Pimp My Peon v10.0b!

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Pimp My Peon v10.0!

Short Description
in Pimp my Peon you have to Protect your base while you attack your enemies, You can select between 4 Races..You can Pimp your Units with Weapons, Shoulders, Shields, Heads to upgrade their Damage, Armor, Speede, Attack Speed....
Upgrades in v10.0

  • 4 Races
  • Leading Units
  • New Design
  • Racial Abilities for Each Race
  • Conquer Game
  • Balances Changes
  • New Weapons,Shoulders,Shields,Heads
  • Removed all Cheats
  • Different Super Unit And Leading Unit for Each Race
  • Trader Exchanges golds with lumber and lumber with golds
Over 200 Hours Spent for This Version
Screen Shoots
Humans & Humans Racial

Humans Base

New Staff

Thanks to Super-Sheep, NoAmmoSrry, JansiGX for their Help with Great Suggestions also thanks to these who made the models

- v10.0b : Bug fixed with Undead Super Units

pimp, my, peon, humans, undeads, blood elfs, fun, tropical, exotic, mini game, funny game, conquare game,

Pimp My Peon v10.0b! (Map)

15:08, 11th Jul 2009 PurplePoot: Please refer to the submission rules. Did you have the author's written permission (and are able to provide it) to edit and redistribute their map? If you can, PM it to me.




15:08, 11th Jul 2009
PurplePoot: Please refer to the submission rules. Did you have the author's written permission (and are able to provide it) to edit and redistribute their map? If you can, PM it to me.
Level 7
Jun 1, 2009
idk what happened but im not playing this game agian until you fix this. someone was undead and used there super undead....it didnt go away.....it could move outside of base...... HE CAME AT ME WITH 3 SUPER UNDEAD i died in like 2 seconds fix this as this is a game ending mistake.
Level 5
Oct 9, 2008
well i play it and ofcourse i love it

the terrain in thsi version is amagasin, i love it
the units are amagazing, i love it xD

when you buy the 2 first lvls of the wings, you cant see nothing new.. i dont like that =/

the pc play? i think he play but really n00b, anymode is an advance xD

i see the same bug has the other guy upthere,
the super dead, never end.. and i kill the others guy easy xD
bahh not too much... the other guy kill the super a lot of times =S
the hight elf super guy is more pothent than the dead xD

i play one time a hacked pmp ( i think )
and there are gold mines (appart of all, only to research gold )
you can buy differents lvls of workers to get more gold mroe continuos, and i think that is interesting... the wood: OK need to kills units to get wood and pimp. but the gold is not toooo much important, and i think is a good ideathat about the gold mines..
think in that! )=D
Level 4
Jan 29, 2009
ah s@it i thought i fixed this with undead.....

i will fix it today! thanks for reporting and sorry

P.S. noone wanted gold mines kamermanb

Kamermanb check again...there are shoulders for 2 first level of wings
but little wings-shoulders