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Plague 2 Infected Isles V3.73 (P)

The Plague 2: Infected Isles







Lore Summary

With the death of Theseus Glacus and the fall of Ironstead, the last true bastion of humanity on the mainland has finally fallen. The undead have defeated humanity, warped their dead, and taken their homeland. The once shining empire of Telebram, the pinnacle of human civilization, is now a festering graveyard.

However, hope still remains for the estranged refugees that fled with Chrigis to the islands of Jeb’thol. Months have gone by, towns have sprung up, and the undead have seemingly been landlocked on the mainland. But peace and prosperity are a fleeting sensation for the beleaguered survivors of the plague.

It started with rumors of shadows dancing around in the night on the outlying islands; tales from deep sea fishermen of decrepit, horrifying masses of flesh floating on top of the ocean, stories of makeshift boats manned by creatures beyond life.

These tales were all taken as farce, initially. But eventually the lies became truth. The survivors became comfortable, they thought themselves safe. They were wrong. Outlying towns became overrun with the undead, trade routes were disrupted, and terror was sewn throughout the network of refugees. Villagers began to realize that the apocalypse was at hand; that all hope was lost.

But Chrigis and the Border Guard remained steadfast. Now was not the time for tales of the end, now was the time to stay level headed and fight for survival. Walls and defensive fortifications were constructed around the port city of Lyon, the closest city to a capital among the refugees. Wave upon wave of decrepit, lifeless undead broke against the walls, the now veteran men who were defending seemingly dispatching the assailants with ease. For a time, it looked like Humanity was beginning to win.

But a damning realization came to Chrigis one evening. The mindless undead which constantly barraged the walls were a far cry from the cunning beasts who sieged Galenfar in the west and the Border Guard trade city of Stradford. These drones were not the full force of the undead, but the vanguard of an invading armada.

Gameplay Summary

Essentially, the object of the game is to eliminate the opposing team, not unlike WC3 melee. Each player takes to a goldmine, constructs buildings, and trains soldiers to fight against the other team.

There are aspects which make things a bit more interesting, however. Each human player has a choice of 3 unique races, each boasting their own playstyle and units. You have the Palonians, which focuses on ranged units, mages, and spells, the Border Guard, which focuses on strong melee units and healing, and the Human Alliance, which focuses on versatility.

The Undead also have two races. You have intelligent undead, which focuses on micro management and a more defensive playstyle versus aggressive undead, which focuses on mass and fast expansion and sheer brute force.

All in all The Plague 2 : Infected Isles is a fairly unique experience which can be played anywhere from a casual to a competitive level.

The human alliance is not one single nation, but a combination of the two once great empires of Telebram and Varenhil.


The nation of Palonia has always remained elusive to the humans of the world. Everything from the nature of their culture to the magic they use has baffled or downright inspired fear in humanity.


The Border Guard are the famed defenders of humanity. The ranks of this faction are filled to the brim with veterans of not only the Plague, but of the wars before that as well.


Infect. Consume. Expand. Evolve. Infect. Consume. Expand. Evolve. Infect. Consume. Expand. Evolve. Infect. Consume. Expand. Evolve. Infect. Consume. Expand. Evolve.


The intelligent undead are unique in that they retain their personalities and memories from life. They work off of their own intuition rather than instinct.


-Version 1.1

-Gave border guard units a slight health and armor boost.
-Greatly debuffed palonians for they owned everything.
-Decreased cost of zombie units and increased cap of several of them.
-Upgrade fixes on a few races.
-Made zombie experiments better.

-Version 1.2

-Made zombies more expensive again.
-Made most zombies a bit worse and cost more gold.
-Some minor info fixes.

-Version 1.3

-Made some zombies better.
-Made gold income more for zombies.
-Fixed names for forces lol.
-Made battleships able to attack buildings.

-Version 1.4

-Made some zombies better and some heroes worse.
-Fixed some minor unit issues.
-Fixed some minor item issues.

-Version 1.5

-Added a new zombies player.
-Made some balance changes.
-Added a gold limit.

-Version 1.55

-Actually protected.
-Some interface changes.

-Version 1.6

-Added new items.
-Tons of balance Changes
-Added new secrets/fixed secret bugs.
-Changed zombies around a bit.
-Human defenses now partially challenging.
-Pink works for all triggers now.
-Zombie improved greatly.
-Food cap increased to 150.
-A bunch of other stuff.

-Version 1.7

-Way too much stuff to list.

-Version 1.8

-A few minor changes
-Undead Better
-Frigates Better

-Version 1.9

-Minor Changes

-Version 2.0

-Some minor bug fixes.
-Made undead mages useful.
-Made Zombies a little better.
-Redid some terrain.

-Version 2.1

-Did Major Balance Changes
-Fixed many bugs
-Added Fog and Depth to the terrain
-Added a new Hero for the Palonians, the Shadow Evoker
-Added Potions
-Fixed many item tooltips

-Version 2.2

-More Balance Changes
-Fixed item bugs

-Version 2.5

-Extreme Balance changes
-Made the Terrain less Flat
-Added the Shadow Fire Essence as a gem, it can now be combined to anything the Voodoo and Emberstone jewels can be

-Version 2.8

-Added a new dungeon type area on an island.
-Now Protected

-Version 3.0

-Terrain Changes
-Added when Humans die the player turns to the Undead team
-Balancing issues
-Gold Reduced (In mines and Periodically)
-Countdown timer for income
-Moved back the human defensive line
-Zombies improved across the board

-Version 3.01

-Major terrain changes
-Oil Refineries to fishing villages
-Major upgrade overhaul
-Unit overhaul
-Secrets overhaul
-Hero Ability fix
-Tool Tip edits
-Art Button position fixes
-Major Trigger improvements
-Player leave/join undead fix trigger
-T3 undead unit fix
-Gold and lumber cost changes
-Call to Arms fix
-General Human Unit improvement

-Version 3.02

-Fixed Major player leaves error that broke end game.
-Increased Zombie Train time

-Version 3.03

-Increased some zombie train times
-Fixed hero chooser glitch at start
-Fixed player to undead team errors
-Further unit balancing

-Version 3.035

-Tooltip Changes
-Lowered damage of catapults and range.
-Lowered damage and range of Undead Mages.
-Fixed human zombies not being able to make ships.
-Reduce mutation time.

