Pimp My Peon v10.0!
Short Description
in Pimp my Peon you have to Protect your base while you attack your enemies, You can select between 4 Races..You can Pimp your Units with Weapons, Shoulders, Shields, Heads to upgrade their Damage, Armor, Speede, Attack Speed....
Upgrades in v10.0
- 4 Races
- Leading Units
- New Design
- Racial Abilities for Each Race
- Conquer Game
- Balances Changes
- New Weapons,Shoulders,Shields,Heads
- Removed all Cheats
- Different Super Unit And Leading Unit for Each Race
- Trader Exchanges golds with lumber and lumber with golds
Over 200 Hours Spent for This Version
Screen Shoots
Humans & Humans Racial
Humans Base
New Staff
Thanks to Super-Sheep, NoAmmoSrry, JansiGX for their Help with Great Suggestions also thanks to these who made the models
- v10.0b : Bug fixed with Undead Super Units
pimp, my, peon, humans, undeads, blood elfs, fun, tropical, exotic, mini game, funny game, conquare game,