) Plague - enemies around the Monster have -200% mana regeneration

(4) Oblivion - crushes all enemies in the boss area, dealing 100 damage and stunning them for 5 seconds

(5) Immortal - whenever the Monster slays an enemy hero it will regain 20% of his total health and 20% of his total mana
Is immune to:

* - Butcher 2% of total health damage effect
* - Bloodrazor 4% of total health damage effect

The Monster will not respawn once killed.

Rewards for slaying the monster are:

-Bonus random gold (1500 - 500)
-Permanent Health (+150) and All Attributes (+5)
-Chance that the boss will drop:

* - Epic Item (40% chance)
* - Unique Refined Item (40% chance)
* - Epic Refined Item (20% chance)

The Monsters are protected by magical barriers which cannot be destroyed until all the heroes on the map are level 4. This considers the enemy team as well. This was made so that early ventures into the Monster's lair wouldn't kill the players. There is NO way for you to solo the Monster. I repeat again - NO WAY to solo the monster.


Once all the heroes reach level 4, the gates will dissipate and you will be able to go in there. Do not forget to call all your team mates, as the Monster's damage and health might not scare you, but his abilities are far from pleasant.

Without any means of healing your as good as dead. The Monster has all the necessary spells to kill your team with ease if your not careful. It deals tons of AOE damage, making your entire group vulnerable, especially squishy damage heroes. It has the perfect spell to deal with high damage tanky characters, so be aware for that.

You MUST have means to heal your party. This can consist of spamming healing spells, having regeneration effects, lifesteal and even potions. The fight lasts around 3 - 5 minutes if you are able to keep the flow of damage without stopping. If you do not have enough damage, you will lose eventually. His 3000 health are far from easy to be reduced and since he has reduced damage from heroes, you will need as many of the squishy dangerous bastards as you can get. But even more, you will need stuff to keep them alive.

Spamming heals is a good way to go, but here are some tricks that you need to keep in mind:

* - The Monster's Immortal spell is what you should really fear. With all his damage outputs, he is sure to kill atleast one hero... and get healed for 20% of 3000 health which is 600 health. If he kills your entire team he will be back at full power, both health and mana wise. Not all team mates are good if they will feed the Monster, and sometimes it might be better to engage with 3 - 4 well equipped heroes than with 5 under-fed. It is utmost PRIORITY for you to either keep all the team mates alive or keep the ones you can alive - ALIVE. It is better to retreat than be killed by the Monster, because one kill will turn the fight against you - and your dog food once he gains his mana back

* - The Monster's passive Plague reduces all heroes mana regeneration by 200%. This effect can be countered in two ways. Priest's passive increases mana regeneration and Wizard's Cane stacks with the Priest's passive. Refining the cane will grant allied heroes 150% mana regeneration + priest's 75% = 225%. -200 + 225 = 25% mana regeneration. In this case you will atleast not suffer from having to waste your mana early because there won't be any mana soon. The second way is for all the heroes to have Holy Orb which gives 200% mana regeneration and it will counter the reduction effect. You will not regenerate mana but atleast you won't lose it either.

* - The Monster's Sacrifice spell most often targets the highest health character around, in which case its really important to have a tank who will take the damage. The tank will need to be healed so make sure you remember that 2 of those spells and he lost 40% health + the mana burned this way + all the aoe damage + auto attacks. Sustaining the tank alive is a sure way to have the boss waste his mana

* - As mentioned above, Bloodrazor, Butcher do not do their special damage effect on the boss, so don't think I didn't think of that and abuse it. Tough luck, I make this map remember

* - Pirate's Pillage can save your party from the 5 second stun if the Pirate is away from the range. This can be done if Pirate sits at the entry while the party engages. The Monster's Oblivion has a long cooldown so wasting an ulti to save a team is damn worth it.

* - All the summon abilities are a good way to annoy and keep the Monster's targets list big, and he might even spend an ability on them which is great.

In anycase, be prepared for a survival battle. You are trying to outlast his 1000 mana points which may or may not result in somebody dying. You gotta have all the types of heroes in order for the whole fight to go without raging. A composition and battle plan is a MUST because if you brute on without any, you will die again and again and again... his health regeneration is huge and he will regenerate back to full health for the time of your death and back to him.

Also, this isn't a safe zone. The enemy team can also come and ruin your battle or steal your boss kill. BE SURE to either kill it or kill them so they don't steal it.