-Version 3.1

Possible Final update, might change Essence of Hatred later since he is a boring hero

-Added a new Undead hero, the warp ascendant
-Did a lot of balance changes
-Revamped all hotkeys
-Updated the tooltips on every race/hero choice
-Added Undead Reaper
-Fixed the win condition for undead and humans
-Fixed town income for undead who change teams

----changelog 3.2-----

Balance -

Items -

==Voodoo Hammer==

Sacrifice on the Voodoo Hammer decreased to 50% of the unit's life from 100%

Heroes -

==Berdrix the Sanctifier==

-Pious lance damage has been increased to 200 at level 1 from 150

==Bone Lich==

-Bone Spike damage has been reduced to 150/200/250/300 from 200/300/400/500
-Bone Spike stun has been changed to 2/2/2/2 from 1/2/3/4
-Bone Spike cast range down to 500 from 800
-Bone Spike Area of effect down to 250 from 300
-Bone Spike Distance down to 400 from 500
-Bone Spike Mana cost reduced to 125/150/175/200 from 125/175/200/225

-Bone Wave cooldown increased to 8 seconds from 6 seconds
-Bone Wave Distance has been decreased to 500 from 1000
-Bone Wave cast range has been decreased to 500 from 700

==Warp Ascendant==

-Void Barrage Range has been decreased to 500

==Indanith Loktan==

-Flash Burn cooldown reduced to 6 seconds from 8 seconds
-Changed the icon of Flash Burn

-Reduced frenzied volleys cooldown to 10 seconds from 15/30/45/45
-Reduced Frenzied volleys duration to 5 seconds from 12/14/15/16
-Increased frenzied volleys attack speed bonus to 100/150/200/250 from 25/50/75/100
-Changed the icon of frenzied volley

==Shamis McFarlank==

-Fixed the tooltip on Adrenaline Rush
-Adrenaline Rush mana cost has been increased to 60/80/100/120 from 60/60/60/60

==Essence of Hatred==

-Completely reworked the essence of hatred, replacing all of his old abilities with new ones

-Rain of Fire has been replaced with - Consumed by Hatred - Causes the target enemy to be consumed by his deepest hatred, dealing damage. slowing them, and reducing their attack for 6 seconds.

-Reinforced Armor has been replaced with - Essence Drain - Absorbs the essence of the target unit, stealing mana and life every second for 5 seconds.

Crushing Power has been replaced with - Aura of Hatred - Inspires the inner rage of nearby friendly units, increasing their movement and attack speeds.

Razorbladed Armor has been replaced with - Focused Rage - The Essence of Hatred causes all nearby enemies to be overcome with extreme rage, dealing damage, causing their attacks to miss sometimes, and forcing them to attack the hero.

==Fallen Lord==

-Changed the icon of the Fallen Lord

-Replaced Immolation with - Hardened Marrow - The Fallen Lord's bones become increasingly hard, allowing him to take more punishment from attacks. Reduces damage taken from attacks, but can not reduce damage taken below 30.

-Changed the Icon of Cheat Death


-Replaced Mirror Image wth - Mend Flesh - The Reanimator reconstructs the flesh of all nearby allied undead, healing them.


-Normalized all tooltips for abilities

==Undead Corpse Hurler==

-Fixed tooltip


-Juggernauts are now effected by Provoke Strength and Aggressiveness

==Undead Mage==

-Undead Mages are now effected by Provoke Aggressiveness

==Infected Trolls==

-Infected Trolls are now effected by Stimulate Aggressiveness and Strength


-Flagships no longer cost food

==Border Guard Worker==

-Increased health to 440 from 220

==Palonian Mage==

-Palonian Mage Health increased from 430 to 530

==Shadow Evoker==

-Shadow evoker health increased to 1300 from 1100

-3.3 Changes

Gigantic changes were made. The following list is everything I could think of off hand.


-Undead has been completely reworked
-Intelligent Undead now has Undead Warriors, Returned Champions, and Returned Mages


-New Human Unit - Telebran Tempest Mage
-New Human Unit - Varenin Flame Priest

-New Border Guard Unit - Lightsworn Priest

-New Palonian Unit - Frost Mage


-Nearly Every unit has been rebalanced, from the health to the cost of the units.
-Almost every unit has gained an ability or has had some change


-Undead heroes now gain less attributes when leveling
-Some abilities have been balanced


-Attack speed on some items has been halfed

3.4 Changelog

Massive List of Changes. Lots of balance, some additions, mostly aggressive being changed.

-Reduced acid sprayer range to 450, down from 920
-Reduced Cultist range to 450, down from 700
-Reduced Returned Mage range to 600, down from 700

-Reduced Cauterize Mana Cost to 30 down from 60

-Lowered Returned Mage move speed to 250, down from 270

-Changed Juggernaut model file
-Removed defend from juggernaut
-Increased Juggernaut damage
-Changed armor type to hero from large
-New ability - Culling, bladestorm type for juggernaut, requires adv mutation 20 and research at adv baracks

-Reanimator's Mend flesh now heals for less and costs more mana

-Fixed chrigis' ult, final level used to give 200 armor, supposed to give 20

-Lowered Tempest Mage and Flame Priest range to 600 down from 1000
-Lowered Lightsworn Priest's range to 600, down from 700

-Reduced Elite Archer range to 600
-Reduced Archer Range to 600
-Reduced Border Guard Archer range to 600
-Reduced Mage Range to 600
-Reduced Arch Mage range to 700
-Reduced frost mage range to 450
-Reduced prodigy range to 600

-increased zombie health
-increased mutated zombie health
-increased marauder health
-increased experiment health

