Best Program to host WC3 Custom Games on?

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Level 2
Oct 28, 2017
Hello, A couple friends and I recently got back into WC3 and TFT to play some custom maps together. While trying to set this up, we came across issues that wouldn't allow us to host custom games through (mainly I couldn't portforward the needed ports because I don't have access to my router info, so I couldn't host Custom Games properly), SO that got us to look around at the other options. I've seen Gameranger and Garena and MakeMeHost, etc. We're trying to figure out what the best/simplest method is... I know bothosting is frowned upon by some and it seems a bit shady for something that should be so simple.

All we want is to set up a custom game and have each other join it... Shouldn't be too difficult but it has been lol.

Wondering if anyone knew the pros and cons to each, or whether there is an overall agreed-upon "best" option for this? Any info on the subject would be appreciated.
Level 4
May 26, 2011
The easier to use are ENT and Makemehost because you don't have to download files to do so. I think they're overall the best option because the biggest wc3 custom maps community can join the maps you host using these bots the only con is that you cant host map that haven't been uploaded on said websites.
Level 2
Oct 28, 2017
The easier to use are ENT and Makemehost because you don't have to download files to do so. I think they're overall the best option because the biggest wc3 custom maps community can join the maps you host using these bots the only con is that you cant host map that haven't been uploaded on said websites.

Hmm that is kinda lame, I'd rather not post the map. But thank you for the info, that definitely helps :)
Level 27
Jul 26, 2008
Hmm that is kinda lame, I'd rather not post the map. But thank you for the info, that definitely helps :)

If your reluctance to post the map is due to thinking it is a complicated process, it is not. For example, if you are using battlenet, just go to and it will explain how to upload maps in an easy manner.

Hopefully this is the reason you do not want to upload the map, as the whole community would benefit if more good maps were uploaded :)
Level 2
Oct 28, 2017
If your reluctance to post the map is due to thinking it is a complicated process, it is not. For example, if you are using battlenet, just go to and it will explain how to upload maps in an easy manner.

Hopefully this is the reason you do not want to upload the map, as the whole community would benefit if more good maps were uploaded :)

Lol, thank you for the off-handed compliment. Yeah, the process seems easy, but I would rather not put the map out there yet, when it's not finished. I was hoping to playtest the Map as it was being created, with friends. My current solution is just having them host the game, then I join it. Also, I know it might be a bit selfish, but isn't there a way to protect the map from copy-pasting triggers and such? Do they allow protected maps on Makemehost?

Thank you for the reply
Just use ENT and take the map down after you are done hosting it, shouldn't matter too much especially if you are going to release the map eventually anyways. If WC3 can read the map then anyone can however you can definitely make it more difficult to a level near impossible for 99% of the player base. You only really need to apply optimization and a widgettizer to block the majority who would try to do anything bad with your maps. Being first is the ultimate protection/encryption.

The code/triggers and most of that stuff really isn't yours anyways, belongs to Blizzard after all it is their code you are using to mod awesome stuff. Either ENT with/or vanilla or a custom server seems to be the top choices.
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Level 2
Oct 28, 2017
Just use ENT and take the map down after you are done hosting it, shouldn't matter too much especially if you are going to release the map eventually anyways. If WC3 can read the map then anyone can however you can definitely make it more difficult to a level near impossible for 99% of the player base. You only really need to apply optimization and a widgettizer to block the majority who would try to do anything bad with your maps. Being first is the ultimate protection/encryption.

The code/triggers and most of that stuff really isn't yours anyways, belongs to Blizzard after all it is their code you are using to mod awesome stuff. Either ENT with/or vanilla or a custom server seems to be the top choices.

Thanks for the info :)
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