Hero and item information

The map offers balance to all players in it. This means that all items can be purchased/refined only at base. The base guardian offers outstanding protection for players if they are to drop items for some reason and fear them being stolen by enemy heroes. Such chance is small and would cost dearly.

There are 4 vendors in each base that sell items you wanna get. These vendors look alike, they are the same shop model only the color is the quality of the items they sell. You will get used to it pretty quickly. Normal items are sold at green shop. Unique items are sold at blue shop. Epic items are sold at purple shop. Utility items are sold at red shop. There are 3 main item qualities in game, which I named just now. Normal items offer little, but enough to get you started. Unique items are your mid-game purchase as everything is atleast doubled from Normal items. Finally Epic items are your main power. They not only give double or more from Unique, they have special abilities which are absolutely crucial in dealing with the enemy team. Finally, to top everything I've said here and I will explain below, there is an item upgrading process. How? Read below

In this map, there are no recipes. Yes you read right, no recipes. Everything sold is one way, with a kicker. While you may not recipe your own items, there is something else...

Since the last update, items have been drastically changed. With the new version, a new method that jousted the item system emerged as only an idea, but I am very fond of it. Instead of offering players recipes like in almost every other map, I am giving you Refining. What is Refining?

Refining is a % chance process of creating new more powerful item from the one you already have. In the process of creating the new items, players are offered a chance depending on the quality of the item. Lesser quality items have more chance to be refined while better quality items have less chance. How does refining really work?

You purchase your refiner from Survival shop for 600 gold. Refiner needs to be left clicked to be used. When used it will look through your entire inventory to see if he finds a non-refined item. Potions and other refiners cannot be refined. When an item is found, its quality is checked and a % chance to made according to that.

* - Normal items have 50% to be refined
* - Unique items have 25% to be refined
* - Epic items have 12% to be refined

Once the % chance has been made, the refiner tries to refine the item. If the process succeeds you will see a new item icon in your inventory with the word "[R]" next to the item and the color of the item changed to Red. Gratz, you've just refined an item. However the process can also fail. If it fails, a global message will be shown telling players that you failed refining some item. Hey, cmon its good laugh when people fail and other people read about it. No pun intended :) ; However the refiner has a third option which happens even more rare than epic item refining chance. The refiner also has 8% chance if the refining fails, to return the price paid for it.

Normal items: 13
Unique Items: 13
Epic Items: 13
Refined Items: 35

Mage Pants
Cost: 200
Gives: +1 Intelligence
Refined Gives: +3 Intelligence

Cost: 225
Gives: +1 Strength
Refined Gives: +3 Strength

Kitchen Knife
Cost: 175
Gives: +1 Agility
Refined Gives: +3 Agility

Cost: 115
Gives: +1 Damage
Refined Gives: +2 Damage, +1 Armor

Ring of Armor
Cost: 100
Gives: +1 Armor
Refined Gives: +2 Armor, +1 HP Regeneration

Cost: 650
Gives: +1 All Stats / +1 Damage / +1 Armor
Refined Gives: +2 All Stats, +3 Damage, +2 Armor

Golden Platemail
Cost: 850
Gives: +1 All Stats / +1 HP Regeneration
Refined Gives: +2 All Stats, +2 HP Regeneration, +3 Armor

Bastard Sword
Cost: 750
Gives: (Aura) All allies around get 10% bonus damage
Refined Gives: +75 Health, (Aura) All allies around get 20% bonus damage

Wizard's Cane
Cost: 750
Gives: (Aura) All allies around get 75% bonus Mana Regeneration
Refined Gives: +75 Mana, (Aura) All allies around get 150% bonus Mana Regeneration

Wooden Mace
Cost: 600
Gives: +3 Damage
Refined Gives: +6 Damage, +1 Armor

Health Potion
Cost: 150
Gives: Heals for 100 health
Special: Consumable
Cannot be refined

Mana Potion
Cost: 150
Gives: Regains 100 mana
Special: Consumable
Cannot be refined

Speed Boot
Cost: 600
Gives: 50% Move Speed
Refined Gives: +60% Move Speed

Golden Blade
Cost: 1025
Gives: +2 Damage / Each kill gives you bonus 15 gold
Refined Gives: +4 Damage, Each kill gives you bonus 30 gold

Cost: 1250
Gives: +3 Agility / +3 Intelligence
Refined Gives: +5 Agility, +5 Intelligence

Steel Sword
Cost: 1700
Gives: +3 Agility / +3 Strength
Refined Gives: +5 Agility, +5 Strength

Master's Cane
Cost: 1500
Gives: +3 Strength / +3 Intelligence
Refined Gives: +5 Strength, +5 Intelligence