-Removed Councilman's movement speed bonus

-Added new units to the infection table

-Reduced the healing of Illuminate to 150 from 180
-Increased the mana cost of Illuminate to 12 from 8

-Increased the cooldown of Blink to 10/9/8/7 from 10/8/6/4
-Reduced the range of Blink to 700/850/1000/1150 from 1000/1500/2000/2500

-Reduced the Damage on the arch mage to 210 from 225

-Reduced the training time of marauder to 20 from 25
-reduced the training time of experiment to 12 from 14
-reduced the training time of zombie to 4 from 5
-reduced the training time of mutated zombie to 8 from 11
-Reduced training time of Brutalizer to 24 from 27
-Reduced food cost of Returned Champion to 5 from 6

-Changed the zombie model file
-New unit - Abhorrent Horror - Mutated from zombie, short ranged attacker good for getting through walls
-New Unit - Plagued Monstrosity - tough magic resistant unit that has a disease cloud
-New Unit - Night Stalker - stealthy upgrade from creeper that can support allies and debuff enemies

-Changed the requirement for creepers to adv mutation 6, from 5
-Changed the requirement for Enrage to adv mutation 5, from 6

-Changed the requirement for Experiment to advanced mutation 10, from 9
-Changed the requirement for undead marauders to advanced mutation 12, from 11
-Changed the requirement for Mauler to advanced mutation 14, from 13

-Lowered the slowing effect of Elite Archers to 50% from 70%

-Increased acid sprayer damage to 66 from 53
-Reduced build time of hive mind to 120

-Removed Upkeep
-Increased the food cost of prodigies to 6 from 4
-Decreased the damage of Heavy Axemen Sweeping strikes to 200 from 325
-Number of Targets on Fire Lash decreased to 3 from 5

-damage of chain lightning decreased to 275 from 325
-Damage reduction reduced to 30% per jump
-Decreased fire lash damage to 220 from 250
-Decreased fire lash range to 600 from 1200
-Decreased cremate range to 600
-Decreased Veteran health to 2350 from 2600
-Decreased veteran damage to 164 from 184

-Muster Reinforcements now takes 220 seconds up from 120
-Human Capital now takes 220 seconds up from 180

-Muster Reinforcements now costs 2000 gold up from 1800 and 1200 lumber up from 800
-Human capital now costs 2000 gold up from 1100 and 1200 lumber up from 350

-Fleshworks now are created in 30 seconds down from 60
-Reanimation halls are now created in 30 seconds down from 60

-Palonian Capital now costs 2000 gold up from 1700 and 1200 lumber up from 550, now takes 220 seconds from 180
-Palonian Senate now costs 750 gold down from 1800

-Summon the kings now takes 180 seconds up from 120
-Border Guard Stronghold now costs 1800 gold and 750 lumber up from 1600 and 450

-Gold increment on advanced mutation reduced to 50 from 100

-Human player town halls take 90 seconds to construct, up from 40
-Gave gargantuan zombie a war stomp

-Reduced Wall health to 2500 from 3850
-Reduced Gate health to 2100 from 3400
-Reduced wall armor to 4 from 9
-Reduced gate armor to 3 from 7

-Added an upgrade available at tech 2 and 3 that increases wall effectiveness

-3.41 Changes

-Night Stalker Health reduced to 1400 from 1600
-Night Stalker Damage reduced to 130 from 180
-Night Stalker food cost increased to 6 from 4
-Night Stalker Creep bonus damage decreased to 260 from 400
-Reduced healing of reanimation wave to 200 from 300

-Plagued Monstrosity attack speed decreased to 2.6 from 2.1
-Plagued Monstrosity damage decreased to 355 from 385
-Plagued Monstrosity now requires advanced mutation 17 from 16
-Plagued Monstrosity armor bonus decreased to 1 from 2

-Abhorrent Mutation requires advanced mutation 2 from 1
-Abhorrent Horror health decreased to 950 from 1150
-Abhorrent Horror move speed decreased to 340 from 360
-Abhorrent Horror damage decreased to 155 from 195

-Gargantuan Zombie Armor bonus decreased to 1 from 2

-Reanimator is now Undead

-Sludge Flinger now has 600 range up from 450
-Cultist now has 600 range up from 450

-Fixed a bug where Abhorrent Horrors and Night Stalkers were free

-3.42 Changelog

-Decreased tower damage from 85 damage to 65 damage
-Decreased Tower range from 920 to 650
-Removed War Stomp mana cost
-Fixed a bug where at max food night stalkers and abhorrent horrors would still produced
-Increased Cauterize heal to 1200 from 800
-Increased Night Stalker damage to 155 from 130
-Increased Acid Sprayer damage to 83 from 53

-Reduced Juggernaut culling AoE to 120 from 200
-Reduced Juggernaut culling damage to 180 from 250
-Reduced Juggernaut armor to 22 from 26
-Reduced Juggernaut armor bonus to 1 from 2
-Increased juggernaut food cost to 12 from 10

-Increased Fire Lash damage to 280 from 220
-Increased number of fire lash targets to 5 from 3
-Reduced Skeleton archer range to 600 from 950

-Reduced Ravenous Bite armor reduction to 8 from 10
-Reduced Hood of Fire stun to .5 seconds from 2

-Changed the amount of units the bone lich gets from raise dead
-Increased Cremate damage to 325 from 260
-Increased Righteous Hammer stun time to 2 seconds from 1.5

-Increased the amount of movement and attack speed reduction on blinding light to 75% from 50%
-Decreased Blinding Light mana cost to 75 from 150
-Decreased Bliding Light cooldown to 5 seconds from 10

-Increased the Duration of Freezing Blast to 10 seconds from 6 seconds

-Added a new ability to the experiment : Vile Explosion. Kills the Experiment, but deals 600 damage to a structure

-Buffed the amount of defense the secondary island has
-Increased Human Elite Archer damage to 147 from 137
-Increased Border Guard Archer damage to 110 from 86

