Private WoW RP Server

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Level 1
Apr 23, 2014
Hey guys!

So, a friend of mine owns a Private WoW Roleplaying server dedicated to the Warcraft III Campaign. The entire WoW world has been edited back to what it was like before the events of all WoW expansions, and even Warcraft III its self. It begins just before Thrall free's the Warsong Clan from the Internment Camps, and sails west to Kalimdor.

If any of you are interested in joining this server, then please do follow the link provided below and write an introductory post telling us a bit about yourself! I'd also appreciate it if you could mention that I invited you here externally. My name on those forums is Brad.

Please note that the actual game is self is not yet launched, but is due to be released at least by the end of this month.

Thank you, and I hope to see you there! :ogre_haosis:

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Level 1
Apr 23, 2014
I RP on a WoW server myself. Glad to see someone else doing the same.

Yeah! Clearly there's not too many in WC3 community playing specific WoW RP servers so I thought I'd just try to raise awareness if you know what I mean. :)
Level 1
Apr 23, 2014

Amazing! But how will the playable races,classes etc. get handled ?

I'm not entirely sure what it is you're asking. But I'll do my best.

In Alpha release we'll only be using the Northern Eastern Kingdoms. So that's Quel'thalas, Lordaeron, Stromgarde and Dalaran. The focus with regards to races will be on Humans, High Elves, Dwarves and Orcs. We'll be allowing every class you can get on retail, except Death Knight.
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