Magical Orb
Cost: 2250
Gives: +2 HP Regeneration / +100% Mana Regeneration
Refined Gives: +3 HP Regeneration, +150% Mana Regeneration

Cost: 1900
Gives: +65% Move Speed / +20% Attack Speed
Refined Gives: +75% Move Speed, +30% Attack Speed

Leather Cape
Cost: 1300
Gives: +2 All Stats
Refined Gives: +3 All Stats, +3 Armor

Cost: 2000
Gives: (Aura) All melee allies heal 13% of damage they deal per hit
Refined Gives: (Aura) All melee allies heal 20% of damage they deal per hit

Healing Stone
Cost: 1800
Gives: (Aura) All allies get +3 HP Regeneration and +7% Move Speed
Refined Gives: (Aura) All allies get +5 HP Regeneration and +12% Move Speed

Ring of Health
Cost: 2500
Gives: +150 Health / +4 Armor
Refined Gives: +200 Health, +6 Armor

Ring of Mana
Cost: 2500
Gives: +150 Mana / +4 Armor
Refined Gives: +200 Mana, +6 Armor

Cost: 1000
Gives: Stealth Detection
Special: Drops on death
Refined Gives: +3 Armor, Lantern no longer drops on death

Blood Potion
Cost: 450
Gives: 15% Lifesteal for 2 Minutes(counts for melee and ranged)
Special: Consumable
Cannot be refined

Staff of Healing
Cost: 4000
Gives: +200 Health / +200 Mana / Each spell has a 50% chance to heal allies around the user for 30 health and 10 mana
Refined Gives: +300 Health, +300 Mana, Each spell has a 40% chance to heal allies around the user for 40 health and 20 mana

Fiery Mantle
Cost: 4000
Gives: +5 All Stats / -20% Spell Damage / Each second nearby enemies are burned for 6 damage
Refined Gives: +7 All Stats, -30% Spell Damage, Each second nearby enemies are burned for 8 damage

Cost: 4000
Gives: +6 Agility / +4 Intelligence / Each attack deals bonus damage equal to 4% of target's total health
Refined Gives: +10 Agility, +6 Intelligence, Each attack deals bonus damage equal to 5% of target's total health

Cost: 4000
Gives: +250 Health / +2 HP Regeneration / Each attack deals bonus damage equal to 2% of your total health
Refined Gives: +400 Health, +3 HP Regeneration, Each attack deals bonus damage equal to 3% of your total health

Magical Scimitar
Cost: 4000
Gives: +6 Intelligence / +4 Strength / Each attack burns up to 4 mana from the enemy and deals that much damage
Refined Gives: +10 Intelligence, +6 Strength, Each attack burns up to 5 mana from the enemy and deals that much damage

Cost: 4000
Gives: +6 Strength / +4 Agility / (Aura) Allies around gain bonus 2 armor while enemies have their armor reduced by 2
Refined Gives: +10 Strength, +6 Agility, (Aura) Allies around gain bonus 3 armor while enemies have their armor reduced by 3

Cost: 4000
Gives: +15 Damage / Each attack has a 15% chance to deal bonus 200% damage
Refined Gives: +20 Damage, Each attack has a 20% chance to deal bonus 250% damage

Ninja Mask
Cost: 4000
Gives: +4 All Stats / +4 Armor / +4 Damage / Attacks against you have 13% miss chance
Refined Gives: +5 All Stats, +5 Armor, +5 Damage, Attack against you have 20% miss chance

Holy Orb
Cost: 4000
Gives: +4 HP Regeneration / +200% Mana Regeneration
Refined Gives: +6 HP Regeneration, +300% Mana Regeneration

Burning Sabre
Cost: 4000
Gives: +9 Damage / Each attack reduces the enemy armor by 5 for 3 seconds
Refined Gives: +15 Damage, Each attack reduces the enemy armor by 8 for 3 seconds

Fury Blades
Cost: 4000
Gives: +5 Damage / Each attack has a 10% chance to deal bonus 150% Damage / (Aura) All allies gain 20% Move and Attack Speed
Refined Gives: +9 Damage, Each attack has a 15% chance to deal bonus 200% Damage, (Aura) All allies gain 30% Move and Attack Speed

Cost: 2750
Gives: Attack against the user have a 20% chance to absorb 4 damage, Every 120 seconds negates one negative spell
Refined Gives: Attack against the user have a 25% chance to absorb 5 damage, Every 90 seconds negates one negative spell