-Changed abhorrent Horror armor type to unarmored from large

-secrets are now off. Player 1 red can enable them by typing -Casual mode

-Added an extra goldmine on the northmost island

-Staff of Possession can no Longer possess zekerous the breaker

-Did some minor terrain changes
-Reduced Arch Mage damage to 198 from 210
-Increased Frost mage damage to 64 from 54

-Increased Human Mage damage to 89 from 65

3.43 Changelog

-Removed War Stomp from the Gargantuan Zombie
-Increased the area of effect of culling to 150 from 120
-Decreased Mage Guard Armor to 18 from 20
-Decreased Righteous Hammer stun duration to 1.8 from 2
-Removed Scroll of Town Portal
-Increased the Cooldown of Illuminate to 2 seconds from .5 seconds
-Reduced Mana burn amount burned to 150 from 300
-Increased mana burn cooldown to 25 seconds from 20

-Increased Electrify attack speed bonus to 40% from 25%
-Increased cutting blow damage per second to 35 from 25

-Increased the damage per wave on Arcane Torrent to 350/450 from 200/300

-Increased Healing Light healing amount to 500/700/900/1100

-Increased the amount of armor taken off from Vile Blast to 5 from 3
-Vile Explosion now hits walls from any direction
-Increased the healing from Mend Flesh to 150 from 100
-Increased the amount of damage mind decay does to 60 per second from 50 per second.

-Increased Aura of Hatred area of effect to 500 from 350
-Fixed a bug where abhorrent horrors and nightstalkers were brought to full health upon morhping

-Removed the barracks that spawns automatically when playing undead
-Changed the armor type of human ships to fortified

-Reduced the Requirement for Undead Shipyard to Structural Knowledge 1 from 4
-Decreased the limit of Undead Battleships to 12 from 24
-Decreased the limit of Undead Frigates to 25 from 50
-Doubled the Cost and training time of Undead Frigates
-Doubled the Cost and training time of Undead Battleships
-Limited Fishing Rigs to 12

-Decreased the limit of Human Battleships to 6 from 12
-Decreased the Limit of human frigates to 12 from 24
-Doubled the cost and training times of Human Battleships and Frigates

-Fixed the Bone Scythe learn tooltip
-Increased the armor bonus on Bone Shield to 5 from 3
-Increased the Life Regen rate on Bone Shield to 3 from 2
-Replaced the Reanimators Tainted Earth spell with BLighted Touch - a close range damage ability that heals all allies around you

-Money is now split between allies whenever a player leaves

-Increased Reaper health to 2500 from 1650
-Increased reaper armor to 8 from 2
-Increased Reaper damage to 132 from 102

-Reduced the amount healed by Blighted Touch to 150/200/250/300 from 250/325/400/475
-Reduced the damage of blighted touch by 100 on all levels
-Juggernaut now requires advanced mutation 16
-Decreased the food cost of Assassin to 4 from 6
-Changed the requirement of the Arch Mage to Summon Palonian Senate from Palonian Capital
-Changed the requirement to Palonian Mages Guild from Summon the Palonian Senate

-Reduced the mana cost of mend flesh to 15 per unit charged at all levels

-Actually limited Fishing Rigs
-Reduced the duration of cremate on heroes to .25 seconds
-reduced the duration of Righteous Hammer

-Reduced the Amount of health that The Walking Dead gives to 100 from 200
-reduced the damage of abhorrent horror to 145 from 155
-reduced the damage of sweeping strikes to 200 from 325
-reduced the chance for sweeping strikes to 15% FROM 25%

-Increased the cost of Abhorrent Horror to 150 gold and 150 lumber
-Reduced the range of abhorrent horror to 180 from 220
-Reduced the damage of Abhorrent Horror to 145 from 155

-decreased battleship and flagship range to 700 from 900

===========NEW UNIT FOR PALONIANS==============

-Palonians now get a new tech 3 unit - the incineration battery
-High damage siege/magic unit which has to be set up before using

===========NEW UNIT FOR UNDEAD=================

-Intelligent Undead gets a new unit - The Ravager
-high damage mobility unit perfect for late game and jumping behind enemy lines

===========ITEM SYSTEM REVAMP==================

-Bloodied Claws now gives 15 bonus damage
-Massive Hammer now gives +8 strength
-Golden Necklace now gives +4 all stats
-Golden Charm now gives +1 Health/+50% Mana Regen
-Golden Ring now gives +8 Agility
-Wooden Staff now gives +8 Intelligence

-Changed around all items

-Removed Hood of Shadows and gloves of haste

***3.51 Changes***

-Fixed a bug where clicking the high council would crash the game
-fixed a bug where shadowfiremaul wouldn't cause any art

-decreased hood of fire range to 500 from 800

3.52 changes

-Fixed the ashaman tooltip
-Changed it so that Alandil's Madness does not drop
-made it so if you are alone in the game there is no win condition
-Fixed the palonian transport training time
-Fixed the icon of the Elite Guard
-Added some new lore tidbits around

===========Unit Changes========

-Aggressive Undead-

Aggressive undead has a very powerful early game, yet their late and mid game always felt lacking. With these changes, Aggressive undead will have more variety and punch in the mid game, and they will be slightly slower in the early game.

-Increased the damage of the Acid Sprayer to 110 from 83
-Decreased the movement speed of the Acid Sprayer to 240 from 270
-Increased the damage of the Undead Marauder to 265 from 245
-Increased the Health of the Experiment to 2100 from 1950
-increased the hit point regen on the experiment to 2 from .5

-Increased the build speed of the Fleshworks to 40 seconds from 30 seconds.
-Increased the build time of the zombie to 6 seconds from 4 seconds

-Intelligent Undead -

Intelligent undead, like aggressive undead, had a bit too fast of an early game, yet their mid game lacked punch. With these changes, Intelligent Undead will have a bit more mid game strength and less early game dominance

-Increase the build speed of the Reanimation Hall to 40 seconds from 30 seconds
-Increased the build time of the Undead Warrior to 10 seconds from 8 seconds

-Increased the damage of the Cultist to 76 from 42

============STAT CHANGES=================

Agility was overall way too powerful as a defensive stat. Although this will nerf all heroes a little, it will primarily effect high agility heroes such as shamis and the night stalker.

