Eh... plz can u give me full see? like how it is in trigger editor Im new to GUI/Trigger/JASS At my maps normal my partner makes triggersnstuff
edit: DAmn it i forget allways somethink
i mean that hero - modify strengh and so that i would like to have^^ (full see)
Edit#2 i hope i did it right Stat increaser
Einheit - A unit owned by Spieler 1 (Rot) Startet den Effekt einer Fähigkeit
(Ability being cast) Gleich Frenzy
Held - Modify Beweglichkeit of (Last created unit): Hinzufügen 10
Held - Modify Stärke of (Last created unit): Hinzufügen 10
Held - Modify Inteligenz of (Last created unit): Hinzufügen 10
Its german sry german computer
But heres all in english
Stat increaser
Unit - A unit owned by Spieler 1 (Rot) Starts a effect of an abillity
(Ability being cast) is Frenzy
Hero - Modify Agillity of (Last created unit): Add 10
Hero - Modify Strengh of (Last created unit): Add 10
Hero - Modify Inteligence of (Last created unit): Add 10
Is that right? That bedienungen and Ereignisse i cant do in english sry
and that start effect ofa n abillity is same like starts an spell (I did this my first time in trigger editor!)