Power Potion
Cost: 850
Gives: +15% Damage, +2 Armor, +2 HP Regeneration, +100% Mana Regeneration for 5 Minutes
Special: Consumable
Cannot be refined

Cost: 600
Gives: % Chance to Refine an Item
Special: Consumable
Cannot be refined

Hero selection is somewhat unique in the map. You hear that word alot, unique. Maybe I'm trying too hard. O well... At the start of the game you will face a remote isle away from the map where Heroes are lined next to each other. This is the hero selection screen. When you Left-Click, Select a Hero, basic fail joke information will be shown which will give you a general idea of what the hero is. You can click on every hero like that, to find out more about them. Once you decided which one your gonna get, Double-click that hero to select it.

NOTE: No mirroring! This means once a hero has been picked, no other player may choose the same hero!

Heroes are teleported to your team's base once picked. It is important to notice that here they revive as well.

Heroes on the map can be level to maximum of 4 level. Its controversial I know, and many people flame for how silly it is only to have 4 levels. Well, not gonna change. Its a minimalistic view I got, that less is more and heroes are a part of that. Heroes have 4 learnable spells. Each spell requires one level to be learned with the ultimate spell being learned at level 4.

Heroes are also given stat spells. These are spells that will increase the basic stat of your hero. As you all know, the basic stats are Intelligence, Strength and Agility. The spells are given when a hero is picked. They cannot be leveled and have a 8 minute cooldown. This a method of keeping things under control - remember minimalistic? I don't want overpowered things. Therefor this ability is very valuable, and very needed but is far from unfair or overpowered. With a 8 minute cooldown you can go to the bathroom, eat, go smoke a cig and come back to use it again. That's a lot of time. The effect and the text is shown when you use the ability. A blue book for Intelligence, a red book for Agility and a green book for Strength will pop over your hero's head. This is a sign you increased your stat/damage. Given spells are:

* - Mark of Stamina / Gives the user +1 Strength. If used when the user is at maximum level (4th) it will also give +1 Damage
* - Mark of Dexterity / Gives the user +1 Agility. If used when the user is at maximum level (4th) it will also give +1 Damage
* - Mark of Spirit / Gives the user +1 Intelligence. If used when the user is at maximum level (4th) it will also give +1 Damage

Total number of heroes: 42

Name: Buffalo Bill
Role: Damage Tank
Attribute: Strength

Name: Rob
Role: Damage Melee
Attribute: Agility

Name: Electron
Role: Damage Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Aspirin
Role: Support Healer
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Billy
Role: Support Tank
Attribute: Strength

Name: Cussword
Role: Support Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: RIP
Role: Damage Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Shank
Role: Support Tank
Attribute: Strength

Name: Bames Jond
Role: Damage Support
Attribute: Agility

Name: Beatstick
Role: Damage Support
Attribute: Agility

Name: Arthur
Role: Damage Tank
Attribute: Strength

Name: Screwdriver
Role: Damage Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Onion
Role: Damage Melee
Attribute: Agility

Name: Mr. Bushido
Role: Damage Melee
Attribute: Agility

Name: Drakul
Role: Damage Support
Attribute: Agility

Name: Spike
Role: Tank Support
Attribute: Strength

Name: Keeler
Role: Damage Ranged
Attribute: Agility

Name: St. Peter
Role: Support Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Mr. Potion
Role: Support Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Doomster
Role: Support Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Shen
Role: Tank Ranged
Attribute: Strength

Name: Flame Boy
Role: Damage Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Nom Nom
Role: Damage Melee
Attribute: Agility

Name: Rambo
Role: Damage Support
Attribute: Agility

Name: Mr. Satan
Role: Damage Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Bob
Role: Damage Tank
Attribute: Strength

Name: Black Jack
Role: Damage Melee
Attribute: Agility

Name: Mojo
Role: Support Ranged
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: LeChuck
Role: Damage Support
Attribute: Agility

Name: Naitur
Role: Healer Support
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Rocky
Role: Tank Support
Attribute: Strength

Name: Spook
Role: Ranged Damage
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Sarah
Role: Support Damage
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Xzar
Role: Damage Support
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Sir Drake
Role: Melee Damage
Attribute: Agility

Name: Nitro
Role: Ranged Damage
Attribute: Agility

Name: Wicca
Role: Support Damage
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Astro
Role: Ranged Damage
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Bishop
Role: Ranged Support
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Yaro
Role: Melee Damage
Attribute: Agility