-Agility now gives .1 armor per point from .3

============HERO CHANGES=================
- Shamis -

Shamis was borderline unkillable with his stim and high agility, and his 6 second stun let him get the jump on any hero and almost guarantee a kill. Statistically, he'll have a lot more early game sustain and mana, but ultimately he will suffer a lot from this patch, much to the happiness of undead players I'm sure.

-Shamis now starts with 25 agility from 30
-Shamis now starts with 15 intelligence from 10
-Shamis now gets 7 agility per level from 9
-Shamis now gets 4 intelligence per level from 2

-reduced adrenaline rush speed to 50/60/70/80 from 50/75/100/125
-increased the cooldown of adrenaline rush to 60 from 30
-Reduced the duration of Assasins blade on heroes to 1/1.5/2/2.5 from 3/4/5/6

- Mage Praetor -

If you stacked mana on the mage in the previous version, his mana shield could make him WAY too difficult to kill. By changing this, he is a lot less tanky, and he relies more on health and less on mana

-Reduced the amount of damage absorbed by Mana shield to 75% from 100%

-Battle Mage -

Stacking damage and strength on the battle mage turns him into an army clearing machine due to his cleave. This should make him a bit easier to punish while keeping the strength of this hero's AoE power.

-Decreased the amount of splash damage Arcane Blade does to 15/25/35/45 from 15/30/45/60
-Decreased the AoE of Arcane blade to 150 from 200


==========ITEM BALANCE CHANGES==============

-Decreased the attack speed on Zul'jeth's sword to 15% from 20%
-Decreased the damage on the Great Glaive of Alastan to 50 from 70
-Decreased the damage on Staff of the troll lords to 40 from 100
-Decreased the damage on Merchant Lords Blade to 40 from 80
-Increased the damage of Flamethrust's Rain of Fire to 120 from 80
-Decreased Staff of the Troll lords chain lightning damage to 700 from 900
-Increased the falloff for staff of the troll lords and staff of the high priest to 10% per jump from 5%
-Increased the healing on Corsieth's Ring to 800 from 500
-Increased the range of Corsieth's ring to 500 from 300

-3.6 Changelog

-Added 29954 Doodads

-Replaced the Assassin with the Temple Assassin
-Revamped the Prodigy
-Revamped Arius
-Changed Berdrix around
-fixed several bugs
-made some balance changes
-Humans and undead now both start with 1000 gold
-Removed 1 red kicking
-made casual mode work on a vote system
-Maybe some other things i forgot about


-Radiant Light No Longer heals walls
-Defense builders will no longer attack with your army as border guard or Palonian
-You can no longer spawn 2 of a certain special unit in casual mode
-Fixed some collision problems with some rocks
-Fixed Arius' ult so that you need 6 more levels to get the second rank


-Decreased the cost of several units

Fallen Lord

-Increased the Cooldown of the Fallen Lord's Death Coil to 10 from 8
-Decreased the stun duration of Noxious Blast to 2/2/3/3 from 2/2/3/4
-Increased the mana cost of Death Coil
-Increased the mana cost of Noxious Blast


-The Emberstone staff can now only be used once every 20 seconds from 10 seconds
-hood of fire now stuns normal units for 2 seconds and only does 400 damage from 500

-May have done some other changes i forgot about as well

-Changed the Border Guard Pikeman Model File

Berdrix -

-Reduced the Healing on Pulsate light to 50/75 per second from 75/150 per second
-Reduced the Cooldown on Pulsate Light to 90 seconds from 120 seconds

-Reduced the Healing on Healing wave to 200/250/300/350 from 200/300/400/500

Arius -

-Reduced the Healing on Radiant light to 300/350/400/450 from 500/700/900/1100

Shadow Staff -

-Reduced Shadow Staff Armor bonus to 5 from 6
-Reduced Shadow Staff duration to 30 from 60
-Increased Shadow Staff cooldown to 45 from 30

Emberstone Ring

-Increased the chance to crit to 40% from 20%

Searing Hammer

-Increased Melee Damage bonus to 20% from 10%

Icon of Storms

-Increased the Intelligence Bonus to 50% from 30%
-Increased the Intelligence Bonus from Icon of Storms to 50 from 30


-Fixed Arcane Blastwave
-Increased Range of Arcane Blastwave to 400 from 250

Searing Claws -

-Increased Searing Claws AoE to 250 from 150

Bone Lich -

-Increased Bone Scythe Range to 700 from 500
-Increased Wave Distance to 500 from 400

-Increased Damage to 200/275/350/425 from 150/200/250/300

-Decreased the Cooldown on Bone Wave to 5 seconds from 8 seconds
-Set Bone Wave mana cost to a flat 150

Shadow Fire Claws -

-Increased the Shadow Fire Claws damage to 250 over 5 seconds from 125

Shadowfire Necklace-

-Increased the Mana burn to 50 from 30

Shadowfire Charm

-Decreased the Cooldown to 25 from 45

Shadowfire Ring

-Increased the duration on Heroes to 3 seconds from 2.5 seconds

Creeper -

-Increased Creeper Health to 580 from 500

Temple Assassin -

-Increased Temple Assassin health to 1750 from 1650
-Increased dodge chance to 45% from 35%

Shadow Evoker -

-Increased Shadow Evoker stun chance to 35% from 25%

Frost Mage

-Increased Frost Armor bonus to 8 from 5

Hive Mind-

-New Ability : Hive Canal - Spawns 4 Fleshlings, 2 Mutated Fleshlings, 1 Husk, and a Temporary Tentacle Tower at the target location.
-New Ability : Hive Intelligence - Reveals the target location

Intelligent Undead -

-New Unit - Neural Parasite - Can latch onto units to gain vision or workers to turn them into undead workers


