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Platform to host custom games?

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Level 24
Jul 26, 2008
Hi guys,

I am currently having to play at an internet bar since my computer with my warcraft 3 is having freezing issues. I am used to using battlement then using makemehost to host maps, but that is not an option for me. Is there anyway i can host custom games and people be able to join? I use to use arena a few years back and anyone there could host even without ports, but it seems it is closed now. I also use W3arena, which has a custom section, but it seems to be the case that it needs ports configured.

My question is, is there nay platform i can use to be able to host custom maps that my friends can join? Something like Garena would be great! Also keep in mind that i cannot connect to Battlement since I'm at a gaming cafe.

Thanks a ton guys!


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
If I were to game at a internet cafe instead of my computer I'd be bankrupt 10 times a week. In my country it would be cheaper to buy a computer (in the long run)
I know that a few countries use the cafes a lot though (such as Greece)

Still, it's mind blowing to me that people would go there without their friends. Because that's the one and only benefit.


Tutorial Reviewer
Level 40
Jun 9, 2011
Maybe he wants to do that indeed.
Internet Cafes is not the solution.

I do not have a whole lot of LAN experience, I've only been to a single internet cafe (though I've been for at least a dozen times). But we were not permitted to install any softwere, we could only play the supported games. Which meant, LAN only when it came to wc3.

A solution, would be to fix the computer.
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