Name: Lobs
Role: Ranged Support
Attribute: Intelligence

Name: Krusher Kane
Role: Tank Damage
Attribute: Strength

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Level 6
Jan 3, 2010
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Updated! I was wondering why the pix weren't showing up either

Yep a ton of typos. And too much "Okay, now" word spam :D
No prob. We all do typos
Level 6
Jan 3, 2010
I think im going to make one for the shaman next =D

EDIT: I will be away for a week so i wont really be able to do any more until i get back
EDIT2: little side note for my build. Fully built his damage is 20-36 +31 +26 +4 +Imolation bonus
so thats 20-36+61 + imolation. Thats more than most single target abilities up to 100+ damage per hit on a max hit
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I think im going to make one for the shaman next =D

EDIT: I will be away for a week so i wont really be able to do any more until i get back
EDIT2: little side note for my build. Fully built his damage is 20-36 +31 +26 +4 +Imolation bonus
so thats 20-36+61 + imolation. Thats more than most single target abilities up to 100+ damage per hit on a max hit

Lot of damage for a support hero. However cool, sounds interesting.

Ok have a good time or whatever, wherever your going.




Well im back now =D your other project sounds awesome well I'm going to get working on that shaman build

My exam week is closing in so I can't be working on that right now. But send me the build, when I'm done I'll encorporate it.

p.s Good to have ya back =D




Yeah thanks I think i will work on this one for a while and figure out a good setup for all point types of game but i know my 80 point match build

That is alright, you write you gimme when ready.
I just think, you shouldn't write different guides for the same map only increased kills thus increased play time. Explaining the core build, the skills usage, the tricks is the key. Everyone can buy items sooner or later and own.

I think that 80 kills will fetch you all the items, 40 kills will get you up to 3-4 item and 20 kills maybe until 3 barely. However explaining how / which items and why is the point in the guide along with how to play the hero.
Level 6
Jan 3, 2010
Yeah but really in an 80 kill game shaman can get full build at around 39 kills, if he knows what he's doing. Because theres even more gold from the spoils in a 40 kill game i would guesstimate that a skilled player could get his build in around 34 kills or so; however that would be semi pointless, as the game would be closing. I'm trying to kind of merge the 20 kill build and the 80 kill build to get a good 40 kill build thats not too expensive but still makes him deal a bit of damage and have his paasive proc on most attacks

EDIT: Hmm nice Trainer build although you forgot the HP bonus from the str
also liked the ninja build
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Yeah but really in an 80 kill game shaman can get full build at around 39 kills, if he knows what he's doing. Because theres even more gold from the spoils in a 40 kill game i would guesstimate that a skilled player could get his build in around 34 kills or so; however that would be semi pointless, as the game would be closing. I'm trying to kind of merge the 20 kill build and the 80 kill build to get a good 40 kill build thats not too expensive but still makes him deal a bit of damage and have his paasive proc on most attacks

EDIT: Hmm nice Trainer build although you forgot the HP bonus from the str
also liked the ninja build

Thanks. Considering I was half dead, half drunk when I wrote the Ninja guide its pretty ok. Trainer guide strength HP bonus? Explain

I'm only gonna warn you that gold collection is pretty much hard at version1.5 and my guides are from playing in it. So do imagine making only 40% of the gold you are currently making in the games you play. That is how farming gold has been reduced. Even though you still make ALOT of gold, you will notice a big difference. To get to 4000 gold from just farming, you would have to spend time on that spawn... 500 gold max per spawn cycle. Check the "New Version Updates" in the main page for every piece of information awaiting.
Level 6
Jan 3, 2010
Well every point of stregnth is some more HP for any hero so any +str bonus Gives more max hp

Oh and im gonna have to rework my golem build a bit then >.< ahwell

EDIT: >.< after a bit of tinkering i found that my shaman build is actuallly really easily translated silly me looking for things that weren't there
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Well every point of stregnth is some more HP for any hero so any +str bonus Gives more max hp

Oh and im gonna have to rework my golem build a bit then >.< ahwell

EDIT: >.< after a bit of tinkering i found that my shaman build is actuallly really easily translated silly me looking for things that weren't there


Well you gotz time to work it out. You still make tons of gold really, but you will need like 60% more time to get it O__o

There is a new global item update. Check main page to read about it. I think you will like it. I do, it rules.




Dude I gotta say - either you watched how the bot plays or you had a damn good logic. Because that is ALMOST the same build I use and the one I made for the bot to use.

Stolen or pure logic =X




Tell me which and share the new links. :p
Also, the guides have been moved to the new thread
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