Bug Fixes -

-Neural Parasites are no longer effected by attack all commands
-Neural Parasite can now change Troll Foragers into workers
-Indanith's Frenzied Volley no longer interferes with Voodoo charm stim

Hive Mind -

-Hive Canal now refunds properly and can be used after failing to select a correct location instantly
-Decreased hive mind attack speed to 3 seconds from 5 seconds
-Reduced the cost of Hive Canal to 950 from 1250
-Increased the mana cost of Hive Canal to 300 from 250

Arius -

Reduced the Cooldown on Radiant Light to 6 seconds from 10 seconds

Temple Assassin -

-Set Temple assassin health back to 1650

The Plague, 2, Island Infection, Infected Isles, Zombie Invasion, Armies, Battle, Survival, Defense, Undead, Islands, Island Defense, Item, Plague, zo

Plague 2 Infected Isles V3.73 (P) (Map)

02:02, 3rd Feb 2009 Septimus: 3 mini moderator trolman, redmarine and Eccho approve this resources. So no doubt about the quality and the map condition are good enough for approval.




02:02, 3rd Feb 2009
Septimus: 3 mini moderator trolman, redmarine and Eccho approve this resources. So no doubt about the quality and the map condition are good enough for approval.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
I will consider adding ais in the next patch, more heroes, items, etc will be added next patch as well. Ty for feedback

I just finished playing about 4 games and they were all epic and full of a lot of intense battles and fun...everything! Everyone who played it truly enjoyed it and had a lot of fun. Plz give this game a try on the B-net and i assure you you will not be dissapointed.
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Level 4
Oct 17, 2008
A couple of problems I had with this...

Late game undead were unstoppable. 800 gold for a juggernaut versus 650 for an elite for example. I realize undead are supposed to make up for having less players but thats the whole comming back on death thing really. The Late game units, T2 and T3 undead, just obliterate anything in their path. Another example, the intelligent T2 zombie with the scythe is 150 gold 300 wood and can go toe to toe with any unit and win basically.

Also, if you spam zombies and upgrade them theres little human players can do to escape, especially since they have to mass an army to kill the trolls to even get an island.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
Alright, ill debuff the zombies quite a bit and increase the cost of them to make it harder for the zombies to win. Also, most islands are NOT inhabited by trolls so you can go to them and set up a base without an army.

Ill also make zombies cost more gold to prevent the spamming. But i did that b/c in every game that i played the humans had armies out and the zombies had about 20 zombies each and were wiped out. So, i made it easier for them. So ill fix all of those things asap for you so it will be a much better game.
Level 5
Nov 4, 2006
Hey Caz good to see you are still making maps

I played 2 games as zombies winning both games fairly easily because the human players did not have incentive to move to the islands and instead built on the mainland where they where easy prey.

Some changes that are needed for zombies and I will suggest changes for humans when I play them

*nerf death and decay
*give human walls a 1 damage attack so that zombies dont just walk away from walls
*make some sort of early attack on humans to show the need to get to the islands

will suggest some more stuff when I have time
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
Ok ty for playing.

As for your suggestions 1 attack walls didnt work for some reason. (i tried many times)
I think that the humans will learn to leave mainland after they get killed a few times lol. Also, ill already told them bout islands in new patch, people are just hard to get to lol.

Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
Ok ty for that info, so how can i fix that problem then? Its actually easy to breach the walls if you send about 12 units and attack one section of a wall. More troops could be added if appropriate. N sludge flingers make walls easy targets. So until i find another solution those strategies will have to suffice.

Level 3
Mar 12, 2008
well... you can add taunt to the walls with like... 0cd or something so enemy will attack it but then people might be gay and do something else :/ like building another wall behind and taunt it :/ but meh... taunt might be the only thing for this case so ... you need to set the range carefull so that something like this won't happen

PS : The picture looks kinda ugly @.@
Level 4
Oct 17, 2008
So I've got a few more notes...

The undead feel good, but its really starts to turn away from a zombie game. The base zombie model should never change to anything but a zombie, thats just an aesthetic and feeling issue. When I start to fight dreanei its really lost it's zombie feeling.

The higher up undead shouldn't be so ... spammed. Fighting horde of undead: cool. Fighting hordes of scythe wielding wackos ? On the other hand, the zombie players get to feel a lot cooler with different tiers and different special zombies. Necromancers or death guard or just a zombie swarm, its all cool. Human players on the other hand lack things... to do I guess. The border guard just attack move and beyond the chain healing wave theres not much else you do.

Humans elite units also feel lacking. By the end of the game I pretty much just spam the crap out of elites or whatever, for being my elite units they just descend into my static infantry. They also don't strike much fear into the enemy...

HEROES. For the love of god heroes. Remove the damn ranged AoEs off the undead heroes. All they do is relentlessly spam death and decay or whatever on groups of archers until you never put archers behind a tower again ! It VERY lame and seriously lames the game down when you can win merely by spamming your ranged AoEs on the defending humans. They really should just be removed. Undead heroes are also at about 6 items with level 5 before the humans see them, its very painstaking when their heroes can then turn around and take down 1 player's army themselves. Heroes also (undead heroes) scale up much beyond the realm of possibility of death from humans very fast. It took me 30 archers focus firing getting the undead hero 1/10 of his life down a wave just to eventually kill him, which brings me to another point...

Archers are soooo punished. My 10/10 upgrade archers were facing off undead and a full wave from 24 of them JUST killed 1 of the undead. Meanwhile elites at 5/5 or just normal troops can slaughter through their share of undead at 10x the pace. Archers are already weak to melee, they shouldn't get so useless. 2 T3 undead zombies can finish you off if you try to use archers. Thats, it just 2. It'll take well over 20 waves from all your archers just to drop one of them by which time they've killed SOME enemy. I know you're thinking that massed archers are so good and all that, but really elites with chaplains do the job much better and hardly take a casualty. You can ease up and let archers do maybe 50% more damage.

