Pokemon Quartz
Pokemon Quartz
-Turn Based battle
-8 Gyms
-Wild Pokemon
-A Multitude of Different Attack and Defense Types
-A Unique Damage Calculation, Based on Defense and Attack (and more)
-Over 80 Abilities and Counting, Including Sunny Day/Raindance/etc.
-79 Pokemon and Counting (About 30 Completed)
-Up to 6 Pokemon per Team
-Up to 12 Pokemon per Player
-Overworld, Battle Area, Trade Area, Personal Stables, etc.
-Ultra Rare Shiny Pokemon (~10% chance per game)
-EV's (Effort Value Points, Up to 129 Points at Lvl 99)
-The Most Accurate Replica of Pokemon on WC3?
What I am looking for:
-Model Maker/Resource Finder
-Someone to make a Save/Load code
-More Ideas?
-Terrain: 0% - Needs to be Entirely Redone
-Pokemon: ∞% - Never Ends
-Triggers: 90% - Needs Tweaking and to be Checked for Possible Leaks
The Download is a Preview of the Game, Complete BETA Coming Soon!...