Towers should definitely scale.

Human archers don't get upgrades.

I'm seeing this a lot. Humans just form a giant coalition and stonewall the undead until they get pushed back and lose. People don't understand how to get to the islands, theres little incentive to go to the islands, and 5+ players just organizing behind a few walls can easily stall the undead long enough for a border guard player to roll out his fully upgraded elites or what not. Getting to the islands is difficult and costly and often weakens the entire human team to have you leave the walls.

Human assassins... they need to be more manuverable or stealthy or something. Few people even bother to build one after they see them in combat.

Its a VERY playable version right now but I feel as if its not even being played properly. Human players just sit and defend, then push back and win. No dungeons are completed, nobody finds the clues around the map, zombies rarely reach T3 before it doesn't matter anyway. Islands are never used, and people just spam the beefiest melee units. I really liked the Plague1 but it feels like this has devolved from a ... well a The Plague kinda game into ... well something else.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
The map was never really 'completed', we still didn't do a lot of the content and heroes. We are going to release a patch soon with many fixes and the added heroes and a new item combination the Shadow Fire Essence. We will also fix all of the item drops for the instances. Thank You everyone for your support and suggestions.

Hashinshin, in all do respects the Plague 2 and the Plague are meant to be completely different games, but I'll try to do as much as I can to fix your problems.
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Level 5
Mar 19, 2008
So I've got a few more notes...

The undead feel good, but its really starts to turn away from a zombie game. The base zombie model should never change to anything but a zombie, thats just an aesthetic and feeling issue. When I start to fight dreanei its really lost it's zombie feeling.

The higher up undead shouldn't be so ... spammed. Fighting horde of undead: cool. Fighting hordes of scythe wielding wackos ? On the other hand, the zombie players get to feel a lot cooler with different tiers and different special zombies. Necromancers or death guard or just a zombie swarm, its all cool. Human players on the other hand lack things... to do I guess. The border guard just attack move and beyond the chain healing wave theres not much else you do...............

Archers are soooo punished. My 10/10 upgrade archers were facing off undead and a full wave from 24 of them JUST killed 1 of the undead. Meanwhile elites at 5/5 or just normal troops can slaughter through their share of undead at 10x the pace. Archers are already weak to melee, they shouldn't get so useless. 2 T3 undead zombies can finish you off if you try to use archers. Thats, it just 2. It'll take well over 20 waves from all your archers just to drop one of them by which time they've killed SOME enemy. I know you're thinking that massed archers are so good and all that, but really elites with chaplains do the job much better and hardly take a casualty. You can ease up and let archers do maybe 50% more damage.........

Human archers don't get upgrades..................

Human assassins... they need to be more manuverable or stealthy or something. Few people even bother to build one after they see them in combat..........

First off, spamming higher tier zombies is the ONLY WAY to win as late game zombie if humans didn't noob out and leave/suck.Because lower tier zombs just don;t have any massing value after humans get tier 2. Except for creepers maybe

Secondly, Archers were never meant to fight undead without support.

Thirdly, human assassins shouldn't even be in the game because zombies have no stealth detection except for heroes. While humans have detection on every tower and hero and some other stuff.:cry:
Level 1
Dec 1, 2008
I think the image is kinda okay. Cazeoj and I picked out a new image for v1.6 so you won't suffer long. I'll put it in when he gives me the map. Until then, just survive and enjoy the map.
P.S. If u want to suggest an image for a later map put the link in the forum thread on wc3plague.webs.com.
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Level 5
Nov 4, 2006
ok I played a few more games with mixed results

the games with me as zombies were better because the humans actully went to the islands and attacked me etc

while when I played as humans the zombie players took quite along time to actully start attacking and by then we where to strong and we killed them

maybe some more hints and tip messages because new players are very confused at the moment also pease make the rewards for optional quest far greater or something as you just build a base then push the undead back rather then do the other stuff

do you have any plans for your next map?

oh and check out my new map Corpse Town
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
Ill prolly add more tips for noobs and etc and ty for the info.
I do have plans for a new map, there a few but some i dont want to
release any info about yet, 2 of them are a 12-16 race game and
of course, the plague 3, i cant tell you the full name lol but it will be very nice.
and ill check out your map and let u know what i think.

i played the whole game through alone and build a 600 lumber defense. I held off well for a while but then a rediculous amount of zombies spawned and kicked my ass to the point where i had to use whos your daddy to kill them. Of course this was alone but i guess defenses alone dont win this game. Overall it was very hard but i had fun and a few OMG ZOMBIES moments as well.

(this was a review of Corse Town not the plague lol)
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Level 23
Nov 29, 2006
As a mini-mod, here comes my review (a short one)

The game was interesting and I enjoyed to play it for a while, even tho I had no clue what to do first. Did you add such things at the quest menu? Thats a neat suggestion. The Terrain was ok as well, and the models are nicely imported. Though it lacks credit to those who made the models. You can't just say, models can be found at the hiveworkshop.com Credit every one of them, since they all have contributed to the map.
Another negative thing would be, that those who played as zombies seemed to have no food limit. This could easily lag pc's up, and the balance as well.

Furthermore, what were the oil ships for? I couldnt use them at all, seemed rather pointless to buy that.

But overall, the map is decent and fun. It does reward an approval from me, but only 2/5 as grade. If you reconsider those stuff I mentioned, I could change my mind.
Level 18
Sep 27, 2005
Here is my rating and comment:

1 - 10 points go on originality
1 - 10 points go on object editor work
1 - 10 points go on scripting
1 - 10 points go on terrain
1 - 10 points go on bug free
1 - 10 points go on gameplay/fun factor
1 - 10 points go on lag
1 - 10 points go on proper submission and crediting
->That equals 80 points max. -> 70 points
+ Cinematic
1 - 10 points on camera work
1 - 10 points on dialog
1 - 10 points on music and or voice acting
- Cinematic
Object editor work
That equals 100 points max.
To get a Hive grade over 1/5 at least 50% of the 80 (Triggered map) or of the 100 (Cinematic map) points is needed. That means at least 40 or 50 points. However if a map gets rated over 1/5 by me, that doesn't mean that I will imidietly vote it to be approved.

Originality: 7 points
Well I haven't seen much maps like this. I bassicly thought it will be some simple tag game, but it was original in a interesting way.

Object editor work: 6 points
Heroes spells need better info and description. Some look bad, like the mirror image. You could add more custom spells.

I don't think any scripting was actually implemented in the map, beside some start text. This is an altered melee so no points here.

Terrain: 5 points
Well this map has a terrain that fits its need and for that it is good. However it needs a lot more improvements, in style to make it look good.

Bug Free: 8 points
I don't think we found any bugs.

Gameplay/Fun Factor: 7 points
Good map to play. Fun map that is well balanced, however it is to big in Computer and WE size.

Lag: 1 point
You can't have no food limit in warcraft. Warcraft was made for a little amount of units per game and if you have no limit that is bad. I could easily spam 1000 units and make the game crash and lag. This should be looked up into.

Proper submission and crediting: 1 point
Credit the respective authors of resources name by name please.

In overall: 35 / 70
minimal 50% met.
For the hive grade: 2/5 I suggest this map for: On Hold
In overall it is a map that is interesting enough. You need to fix the submission and lag issues and until I put my vote on hold. I suggest you look into terrain and heroes even more.

Good Luck in improving, bounty hunter2
I might not be checking this topic for some time. If you have any questions about the review or you update the map and want me to check it again, feel free to PM me or Visitor message me at any time.
Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
I agree on most of your points, but the food limit is something i have to disagree on. There are limits, for every unit in the game. Humans have a 150 food cap and zombies just have limits for all units in a trigger. But i will try and reduce lag i suppose. Maybe implement a stricter food limit but balancing when its a 3v8 is difficult, especially when its zombies who are supposed to be no where near equal to a regular human. But i dont have any lag issues and i do understand that not everyone has a 2000 dollar computer. So thank you for the review and i will make many changes to the map in the next version in order to score a 50 at least. Thank you.

BTW: Isnt scripting triggers and stuff, if it is triggers i certainly have quite a few triggers. Over 200
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Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
I'mma here to review! But I'm not going to make an very in depth review though.
Basically this map is a survival map which I personally love to play and because it contains zombies it just adds to the fun. (Everyone knows killing zombies is lots of fun.)

The map requires team effort to survive.
The map isn't hard to get into.
The fun factor is high.
The gates don't always work. When my base got destroyed and I tried to flee to another player, he opened the gate but I couldn't enter so my units died.

That's what I saw in the map.
Level 19
Sep 4, 2007
Thanks for the review. But why did i get a 3/5 if the only con was the gates dont work well???? I was hoping for a 4 but a 3 is ok. ty for the review.

Well I reviewd the map like 4 days ago and I noticed that there were some downsides but because the fun factor pretty much makes up for it I think the map deserves a 3/5.

For me to give a 4-5 requires some genius map making.
Level 3
Oct 3, 2008
1) Squish. Your. MDX. Files.
2) Optimize your JASS script so that it doesn't include comments or unnecessary text.
3) ???
4) Profit!
5) Able to add more things to your maps.

Level 4
Feb 1, 2006
In order to make them attack walls, you have to use a base unit.

For example, I used footmen and modified them in to barricades.

Or, you could try modifying guard towers and set the range to melee and the damage to 1, that should work as well.

Don't know if you fixed this or not.
Level 6
Aug 24, 2008
I like this map, it was very funny to find the sekrets.
But are there som way to summon the creature in the legend?
Level 2
Jun 9, 2009
I suggest that you make the huge 10k HP zombies weaker. The only way to stop them is a huge stronghold with a ton of archers. Either make them weaker or allow humans to have more units. Also, take away the cap.

I couldn't get the Shadow Fire Essence to appear. You either need to fix this or make better instructions. "Bring to island" is a little vague.

Level 1
Sep 8, 2009
Would be nice if you add some abillitys to the legendary undead creature, something to regenerate health, since if some archer are targeting it, it regenerates like nothing and so he gets fast unuseable.

But my full review, Very nice made map, played it very often especially at the early times, keep up the good work, but add some harder secrets. :p
Level 5
Apr 19, 2009
saddy (as far as i know) cazeoj has left wc3 D:

his last action was to kick me from the clan >.>

its safe to say this map is dead and unless someone takes over it will stay dead.

ignore anove, caz has shown evedence that he has come back :)
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Level 11
Mar 9, 2008
Cazeoj is not dead!

saddy (as far as i know) cazeoj has left wc3 D:

his last action was to kick me from the clan >.>

its safe to say this map is dead and unless someone takes over it will stay dead.

1) I am and will be playing actively on wc3.
2) Clan Plague Wars (PW) is thriving and is more active then ever.
3) Plague 2 is still very alive especially in my clan and i intend to keep it that way.
4) A new version, 2.7 is coming out today.
5) Crawlers, you were probrably booted from the clan due to inactivity or by one of the shamans.
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Level 5
Apr 19, 2009
1) I am and will be playing actively on wc3.
2) Clan Plague Wars (PW) is thriving and is more active then ever.
3) Plague 2 is still very alive especially in my clan and i intend to keep it that way.
4) A new version, 2.7 is coming out today.
5) Crawlers, you were probrably booted from the clan due to inactivity or by one of the shamans.

useast? can we meet there?
Level 5
Mar 19, 2008
1) I am and will be playing actively on wc3.
2) Clan Plague Wars (PW) is thriving and is more active then ever.
3) Plague 2 is still very alive especially in my clan and i intend to keep it that way.
4) A new version, 2.7 is coming out today.
5) Crawlers, you were probrably booted from the clan due to inactivity or by one of the shamans.
Caz is that meeting for the clan going to be this sunday or was it the last one?
I haven't been too active on account of Borderlands :grin: